

Click to enlarge
So far, the media library is almost empty. Let's see how it performes once it is filled up.
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Mac software on Windows, not a great combo, I thought: Safari renders type type well, but is neither a workhorse nor safe, and last time I checked out iTunes, it was a mess, so I didn't give it a second try since. That was in version 4. Now it coincided that I wanted to find a better way to access my audio library and to check out some lectures, so I gave, after hesitation, the recent version 8 a try. Impression after day 1: it is here to stay. Exploring and fetching podcasts is fun and navigating the music library easy. Tagscanner is a great companion for getting your (required) MP3 metatags right.


Dortmund Harbor

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Minus 12 degrees Celsius during the day and 20 centimeters of snow - that's rather uncommon here in Germany's Deep West, but it makes this photo, technically speaking, the coolest view camera photo I ever took.

Background left, the container terminal where more tons per year get handled than this harbor did with coal and iron ore, and the terminal from which Deutsche Bergbau Technik is shipping its mining equipment overseas. The long building background right is housing steel coils, import, not export, and foreground right a former shipyard.


Deutschlandreise, ostwärts

Fährt man von hier aus etwa eine Stunde nach Nordnordwest, landet man in Gronau an der holländischen Grenze. Auf etwa gleicher Breite an der polnischen Grenze liegt Eisenhüttenstadt. Dazwischen Luftlinie 520 Kilometer und industrielle Räume wie an einer Perlenkette:

Holländische Grenze - Gronauer Textilgebiet - Osnabrücker Revier (Ibbenbüren, Georgsmarienhütte) - Wesergebirge (Eisenerzbergbau, Wohlverwahrt-Nammen) - Salzgitter (Peiner Träger, Obermetallurge Hermann Göring, Schacht Konrad, Wunder von Legende) - Helmstedter Braunkohlerevier - Magdeburg (SKET, Gruson und und und) - Spreewaldgurkenland - Eisenhüttenstadt - polnische Grenze

Die andere Planstadt, Wolfsburg, liegt genau auf halbem Wege. Klingt wie eine gute Route.


Heath Ledger, Bobby Fischer, Harald Deilmann, Eartha Kitt, Mark Felt, Bettie Page, Harold Pinter, Odetta, Studs Terkel, Paul Newman, David Foster Wallace, Isaac Hayes, Jesse Helms, Bo Diddley, Yves Saint Laurent, Charlton Heston, Dith Pran, Suharto, Edmund Hillary, Alexander Solschenizyn, Jörg Haider, Horst Tappert, Phil Hill, Herbert Keppler, Karl Diehl, Joseph Weizenbaum, John Archibald Wheeler, Sydney Pollack, Esbjörn Svensson, Philipp Freiherr von Boeselager


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