Childhood Overweight and Obesity
is a serious health concern for children and adolescents. Data from NHANES surveys (1976–1980 and 2003–2006) show that the prevalence of
obesity has increased: for children aged 2–5 years, prevalence increased
from 5.0% to 12.4%; for those aged 6–11 years, prevalence increased from
6.5% to 17.0%; and for those aged 12–19 years, prevalence increased from
5.0% to 17.6%.1, 8
Obese children and adolescents are at risk for health problems during their youth and as adults. For example, during their youth, obese children and adolescents are more likely to have risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease (such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and Type 2 diabetes) than are other children and adolescents.2
Obese children and adolescents are more likely to become obese as adults.3, 4 For example, one study found that approximately 80% of children who were overweight at aged 10–15 years were obese adults at age 25 years.3 Another study found that 25% of obese adults were overweight as children.5 The latter study also found that if overweight begins before 8 years of age, obesity in adulthood is likely to be more severe.
This Web site provides information about childhood overweight
and obesity, including
how overweight and obesity are defined for children, the prevalence of
obesity, the
factors associated with obesity, and the related health consequences.
- Defining Childhood Overweight and Obesity
- Obesity Prevalence
- Contributing Factors
- Consequences
- References
Tips for Parents
What can you do as a parent or guardian to help prevent childhood
obesity? We have some ideas in our Healthy Weight section.
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* Links to non-Federal organizations found at this site are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at these links.
Page last updated: November 25, 2008
Content Source: Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion