National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc.
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by Barbara Baker, NGC Awards Chairman


Develop a style and repeat on each page and each issue, e.g. photo place­ment, borders, boxes around important messages, state and national logo.


Type/font - large enough to easily read; simple fonts; vary fonts but not too many; use bold and larger type for headings.


Avoid too much copy on a page -

due to expense we are tempted to fill the pages to the edges, but white space attracts attention to articles.


Photographs, when used, should be large and clear; add labeling under photos

Add clip art for variety: free clip art available from - on left under Home choose "clip art and media", then on "Search" choose "clip art", then type in subject


Arrange copy on the page to be visually interesting; hold page at a distance and look for balance and rhythm; each page should balance and flow to the next


Multiple columns are easier to read


Use subheadings with long articles


In competition, Achievement/ Promotes NGC Objectives are 80 points, so judges look for:

     articles about the club's own projects and activities

     information about projects beyond the club - community, district

     promotion of state projects and goals

     coverage of national projects. Each club president receives The National Gardener and Keeping In Touch. Share this information with club members.

     announcements of upcoming events to encourage members to attend: plant society lectures, gar­dening courses, flower show schools, state conventions

 • additional articles of interest: gardening, design, birds, parlia­mentary tips, etc.

~reprinted from Keeping in Touch, November 2005

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