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Ibra Journals

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The International Bee Research Association 
publishes the award winning scientific publication - 
Journal of Apicultural Research, incorporating Bee World.



Journal of

Apicultural Research 

For the latest in original research on bee science, this award winning quarterly journal is essential reading for scientists and interested beekeepers.

If you wish to submit your research article please click here

All the information you require, either as a potential subscriber or author can be found on the following pages.  






Buzz Extraprovides news and views on the subject of bees and beekeeping. It is popular because of its light and informal style.

Receive this publication as part of your subscription fee to JAR or just subscribe to Buzz Extra.

For more information on this publication please click here.




Due to be launched at the beginning of 2009 the
    Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science
will be publishing the latest research being carried out on hive products.

The scope of this new journal will cover both the relevant biological and health properties of hive products as well as experimental studies concerned with the biological and medical effects of honey, pollen, propolis, wax, royal jelly and bee venom.

For further details please click here.

JAAS Virtual Cover


Back issues of printed copies of any of the journals can be purchased from 
the Books section of our online shop

 Back issues of Apicultural Abstracts on CD are available from 
the Audio-Visual section of our online shop.




The following journals have been 
suspended until further notice.


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To see a list of articles please see our back catalogue


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