National Transportation Library
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There is a vast amount of information available from the Federal Government on agriclture and transportation. These search engines and directories may be helpful if you can not find the information you need on this site.

Other Research Sites
Link Title Description
AgNIC Agriculture Network Information Center Includes an agricultural meetings calendar, directories of agriculture-related internet information resources, directories of experts in agriculture, and plant disease announcements.
Agricola Agricultural Online Access Bibliographic pointers to agriculture and allied disciplines, including plant and animal sciences, forestry, entomology, soil and water resources, agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, agricultural products, alternative farming practices, and food and nutrition. Agricultural trade and marketing, rural information, and animal welfare are also included.
CRIS Current Research Information System Information on ongoing and recently completed research projects in agriculture, food and nutrition, and forestry.
NAL The National Agricultural Library The primary national source for agricultural information, with a collection of over two million volumes supporting research, education, and applied agriculture.
NTL The National Transportation Library Online collection of 5,000 reports, articles, and other documents on transportation.
TRIS Transportation Research Information System Online collection of 400,000 abstracts on transportation with some full text links