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Democratic Energy: Communities and Government Supporting our Energy Future

Seeing the Light: Regaining Control of Our Electricity System

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Seeing the Light
by David Morris
ISBN: 0-917582-88-6 Paperback, 2001. $15.00 - Order Online

"For those who want to know what is wrong with our electricity system, and how to fix it, Seeing the Light is a must read."
-- U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone, D-MN

"This book will provide any reader with the background to participate knowledgeably in one of the most far-reaching policy debates of our time."
-- Denis Hayes, president of the Bullitt Foundation and former director of the Solar Energy Research Institute

The California energy crisis is not simply about a lack of electricity it is about who owns the production and distribution of that electricity. As state after state agrees to deregulation, the utility industry is approaching a concentration not seen since the Power Trust of the 1930s.

Seeing the Light urges us to change the rules now and create a future that includes affordable, locally-owned electricity. The book chronicles hopeful new developments and reminds us that the best way to prevent another crisis is to build a better system.

by David Morris, author of Be Your Own Power Company.

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