
Fightflu.ca is brought to you by your federal, provincial and territorial governments to help you and your family stay healthy and prevent the spread of the flu and other infectious diseases.  Through this website, you can have access not only to general information related to influenza, but also to information and resources specific to your province or territory.

This pan-Canadian portal represents a unique approach by all levels of government to provide Canadians with a single source of credible information that will help them to protect themselves not only from seasonal flu, but also from a host of other infectious diseases, including pandemic influenza.

Within the portal, you will find general information about influenza and how it spreads, along with simple tips to prevent infection, such as:

  • Getting a flu shot;
  • Handwashing;
  • Covering coughs and sneezes;
  • Keeping shared surfaces clean; and
  • Staying home when sick.

These steps to prevent the spread of the influenza virus are important now, and in the event of a pandemic influenza. There is no pandemic flu anywhere in the world at this time, but public health experts agree a pandemic will occur at some point in the future. It is important that Canadians adopt appropriate measures to prevent infection.

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