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Abstracts on CD

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Information at your fingertips. Back issues of Apicultural Abstracts on CD

Ploughing through the many journals that are vital to research workers is time consuming, particularly when done manually without the aid of a computer. This is where Apicultural Abstracts on CD can help to make life that bit easier. IBRA has produced three CDs containing data from Apicultural Abstracts covering 15 years: 1990-1994, 1995-1999 and 2000-2004.

IBRA has also produced six themed selections from Apicultural Abstracts on CD aimed at researchers and beekeepers alike:


All of the above are now available at a new reduced price - and even less for IBRA members! 

What is AA on CD?

AA on CD aims to give a complete survey of research and technical developments concerning all bees and beekeeping worldwide.

AA on CD provides instant access to critical research information, with English abstracts. It helps people working with bees to determine which articles are really relevant before spending time and money tracking them down.

AA on CD is the most complete, most convenient source of bibliographic information on bee-related topics you can get.

It covers:

  • All aspects of honey bees (Apis species)
  • Other species of Apoidea, including bumble bees, especially their social behaviour and foraging and pollinating activities
  • Developments in beekeeping equipment and techniques
  • Bee forage
  • Hive products and their processing
  • Pollination, especially the use of solitary and social bees for crop pollination 

AA on CD is provided in many different formats to enable the datafiles to be imported into your preferred application. Each record contains full reference details and normally a short summary. The formats covered are:

  • ProCite
  • GetARef
  • EndNote
  • Medline (NLM)
  • RIS (for EndNote or Reference Manager) 
  • MS Word
  • Corel WordPerfect
  • HTML
  • Text-only 


Also available:

AA on CD 1990-1994: £58.75
AA on CD 1995-1999: £58.75
AA on CD 2000-2004: £58.75
For specific years please do not hesitate to contact us.

Members of IBRA receive a 10% discount on the above prices. Please remember you must be logged on to receive this automatic discount.

Each CD contain about 2000 to 3000 records, most with abstracts, on these specific topics. The records are presented in several formats so that they are fully searchable: Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, HTML (for web browsers), rich text and text only.

Each CD costs £20 plus postage and packing.

IBRA members receive a 10% discount on these prices. Please remember you must be logged on to receive this automatic discount.

Contact us for more information.