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Phyl's Parliamentary Pitch

by Phyllis Wood, NGC Parliamentarian


Journal Notes: Somebody asked me to write a set of minutes. Now Secretaries usually type minutes in a computer. Once the format is established, you can use it month after month, only changing names, dates and information. I rather like wide margins with head­ings making it eas­ier to locate infor­mation in old min­utes. Headings are as in these sample minutes. The min­utes should be put in a bound pre-numbered book. I use rubber cement.


The regular meeting of the ABC Club was called to order by the President, Agnes Ale at 2:05 p.m. on October 28, 2005 at the Civic Center. The Secretary was present.



The devotion was given by Betty Ball fol­lowed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America led by Candy Cane. The President welcomed the members and three guests.



The Secretary read the minutes of the pre­vious meeting on September 23, 2005. The minutes were approved as read.


The Treasurer reported a balance of $425.15
in the checking account and $5,610.55 in a
Money Market, both accounts at the Citizens
Bank.  The report was filed.


The President
reported on the District 4 meeting in October.

The Corresponding Secretary read invita­tions to a prayer breakfast and thank you notes for our donations from the city.
The Secretary reported for the Board and on behalf of the Board, moved that we have a plant sale on December 12th. The Board rec­ommendation was adopted.



Membership—a successful tea with 15 guests;

Program—November program will be on getting plants ready for winter;

Horticulture—mini lesson on grafting;

Flower Show —distributed schedule for spring show.



Building Fund Committee- $ 10,510 more needed.


The special order for October was the elec­tion of the Nominating Committee. Dolly Dazzle, Ed Eaton, and Fanny Fur were elected.



At the last meeting, the motion that we buy and decorate a Holiday Tree for the Gates Nursing Home was postponed to this meet­ing. The motion was adopted after amended to add "at a cost not to exceed $150."



A motion by Helen Hiccup that we give $500 to the Red Cross, after amended to read $200, was adopted.



The program was on the different types of mulch and their uses.


ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements were made of city meet­ings regarding the cutting of trees in the city.



The meeting was adjourned by general con­sent at 4:10 p.m.


/S/ Isabel Isley, Secretary

~Reprinted from Keeping In Touch, November 2005

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