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National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Healthy Youth

Past Program Activities, 2003–2008
West Virginia, 2003–2008

From March 2003–February 2008, West Virginia received funding from CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health to promote coordinated school health, prevent HIV infection, provide national professional development, and conduct the Youth Risk Behavior Survey.

For information on West Virginia's current program activities, see West Virginia.

Past Program Activities

Promoted Coordinated School Health with an Emphasis on Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Tobacco Use Prevention (PANT)

  • Provided technical assistance to districts for district-level adoption of CSHP instructional materials and school wellness policies.
  • Collaborated with the Governor’s Healthy Lifestyle Committee, the Governor, and the Legislature to create a state policy structure that consistently supports healthy school environments.
  • Expanded the focus of tobacco use prevention youth empowerment groups to promote positive nutrition and physical activity in schools.

Provided HIV Prevention Education

  • Distributed HIV prevention curricula and offering training to all school districts in conjunction with the Bureau of Public Health.
  • Provided technical assistance to districts on the process for district-level adoption of HIV prevention education materials for accurate and appropriate content.
  • Provided technical assistance to school districts in administering the Health Education Assessment Project and analyzing data on student performance related to sexuality education questions.

Provided National Professional Development

  • Collaborated with CDC and the New Mexico Public Education Department to provide national professional development opportunities to CDC-funded state, local, and territorial education agencies.
  • Worked with the New Mexico Public Education Department to plan, implement, and evaluate professional development activities aimed at building the capacity of state, local, and territorial education agency staff to prevent HIV infection and promote physical activity, nutrition, and tobacco use prevention.

Conducted the Youth Risk Behavior Survey

  • Integrated the YRBS and Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS) into a central Web site where data from student surveys and selected indicators from the West Virginia Education Management System can be aggregated with other population-based indicators from various federal and state agencies.
  • Conducted the YRBS and YTS and attaining weighted data.
  • Disseminated the results of the YRBS to West Virginia stakeholders.

Note: This page is no longer being reviewed.  It is provided as an archival document to assist researchers or others needing historical content.


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Page last reviewed: March 3, 2008
Page last modified: March 3, 2008
Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health

Division of Adolescent and School Health
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Health and Human Services