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Eagle Days

Missouri's winter eagle watching is spectacular, and we hope you'll join us at any of the following locations to view our national symbol in the wild. From late December through early February, watch for eagles perched in large trees along the water's edge.

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Nature Notes

Nature Notes are 90-second, audio programs featuring information on Missouri’s natural world. You’ll get useful, fun and unusual facts on nature topics like why birds sing, where insects go in winter and how some people believe they can predict the weather by observing animal behaviors.

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Invasive Species

"Exotic," "alien" or "non-native" species refer to plants, animals, fungi or other organisms that have been accidentally or purposefuly introduced to an area outside of their origin. This section details information about non-native, invasive wildlife that threaten Missouri's natural ecosystems.

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Browse by Subject

Learn about Missouri's wildlife.
Discover Missouri's botanical treasures.
Backyard wildlife
Discover what creatures might be living in your backyard.
Natural communities
Explore Missouri's many types of habitats.
Endangered species
Find out what species are in danger of becoming extinct.
Invasive species
Learn to ID and control the species that threaten Missouri's natural diversity.