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Coastal, Marine, and Great Lakes Issues and Needs

The Sea Grant network has developed the following portfolio of the nation's most pressing environmental, economic and education issues and needs that provide a solid foundation for further investment in university-based research, education, and outreach efforts and that represent Sea Grant's strategic plan for the 21st century. Sea Grant's priority, or theme areas promote sustainable fisheries, develop responsible aquaculture, preserve, enhance and restore coastal habitat, create quality coastal community development, mitigate the effect of coastal hazards, create value through marine biotechnology and expand public literacy. Learn more about our national priorities and theme areas.

Learn more about our national priorities and theme areas
The National Sea Grant College Program also has established a series of National Strategic Investments (NSIs) that complement the strategic objectives of the state Sea Grant Programs.

State Sea Grant Programs

The National Sea Grant College Program sponsors a variety of marine research, outreach and education projects, primarily through the 30 state Sea Grant Programs. Each program announces the availability of funding on an annual or biannual basis. Please contact the local program for information about upcoming requests for proposals.

National Strategic Investments

The National Sea Grant College Program also has established a series of National Strategic Investments that complement the strategic objectives of the state Sea Grant Programs. These NSIs have a national focus and are intended to enhance Sea Grant's network-wide capabilities (research and development, outreach) to respond to high priority issues and opportunities. Projects are generally selected through annual national competitions.

Reports Supported by the National Sea Grant College Program

Research | Outreach | Education