National Transportation Library
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About this Collection

In 1998 the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT) signed an agreement to create the Rural Transportation Task Force. The task force was charged not only with addressing long-term agricultural transportation and rural passenger and freight mobility challenges but also with coordinating activities aimed at addressing those issues.

The task force's Data and Information Exchange Committee created this website in direct support of this mission. This website provides a medium for information sharing activities that

•  help address rural and agricultural transportation issues that support and enhance rural economic development, rural life, and rural mobility;

•  ensure the efficient movement of agricultural products on our nation's highways, rail systems, waterways, and air in national and global trade and

•  maintain the global competitiveness of American agriculture.

Links are provided to information and data produced by USDA and DOT units as well as other federal and state agencies, and academic institutions. Included are websites, reports (or abstracts), statistical reports and data resources, bibliographic databases, and directories.

Memorandum of Understanding