National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc.
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See the national directory of hundreds of participating clubs (including National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc.). Go to:




Carolyn and Bryan Thomlison, founders of Our Community Works, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit community development corporation, have secured funding by Miracle-Gro, to pay for the cost of this program. Carolyn and Bryan (and their team) will do all the uploading and maintenance of the free pages, but you need to tell them what you want.


To begin, please fill out the following questionnaire. You can add more information or make changes any time you wish. Simply send your special requests to Bryan at


1.      Are the free pages for your:     ___District     ___Council     ___Local Club?  (Mark with “X”)


2.      What is its full name? ______________________________________________________________


3.      What is your name and title? ________________________________________________________


4.      What is your e-mail address? ________________________________________________________


5.      What is your phone number? (We will use this only if we have questions.) ____________________


6.      To what state federation and district do you belong?


      State Federation ___________________________________________________________________


District __________________________________________________________________________


Other? ___________________________________________________________________________


7.      Tell us about your organization:

a.       Date founded _____________________


b.      Number of members _______________


c.       Mission or Vision Statement ___________________________________________________






d.      Motto _____________________________________________________________________



8.      Do you have a logo, special image or photo you would like us to put on your home page?

If yes, then you can put it in “jpg” or “gif” format and e-mail it to us. We will upload it for you.


9.      Tell us about your special projects or community activities: _____________________________________________________________________________









10.  Do you want to list upcoming events? (Provide the name, date, location, description) _____________________________________________________________________________










11.  Do you have a newsletter you want us to upload? If “Yes,” you may e-mail it to us and we will upload it. You can e-mail it to us in text or a “jpg” format. If it has photos, please e-mail them separately in “jpg” or “gif” format (not “pdf”).


12.  Are there links to other Web sites you would like to include on your free pages?

If “Yes,” then provide us with the URLs and we will post them in your own special “Links” page. (Note: Courtesy dictates that you secure permission to link to any sites other than your organization’s.)





13.  Do you have “Members Only” information you would like to post in a password-protected page(s)? For example, you might want to post your membership roster with each person’s phone and e-mail address. We can put this in a password-protected page that is accessible only by your members (or anyone you give the password to). NOTE: We will never use confidential information ourselves, nor will we give it to any other party.     














14.  Send us your logo, photos, or images. Please send them to us in “jpg” or “gif” format. (Please do not send PDF images.) Give us a name or heading for each image.


15.  Send us your forms, awards, floral arrangements. Forms, awards, scholarship applications, etc. can be sent to us in “text,” “jpg,” or “gif” formats. (Do not send “pdf”). Floral arrangements or photos of your flower shows or gardens must be sent in “jpg” or “gif” only.


16.  Would you like an interactive page, such as a “Contact Us” page? Visitors can input their names and contact information, push the “Submit” button and you will receive the query at your designated e-mail address. Just tell us how you want it set up and to whom you want the query sent.


17.  Some clubs raise funds by selling advertising slots or sponsorships. If you have an advertiser or sponsor you would like to post on your free page(s), simply e-mail the text and images to us. We can post several sponsors/advertisers to your free pages. We will update the postings whenever you provide us with new instructions.


18.  Other information? For ideas on other information you might want to put in your free pages, visit other garden club Web sites and develop your own “wish list” of information that best reflects your club. We might not be able to do everything you request, but we can do a lot … especially considering the price: FREE!



You can "cut and paste" your responses to the above information into an e-mail and send it to Bryan Thomlison at   

Questions? Call toll-free 1-877-832-4216 (7am – 11pm ET, 365 days)


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Home Page  |  From the President  |   |  NCAGC MEMBERSHIP CONTEST  |  JOIN US!  |  CALENDAR  |   |  ARBOR HOUSE  |  Arbor House Books, Gifts and Supplies  |  FERN VALLEY  |  CLUB INFORMATION  |  Posters for Garden Clubs  |  Great Garden Club Programs  |   |  DAY OF DESIGN  |  GARDENINGINFORMATION/VIDEOS  |  SCHOLARSHIPS  |  WASHINGTON YOUTH GARDEN  |   |  NGC PROJECTS  |   |  BLUE RIBBON FLOWER DESIGNS  |   |  Our Angels in God's Garden  |  Canna Membership Contest  |  LINKS  |  About Our Club  |  Award Of Honor Winners  |  Board of Directors 2007-2009  |  CLUBS  |  Plant Societies/Affiliates  |  COUNCILS  |  Scholarships  |  Dues and Volunteering  |  State Life Membership Form  |  EXPENSE VOUCHER  |  NCAGC Stationery  |  NGC Board of Directors application  |  SCHOOLS, ETC.  |  SAMPLE SCHEDULE  |  Scales of Points  |  Become a Flower Show Judge!  |  FLOWER SHOW SYMPOSIUM  |  MORNING OF DESIGN  |  Upcoming Events  |  YOUTH POETRY 2007  |  DISTRICT I NEWS  |  DISTRICT II NEWS  |  GARDEN CHART  |  DISTRICT III NEWS  |  DISTRICT IV NEWS  |  Flower Shows 2008  |  Contact Us!  |  State Awards Rules  |  Award of Excellence  |  Award of Honor  |  2007 NCAGC Awards  |  OPERATION WILDFLOWER AWARDS  |  Preparing a Book of Evidence  |  Yearbook Preparation  |  Yearbook Format  |  Yearbook Scale of Points  |  Yearbook - NGC Objectives  |  Yearbook - Definition of Terms  |  Blue Star Memorials Program  |  COLOR OUR GARDEN  |  NGC President's Garden Project  |  Garden Entry Contest  |  Green the Gulf Coast!  |  LET'S GO NATIVE!  |  Operation Wildflower Grants and Awards  |  RECYCLING INITIATIVE  |  THE NEXT STEP

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