
Plant Biotechnology - A Core Activity for IRAC

Plant Biotechnology is one of the 3 Core Activity areas for IRAC and is a comparatively new area for IRAC.  IRAC established a Biotech Team in 2006 to provide globally-coordinated resistance management guidance. Information related to this area is given under the various tabs although addition Team information is available to IRAC Members when logged into the website.

Group Leader: Nick Storer, Dow AgroSciences.


In 2006, crops expressing insecticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) were grown on 32 million hectares across 17 countries.  This represents nearly 33% of the global cotton area and 14% of the global maize area.  This area of crop land protected by Bt is rapidly increasing and the types of crops involved is broadening.  It is in the interest of industry, in partnership with growers, universities and governments, to preserve the long-term benefits of Bt crops by taking proactive resistance management measures that maximize the utility of the technology.

Roles for IRAC Biotech Team

  • Promote sustainable use of Bt crops as part of an integrated pest management system
  • Develop local stakeholder groups where needed
    - Growers, registrants, academic experts, government agencies
  • Help local groups design locally appropriate resistance management strategies
  • Promote grower adherence to resistance management plans
  • Provide unified guidance to government authorities
  • Develop education toolbox for use by growers, registrants, seed companies, government agencies
  • Coordinate resistance monitoring programs, develop local expertise

IRAC Biotechnology News



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