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The Source for Iowa Crop Production News

Commercial Pesticide Applicator Test Help Sessions

1/15/2009 - Iowa State University Extension is offering training in southeastern Iowa that will help commercial pesticide applicators test for agriculture related certification categories.

ICM News Subscribers Asked to Comment

1/11/2009 - News and updates during the 2008 growing season came to our subscribers electronically. As we prepare to continue bringing you timely information, we ask for your input and request that you complete our online survey.

Average Value of Iowa Farmland Nears $4,500 an Acre in 2008 Survey 2008 line

12/16/2008 - The average value of an acre of farmland in Iowa reached $4,468 in 2008, continuing to increase for the ninth year in a row, according to an annual survey conducted by Iowa State University Extension.

Soybean cyst nematode confirmed in Ida County in 2008 Iowa map of first SCN infestation by county

12/10/2008 - The soybean cyst nematode first arrived in Iowa in 1978. With the confirmed finding in Ida County, SCN has been found and confirmed in all but one Iowa County.

Is All Well that Ends Well? Iowa Corn – 2008

12/9/2008 - The 2008 corn growing season will long be remembered for weather and yields. Researchers share what was learned in this article and the full report.

Effects of N-Hibit™ Seed Treatment on Soybean Yields – 2008 Iowa Research

12/8/2008 - Learn what Iowa State University Extension researchers found out when they evaluated the effects of N-Hibit™ seed treatment on soybean yield and SCN population densities in nine field experiments located throughout Iowa in 2007 and in nine different field experiments in 2008.

Collaborative Training Results in Safer, Wiser Pesticide Use

12/1/2008 - Training is helping pesticide applicators become better stewards of the land and water, which benefits producers and consumers in Iowa and beyond. The training is the result of a collaboration between Extension and Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.

Soil Sample Results Can Reveal if SCN Management is Working

12/1/2008 - Correctly gathering fall soil samples is an effective way to detect and monitor soybean cyst nematode populations. Greg Tylka offers soil sampling guidelines.

Fall is Ideal Time to Check for Presence of SCN fall soil sampling

12/1/2008 - Fall scouting for soybean cyst nematodes is important in fields that will be planted in beans next season; and in fields where soybeans were grown this year, especially if the yields were lower than expected.

Crop Market Outlook

12/1/2008 - Chad Hart, ISU grain markets specialist, tells how the condition of the general economy will be an influencing factor in crop prices and how it will affect crop prices throughout the 2008 and 2009 marketing years.

Soybean Rust - 2008 in Review soybean rust leaves

12/1/2008 - Iowa dodged the soybean rust bullet this year, even though some weather conditions were favorable for disease establishment and development.

New Field Guide for Soybean Cyst Nematode Management Available

11/24/2008 - A new, free resource for soybean growers is available from ISU Extension.

Aerate Grain NOW

11/21/2008 - Farmers must continue monitoring high moisture corn - even after it is cooled and in the bin. Checking corn throughout the winter will be important this year.

Use of Fungicides to Control Soybean Foliar Diseases: a 6-year Summary

11/18/2008 - Iowa State University Extension researchers summarize six-years' results of using fungicides to control soybean foliar diseases - by ranking non-spray control treatment tested along with all-sprayed treatments.

ICM News Is Connection to Crop and Weather Radio Interviews

11/14/2008 - Connect to weekly crop and weather interviews from the ICM News page.

Fall and Winter Management of Alfalfa

11/11/2008 - Alfalfa producers can use this November checklist to evaluate their 2008 management decisions and prepare for 2009.

Corn Breakage Increases with More Drying

11/6/2008 - There are precautions that producers can take to minimize losses due to handling the soft wet corn during harvest, drying and storage.

A Weather Summary for the 2008 Growing Season thermometer icon for degree days

10/30/2008 - The 2008 growing season will be remembered for variability. The incidence of both rainfall and heat accumulation patterns varied by area and week to week, affecting planting (or replanting) through harvest crop conditions.

Corn Quality Issues in 2008 - Moisture and Test Weight

10/24/2008 - While corn yields are expected to be some of the highest, there are reports of quality issues, including moisture and test weight, that need to be addressed.

Corn Quality Issues in 2008 – Field Molds

10/24/2008 - Corn yields are expected to be some of the highest this fall, but there are reports of corn quality issues including field molds, that need to be addressed during harvest and storage.

Corn Quality Issues in 2008 – Storage Management

10/24/2008 - This year there will be more wet corn held because of high field moistures and expensive drying. Producers should give special thought to storage managment of corn.

Corn Disease Publication Now Available

10/16/2008 - Popular publication - Corn Diseases, PM 596 - is revised and available from Iowa State University Extension online store.

Integrated Crop Management Conference and Agribusiness Expo set for Dec. 10-11

10/16/2008 - Join ISU Extension faculty and staff in Ames on Dec 10-11, 2008 for over 40 workshops on crop production and protection. Space is limited so register soon.

Crop Production and Outlook - the Demand side

10/13/2008 - Agricultural economist Chad Hart discusses the latest round of USDA updates to its World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates and Crop Production reports which were released on Oct. 10.

Crop Production and Outlook

10/13/2008 - Agricultural economist Chad Hart discusses the latest round of USDA updates to its World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates and Crop Production reports which were released on Oct. 10.

Watch the $oil TemperaturE

10/13/2008 - Soil temperatures are updated daily and posted on the Extension Soil Temperatures for Agriculture Web site. This is valuable information for fall applicators in reducing the risk of nitrogen loss.

New Manure Nutrient Management Research Available

10/10/2008 - To help producers make the most of Iowa’s available manure nutrient resources, Iowa State University Extension recently developed an updated publication, Using Manure Nutrients for Crop Production - PMR 1003.

Fall Tillage Considerations for Soybean Disease Management

10/8/2008 - Fall tillage options can impact soybean diseases that are occuring in Iowa this season. Different tillage practices should be considered for the management of soybean diseases.

Fall Frost Effects of Forage

10/6/2008 - Fall frost brings seasonal forage questions. Steve Barnhart, Iowa State University Extension forage production specialist, answers questions typical of this time of year.

Deciding Between Grain and Forage Harvest for Late Maturing Soybeans

10/6/2008 - There are several factors to consider as part of late season soybean crop evaluations and making a decision whether to harvest as grain or forage. This article discusses soybean plant development and things to consider.

Deciding Between Grain and Forage Harvest for Late Maturing Corn

10/6/2008 - There are several factors to consider as part of late season corn crop evaluations and making a decision whether to harvest as grain or forage. This article discusses corn plant development and things to consider.

Make the Right Tillage Management Decision

10/2/2008 - Conservation tillage and no-tillage have a positive impact on soil productivity and profitiability and should be considered this fall, especially with the high costs of fuel.