HATS Figures

Here is an assortment of graphs with our most interesting data. These and other graphs are accessible through our anonymous FTP account. You can either FTP to ftp.cmdl.noaa.gov, logon with user "anonymous" and your email address as your password, and select subdirectory "noah" then "graphs", or you can click HERE to get there.

To download a graph below, simply right click on the image and select "Save Picture As...".

Trends of Controlled Ozone Depleting Chemicals are shown below.  For information, please contact James.W.Elkins@noaa.gov .

PDF version of figure.

Trends of the CFCs, HCFCs, halons, chlorinated solvents, and effective equivalent chlorine (EECl) from the GMD halocarbon flask and in situ network. Commonly Used Halons Below

Published by Butler et al. [1998] ( Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(D1) , 1503-1511, 1998).  For more information, contact James.H.Butler@noaa.gov . For more information on total chlorine, contact Stephen.A.Montzka@noaa.gov .