Vestergaard Frandsen joins IRAC International

Vestergaard Frandsen is the latest company to join the IRAC Executive which means that we now have a total of 14 member companies supporting the activities of IRAC International. Vestergaard Frandsen was founded in Denmark in 1957 and specializes in disease control textiles with a focus on water-borne and vector-borne diseases. They come to IRAC through the Public Health Team but are also participating in the MOA, Methods and Resistance Database WGs.

Updated MoA Classification (Version 6.1) now available

MoA classification (v 6.0) was issued in June with significant updates and additions both to the wording and to some of the classifications with new actives such as metaflumizone and chlorantraniliprole being added. This has now been further updated (v6.1) to include spirotetramat in Group 23.

Scientists warn of EU legislation: reduced number of pesticides will lead to resistant pests

Ljubljana, 23 April 2008: Leading European agricultural experts gathered in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 22 April 2008 in order to present the Slovenian EU presidency with a declaration on potential risks of the proposed EU legislation. The scientists from seven countries fear that reducing the available range of pesticides could lower their efficiency as it is likely that it will increase resistance. Read the full Declaration and Press Release

43rd IRAC International Meeting in Washington a big success

43rd IRAC Spring Meeting

IRAC held their biggest ever meeting at CropLife America headquarters in Washington DC in April. A combination of IRAC Executive, International, Working Group and Country Group sessions were held with over 40 global participants. Significant progress and successes on IRM strategies over the last year were reviewed and objectives were established  for 2008/09.

New Pollen Beetle poster and IRM guidelines

pollen beetle

The IRAC Pollen Beetle WG has just published a new poster detailing the extensive resistance monitoring work in Europe during 2007. They have also produced oilseed rape IRM guidelines. For the poster click here and the guidelines click here.

Revisions in 91/414 could mean the loss of valuable actives important for IRM.

Apple Story

An apple a day keeps the doctor away... but for how much longer. IRAC presents the case of the impact on apple production in the EU if the proposed revisions of 91/414 are approved. To see the note click here.

New IRAC WG for Diamides

A new Diamide Working Group has been  formed to review and generate IRM guidelines for this new chemistry class and Mode of Action group. The WG consists of representatives from Bayer, Syngenta, DuPont and Nihon Nohyaku.

Nihon Nohyau and Cheminova join IRAC Executive

Continuing the initiative to increase membership, Nihon Nohyaku and Cheminova are the latest companies to become full members of the IRAC Executive Committee and IRAC International. This brings the number of IRAC member companies contributing to IRM at a global level to thirteen.

RAC Position paper on Proposed EU Cut-off Criteria

A document prepared by IRAC, HRAC and FRAC has been sent to EPPO as a technical position paper arguing against the use of cut-off criteria to remove active substances from Europe. For full document click here.

IRAC Promotes IRM at NPMA & BCPC

IRAC poster displays at the National Pest Mangement Association (NPMA) PestWorld Trade Show in Florida and the British Crop Protection Council Exhibition in Glasgow were well recieved by all visitors to the booths. At the NPMA the focus was IRM and Public Health with a general overview of IRAC activities at the BCPC.

Nufarm & Chemtura Join IRAC Executive

Following an initiative to increase membership, Nufarm and Chemtura have become full members of the IRAC Executive Committee and IRAC International. This brings the number of IRAC member companies contributing to IRM at a global level to eleven.

New IRAC SE Asia Group

The IRAC SE Asia group has been formed to tackle increasing resistance problems in the region. They held their first face-to-face meeting in September and appointed their elected officers. One of the first challenges facing the group will be resistance in the brown plant hopper.

New IRAC Whitefly Test Method

The latest addition to the IRAC Test Method series is Method No. 12a for adult whiteflies (Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Bemisia tabaci). The method was developed by Rothamsted Research, UK, and validated as an IRAC Method by the IRAC Methods Team.  The method is suitable for use with commercial formualtions of pyrethriods, OPs neonicotinoids, pymetrzine and other whitefly adulticides.


IRAC Pollen Beetle WG with EPPO for Workshop

Members of the IRAC Pollen Beetle Working Group participated with around 40 others in an 'Ad hoc EPPO Workshop on insecticide resistance of Meligethes spp (Pollen beetle) on oilseed rape' that was held at the BBA headquarters in Berlin from 3-5 September 2007. The biology, control and resistance management of pollen beetle in Europe was discussed and the meeting concluded with the development of a series of key recommendations that could provide practical ways forward to combat this problem.  The IRAC Pollen Beetle WG held their own face-to-face meeting after the close of the workshop to agree on an overall strategy for IRM for Pollen beetle.


IRAC 42nd International Meeting

IRAC held a very successful Spring Meeting following on from the Resistance 2007 Conference at Rothamsted in the UK. The meeting was attended by 19 IRAC members, Country Group representatives and guests. A range of IRM topics was covered with presentations from a number of recognised experts in the field. Action items and goals for the coming year were identified and these will be followed up by the various IRAC working groups and teams.

Launch of New IRAC Website

New IRAC Website

IRAC has launched its new website two months ahead of schedule.  It is our hope that you will now be able to find the information you need and further related information more quickly and easily.  For an introduction, go to our new arrivals page.

R2007, April 16 - 18, 2007

 Rothamsted Research. Harpenden, Hertfordshire, UK

This major international conference, the fifth in an ongoing series, will review the latest research on the origins, nature, development and prevention of resistance to fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. It will provide a forum for researchers, consultants, regulators and industrialists to present and discuss approaches to overcoming this increasingly important constraint to effective crop protection. Themes will include:

  • The current status of resistance to pesticides
  • Resistance mechanisms
  • Population biology and modelling
  • Applications of genomics
  • Risk assessment and risk management
  • Transgenic crops

For further information see the R2007 page on the Rothamsted Research website

IRAC/CropLife Booklet

Resistance Management

IRAC in conjunction with CropLife International have produced a new booklet as part of the CropLife Stewardship series titled Resistance Management for Sustainable Agriculture and Improved Public Health. Copies are available from CropLife and IRAC member companies.

New Vector/ Public Health IRM Manual

The publication of the manual is in response to the increasing need for effective vector control with the development of widespread resistance to key insecticide classes used in this sector. It is aimed at decision makers and operators in the field of insect vector control in a pragmatic rather than technical scientific manner. It provides an introduction to the challenges of effective vector control, outlines the problems of resistance - how it develops, how it can be managed, and the consequences if resistance is not addressed. It also describes how to manage a vector control programme and carry out monitoring work and provides examples of some of the recent success stories. Copies are available from IRAC, the IRAC Member Companies, CropLife International and WHO.

IRAC Poster at R2007

The Biotech Team has had a poster accepted for the R2007 conference in April at Rothamsted Research, Harpenden. The Team is working with the IRAC Communication and Education Team to develop the poster and a copy will be available on-line after the conference.


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