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Video Library Collection 2005 - 2007

The National Capital Area Federation of Garden Clubs offers all of the following interesting, educational and entertaining VHS videos to member clubs as well as individual members. Please contact Shirley Moore, Video Librarian at (or check the Fall 2005 issue of The Capital Gardener for telephone number to call).   Call at least six weeks before showing date for reservation of the video of your choice.  Short notice rentals are available, but choice may be limited.

 (Listed by topic)

Gardening and Flower Arranging

Beyond the Garden Gate40 min.

A year in a garden with time-lapse photography.

Edible Wild Plants - 60 min.

Video Field Guide to 100 Useful Wild Herbs; plus identity of poisonous plants!

For the Love of Roses: A Year in the Life of a Rosarian47 min.

Rose care at a glance, season by season.

Gardening From the Ground Up: Seed of Spring - 30 min.

John E. Bryan's presentations are clear and concise and a must to view.

Great American Azaleas — 30 min.

With beautiful photography, this video features many azalea cultivars and species

 by their source or their hybridizers.FLOWER ARRANGING

The Joy of Flower Arranging, Volume I  - 61 min.

World-famous British floral designer, Sheila MacQueen, and distinguished arranger,

Ann Ord, show how to create gorgeous designs.

The Joy of Flower Arranging. Volume II -  60 min.

Sheila MacQueen and Ann Ord, acclaimed British floral designers, return

to host this video featuring six new designs.

Design Study Unit videos  -(NGC, INC. (NCSGC, Inc.)

Floral Design Lessons:

#1 - Getting started;Vertical Line Design — 43 min.

#2 — Horizontal Line Design and Review - 38 min.

#3 - Vertical Line-Mass Design - 37 min.

#4 — Mass Design and Review - 26 min.

#5 — Weathered Wood in Design - 30 min.

#6 - Designing with Fruit, Vegetables and Accessories - 35 min.

#7 - Review of Lessons #1through #6       - 20 min.

"Yardening" With Jeff Ball:
How to Design a Flower Garden
— 48 min.

See how easy and enjoyable designing and refining  your flower garden can be with Jeff's Low-Maintenance system.

Holiday Decorations
The Tryon Palace

Four half-hour videos with instructions for making elegant Colonial and Victorian decorations
    seen in the annual Christmas
tours at Tryon Palace in New Bern, NC.


Volume One

1)   Della Robbia Wreath

2)   Kissing Ball

Volume Two

1)  Two Mantle Arrangements

Volume Three

1)  Table Centerpieces

2)  Newl Post Decorations

Volume Four

1)  Window Wreath

2)  Pine Garland

3)  Victorian Wreath



Bodnant Garden. North Wales — 30 min.

Filmed in May, this British National Trust treasure is a garden for all seasons.

Chelsea Flower Show 2001 - 52 min.

This spectacular exhibit is held in London each May with fantastic landscaping and extraordinary flower specimens.

Gardens of the World With Audrey Hepburn — 50 min.

This video contains two programs, Formal Gardens and The World of Gardens.

Diammid Gavin's Irish Gardens - 52 min. 
      A personal journey from the formal splendor of Powerscourt to a tiny rock garden in County Clare.

Japanese Gardens with Audrey Hepburn - 26 min.

This video shows some of Japan's most acclaimed garden settings and includes the Japanese Garden in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

Monet's Garden at Giverny — 55 min.

     A video portrait of the great impressionist's garden following its full cycle from spring to winter, with views in his home as well.


Winter Blossoms at the Huntingdon — 22 min.

      In January the grounds of the Huntington Library and Art Collections and Botanical Gardens are alive with winter-blooming plants such as camellias, aloes and flowering peach and cherry trees.


Journey Through Kew Gardens - 60 min.

      Within the Royal Botanic Gardens in London lies the largest and most diverse global collection of living plants.



Beginner's Guide to Eastern Butterflies - 40 min.

   An intimate look at the most common Eastern U.S. butterflies and ways to attract them to your garden.

Get Ready. Get Set. Grow - 15 min.

   Youth Gardening - A lively, entertaining video for children 9-14 years of age on the wonder and basics of gardening.

Lady Bird. Naturally - 58 min.

   Lady Bird Johnson' s legacy to save and appreciate America's wild flowers and native plants.

NGC, Inc. (NCSGC) (3 videos giving a comprehensive look into composting and recycling.)

Solid Waste Management -34 min.;
Essentials of Composting - 13 min.

Fall Back Into Composting - 5 min. (total: 52 min.)


The Growing Connection in Therapy; Introduction by Roselyn Carter - 30 min.

   Gardening methods  for those who are challenged by traditional techniques.





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