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Visualizing the Distribution
of Mercury in our Environment
EMMMA:Environmental Mercury Mapping, Modeling, & Analysis

Data Download of Mercury Datasets

Fish Tissue

Sample map image showing Fish Tissue sites

A database of ~35,000 fish tissue mercury records was compiled by USGS from various sources, including the following:

Selected records were required to have: a non-zero mercury concentration, valid species identifier; be identified as sampled as whole fish, skin-on fillet skin-off fillet, carcass, edible, eggs, liver, viscera (samples identified as ‘fillet’ only were rejected); and have a length measurement that is appropriate for that species.

Please contact the EMMMA administrative team ( with corrections and appropriate additions to this dataset.

Please Note: These data were updated during September, 2006.

Zip File (13,040 KB)

Point Source Emission Sites

Sample map image showing Point Source Emission sites

Data for point source emissions of mercury (~24,000 sites) were extracted from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Emission Inventory (NEI) database (1999 NEI Point Source Facility Summary).

All NEI data and documentation are available at:

Zip File (1,503KB)

Mercury Deposition Network Monitoring Sites

Sample map image showing Mercury Deposition Network Monitoring sites

The Mercury Deposition Network (MDN) is a network of monitoring stations under the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (

The objective of the MDN is to develop a national database of weekly concentrations of total mercury in precipitation and the seasonal and annual flux of total mercury in wet deposition.

The data will be used to develop information on spatial and seasonal trends in mercury deposited to surface waters, forested watersheds, and other sensitive receptors.

This file contains a shapefile with names, coordinates, and links to data for the 81 sites currently active in the MDN.

Zip File (7KB)

Stream Sediments and Soils

Sample map image showing Stream Sediments and Soils sites

Mercury data for stream sediments (~33,000 samples) and soils (~11,000 samples) were extracted from the USGS's National Geochemical Survey Database at:

Zip File (3,734KB)      Zip File (651KB)

Mercury and Other Mine Locations

Sample map image showing Mercury and Other Mine Location  sites

Data for 1100 mercury mine locations were extracted from the USGS's Minerals Availability and Mineral Industry Location Database (MAS/MILS). This coverage and associated databases contain data from selected fields of five tables in the MAS/MILS database. A separate file containing all MAS/MILS mine locations (188,000 records) is also included.

For more information see:

Zip File (30KB)      Zip File (4,244KB)


Sample map image showing Coal sites

Mercury data for ~7,200 samples of U.S. coals were extracted from USGS's National Coal Resources Data System Coal Quality Database (COALQUAL).

For more information see:


Zip File (280KB)