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Match term(s) in J.L. Hudson Search Index:


Please forward links to your favorite information-rich sites. I don't link to junk!

NEW = New Listing this year.

For links to seed and plant sources see Other Sources.

Conservation of Biological Diversity:

The No White List Coalition.
Important! Read this site! Learn about the impending banning of the possession and distribution of 99% of living species by the U.S. government in collusion with the herbicide industry. These regulations are already being phased in. Yes, it's real, and coming soon. It is already in place in New Zealand, where it costs NZ$30,000.00 (currently about US$23,600.00)to get permission to import a single species! Read about it in the New Zealand Herald.

Cactus Conservation Institute.
Dedicated to the preservation of cacti, particularly Astrophytum asterias and Lopho phora in Texas.

Botanic Gardens Conservation International.


Flora of North America.

Flora of China.

Floras Online.


Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries.

National Agricultural Library.
Look stuff up!

Project Gutenberg
Free books online!


Bibliography of References Related to Seed Dormancy and/or Germination in Higher Plants.
A database of 12,000 items, complied by Prof. G.M. Simpson. Amazing!

Vascular Plant Image Library.
I know you hate me because I don't have enough pictures on my website! Check here for more plant pictures than you ever imagined.

California Flora Database.
Information on California plants.

Missouri Botanical Garden W3Tropicos Database.
Even though the Missouri Botanical Gardens is severely compromised by funding from Monsanto, there are still many people there doing important work. But whatever you do, don't believe a word that MBG director Peter Raven says about genetic engineering - in this respect, he has been described as "a paid traveling salesman for Monsanto" and a "wolf in sheep's clothing", and he is spreading disinformation on genetically-engineered crops by carefully avoiding or dismissing the many serious issues surrounding them. He has gone so far as to accuse those who oppose the unrestricted and unregulated spread of genetically-engineered plants as spreading "economically-motivated disinformation", and that they are guilty of "a serious crime against humanity." Yes, Peter, I agree - those who spread "economically-motivated disinformation" are guilty of "a serious crime against humanity" - particularly those who do so in the service of Monsanto. Time to have a heart-to-heart conversation with the man in the mirror, Peter!

For more information, go to:
Article - "PETER AND THE WOLF: Why Missouri Botanical Garden's Peter Raven, world-renowned environmentalist, courts Monsanto's favor, boosts its biotech and takes its money": http://www.rftstl.com/issues/1999-11-03/news/feature_print.html

Raven debating GMOs: http://pewagbiotech.org/events/0204/transcript.php

A speech by Raven to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in Rome:
http://www.gmwatch.org/archive2.asp?arcid=4452 - an emotional, inflammatory, obscene, and completely over-the-top rant by Raven.

Federal and State Noxious Weeds Database.
Check here to find out what is illegal in your area. Ever wonder why you can't grow the valuable medicinal plant St. John's Wort in California? Why you can't grow arugula in Washington? Or why you will be fined $100 for possessing watercress in Connecticut?

World Diversity Database.
A continuously growing taxonomic database that aims to document all presently known species (about 1.7 million).

World Taxonomist Database.
Who is working on what.

Listing of Useful Plants of the World.
Over 4200 species. Extensive bibliographies for some, others with very little info.

National Plants Database.
Huge database of information and images of plants in the US and territories.

World Seed Laws Database.
You don't want to know!

International Plant Names Index.
Find information on who named a species and where the original species description was published.

Medicinal Plants Information:

Herbal Materia Medica.
Still my favorite site on the entire internet, if only because it is plain text - no BS. Lots of information on medicinal plants.

More manuals from Moore.
Medicinal plant information.

PubMed Central.
PubMed Central is the U.S. National Institutes of Health free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature. A free archive of life sciences journal articles. You can find lots of research on medicinal plants here. A tutorial on the use of PubMed can be found at http://www.nim.nih.gov/bsd/disted/pubmedtutorial/

Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
Medicinal plant information - search the abstracts, and learn the results of cutting-edge science into the pharmacology of plants.

Journals in Pharmacognosy and Natural Products Chemistry.
Find more journals on plant chemistry and pharmacology.

Plant Uses:

The Society for Economic Botany.
A great society for those interested in the uses of plants by man. High quality journal. Join! Very egalitarian and friendly - the place to go to rub shoulders with great ethnobotanists. I've been a member since, what? 1974? Been reading the Journal since high school.

International Centre for Underutilised Crops.

Miscellaneous Useful Sites:

A marketplace where buyers and sellers of all kinds of agricultural products and equipment can connect.

For USDA notices of new regulations: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ppd/rad/webrepor/ppq.html
Check here to find notices of proposed regulations and public comment periods. Ranges from sensible and rational approaches to genuine pests, to reckless bureaucratic pork.

The Writings of Charles Darwin.
Fully searchable. A great resource on the writings of a great man.

Darwin Day Website.
Celebrate Darwin's birthday!

Evolution Education.
Operated by the University of California to help teachers, it is the subject of a lawsuit challenging public funding of the site.

Fallacy Files.
More than you ever wanted to know about fallacious reasoning! From Abstraction to Wishful Thinking. Learn to recognize false and misleading arguments, as used in daily life. Stop being duped!

Fallacy Definitions.
Definitions of fallacies like "Straw Man", "Ad Hominem", etc. Learn to recognize false and misleading arguments, as used in daily life.

A marketplace for buying and selling crops, livestock, seeds, and agricultural equipment and services, as well as job opportunities.

Freedom From Religion.
An excellent organization working to uphold the wishes of the Founding Fathers and the explicit requirement of the United States Constitution to keep church and state separate. We are members ourselves, and enjoy their informative journal Freethought Today.

Earth and Moon Viewer.
Amazing different views of the earth, including up to date weather satellite imagery.

The Eucalyptus of California. http://wwwlibrary.csustan.edu/bsantos/euctoc.htm#toc
A wonderful paper on Eucalyptus in California - history, botany, uses, cultivation, and more. More information than you ever imagined.

My Garden.
Big gardening website based in Australia, but with worldwide links. Home and garden resources online.

National Remote Automatic Weather Stations Data Server.
Government at its best! Raw data from automated weather stations all across the U.S. In 2005, when I first listed this site, I said "Probably the only people in government who aren't lying to you." Well, I was wrong! They give fake info on the exact locations of the weather stations, probably to foil vandals. Still a great service, and a government program I can support—but jeeze, is there anyone in government not lying to us?

Remote Automatic Weather Stations Climate Archive.
Maps showing approximate, but fake locations of the weather stations, with archived data from each station.

More Links!

Catalog of Botanical Links.
The ultimate catalog of botanical links! Hundreds of links. I dare you to surf them all!

Has everything from:

Still more Botanical Links.
Very well laid out, with descriptions of what you get on each site to save you from visiting sites that aren't just what you want. *

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