National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc.
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Advertise in
The Capital Gardener
the newsletter of
National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc.

Published quarterly, The Capital Gardener is mailed to over 3000 subscribers
in the District of Columbia, Northern Virginia and Maryland.

Please inquire for the advertising rates for camera ready copy.
Typesetting and photo insertion are available for an additional charge.

In addition, for a nominal fee, when you place an ad in The Capital Gardener
your business can be featured on the home page
of our State Garden Club, with a link to your own web site.

Ad sizes Available:

 FULL PAGE     4 ½" wide  X  7 ¼" high
HALF PAGE     4 ½" wide  X  3 ¾" high

QUARTER PAGE VERTICAL     2 ¼" wide  X  4" high

QUARTER PAGE HORIZONTAL     4 ½" wide  X  2" high

Advertising Deadlines:

April 5 for Summer Issue (June, July, August)

July 5 for Fall Issue (September, October, November)

October 5 for Winter Issue (December, January, February)

January 5 for Spring Issue (March, April, May) 

For more information, contact Janey Nadler .



Site Map
Home Page  |  From the President  |   |  NCAGC MEMBERSHIP CONTEST  |  JOIN US!  |  CALENDAR  |   |  ARBOR HOUSE  |  Arbor House Books, Gifts and Supplies  |  FERN VALLEY  |  CLUB INFORMATION  |  Posters for Garden Clubs  |  Great Garden Club Programs  |   |  DAY OF DESIGN  |  GARDENINGINFORMATION/VIDEOS  |  SCHOLARSHIPS  |  WASHINGTON YOUTH GARDEN  |   |  NGC PROJECTS  |   |  BLUE RIBBON FLOWER DESIGNS  |   |  Our Angels in God's Garden  |  Canna Membership Contest  |  LINKS  |  About Our Club  |  Award Of Honor Winners  |  Board of Directors 2007-2009  |  CLUBS  |  Plant Societies/Affiliates  |  COUNCILS  |  Scholarships  |  Dues and Volunteering  |  State Life Membership Form  |  EXPENSE VOUCHER  |  NCAGC Stationery  |  NGC Board of Directors application  |  SCHOOLS, ETC.  |  SAMPLE SCHEDULE  |  Scales of Points  |  Become a Flower Show Judge!  |  FLOWER SHOW SYMPOSIUM  |  MORNING OF DESIGN  |  Upcoming Events  |  YOUTH POETRY 2007  |  DISTRICT I NEWS  |  DISTRICT II NEWS  |  GARDEN CHART  |  DISTRICT III NEWS  |  DISTRICT IV NEWS  |  Flower Shows 2008  |  Contact Us!  |  State Awards Rules  |  Award of Excellence  |  Award of Honor  |  2007 NCAGC Awards  |  OPERATION WILDFLOWER AWARDS  |  Preparing a Book of Evidence  |  Yearbook Preparation  |  Yearbook Format  |  Yearbook Scale of Points  |  Yearbook - NGC Objectives  |  Yearbook - Definition of Terms  |  Blue Star Memorials Program  |  COLOR OUR GARDEN  |  NGC President's Garden Project  |  Garden Entry Contest  |  Green the Gulf Coast!  |  LET'S GO NATIVE!  |  Operation Wildflower Grants and Awards  |  RECYCLING INITIATIVE  |  THE NEXT STEP

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