CEDR Bibliographic Database

SPIRES-CEDRBFS: FIND RECORD 2313 CEDR Bibliographic Number: 2313

BFSID: 2313


Brodkin, Carl A., Checkoway, Harvey, Bushley, Abigail, Stover, Bert, McDonald, George, Lee, Sum, Wang, Keith, Carpenter, Ken, Dubinsky, Ted, Green, David (University of Washington)

Main Report Entry:

Report Title: Surveillance Methods for Solvent-Related Hepatotoxicity, a Cross-Sectional Study at Hanford
Report Date: none
Report Institution: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health/Health-related Energy Research Branch
CEDR Archive copy: Surveillance Methods for Solvent-Related Hepatotoxicity, a Cross-Sectional Study at Hanford

Report Abstract:

The purpose of this cross-sectional study at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation was to establish a scientific basis for surveillance of hepatic effects in solvent exposed workers. One hundred industrial painters exposed subacutely and chronically to a variety of solvent mixtures over their working careers were compared with a referent group of 100 nonexposed carpenters matched by age, gender and race. The study examined the hypothesis that solvent-related hepatic injury is characterized by parenchymal changes of steatosis and fibrosis without associated necrotic changes, which are detected by elevated hepatic transaminases in blood.

Additional Parts of this Document:

Report Title: Tables
CEDR Archive copy: Tables

Date Added: 11/07/2005