NIST Physics Laboratory Table of Ground Levels and Ionization Energies for the Neutral Atoms

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Ground Levels and Ionization Energies for the Neutral Atoms

Version History

Example of how to reference this online database:
W.C. Martin, A. Musgrove, S. Kotochigova, and J.E. Sansonetti (2003), Ground Levels and Ionization Energies for the Neutral Atoms (version 1.3). [Online] Available: [2009, January 18]. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
Optional addition:
Also published as "Atomic Spectroscopy," by W.C. Martin and W.L. Wiese in Atomic, Molecular, & Optical Physics Handbook, ed. by G.W.F. Drake (AIP, Woodbury, NY, 1996) Chapter 10, pp. 135-153.
Citation Form:
Author/editor (Year), Title (edition). [Type of medium] Available: URL [Access date].
Version 1.3.1
September 2003
The PDF was updated to the September 2003 version.
Version 1.3
July 2003
The ionization energy values were updated for Ne, Y, Sm, Gd, Pt, Bi, Po, Pu, and Cm; references were updated for Ne, Na, S, Ar, Y, Xe, Sm, Eu, Gd, Pt, and Bi. The Periodic Table (NIST SP 966) in PDF was updated.
Version 1.2.2
April 1999
A Periodic Table Format has also been made available (as a PDF file).
Version 1.2.1
March 1999
The value given for the ionization energy of Po (Z = 84) has been rounded from the value in Version 1.2, and explanations have been given for the question marks after data for Po, Lr, and Rf (Z = 84, 103, and 104).
Version 1.2
January 1999
The value given for the ionization energy of Ag (Z = 47) has been slightly increased from the value in Version 1.1, and different and/or new references are listed for Cu, Ag, and Au (Z = 29, 47, and 79).
Version 1.1
July 1998
The references given in Web Version 1.0 for the ionization energies of Co, Mo, Rh, Pd, La, Ta, Os, and Ir (Z = 27, 42, 45, 46, 57, 73, 76, and 77) were not the correct sources for the tabulated energies. This version has the correct references for the (unchanged) tabulated ionization energies for these elements. The ionization energies tabulated for La, Pr, and Pm (Z = 57, 59, and 61) in Version 1.0 differed slightly from the values in the cited references. The ionization-energy values given for these three elements in this version are those from the (unchanged) references. Version 1.1 also has the ionization energy for V (Z = 23) changed slightly to correspond with a more recent and more precise determination.
Version 1.0
April 1998
Based on the article "Atomic Spectroscopy," by W.C. Martin and W.L. Wiese in Atomic, Molecular, & Optical Physics Handbook, ed. by G.W.F. Drake (AIP, Woodbury, NY, 1996) Chapter 10, pp. 135-153.

Table of Ground Levels and Ionization Energies for the Neutral Atoms