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Protocol/Parliamentary Procedure Tips


Sample Agenda for a Garden Club Meeting

Call to Order

Invocation or Inspirational Reading/Perhaps Pledge of allegiance

Welcome/Roll Call

Disposition of Minutes from Previous Meeting

Treasurer’s Report

Other officers’ Reports

Standing Committee Reports as needed

Special Committee Reports as needed

Unfinished Business (NOT OLD)

New Business



Adjournment (This may be done by General Consent. “If there is no further business, the meeting will adjourn.”  Pause.  “The meeting is adjourned.”  The meeting may also be adjourned by a motion, second and vote.)


Using the words “The next business in order is” promotes a sense of efficiency, which all members appreciate.


*Some clubs prefer to have the program after the welcome.


Amending a Main Motion

A motion which has been seconded (or made on behalf of a committee) can be changed through the use of another motion to amend by striking, by inserting or adding (at the end), by striking and inserting (word or words) or by substituting (paragraphs).  An amendment must be germane.




Main motion: I move that we make an annual contribution to the Town Park.

Amend by striking: I move to amend the motion by striking annual.

Amend by inserting: I move to amend the motion by inserting $200 after the word annual.

Amend by adding: I move to amend the motion by adding to be used for the purchase of annuals.

Amend by striking and inserting: I move to amend the motion by striking an annual and inserting a $200.


Amend by substituting: I move that we make a one time contribution of $200 to the Town Park to be used for the purchase of annuals.


A motion to amend needs to be seconded.   

The Chair then states: It is moved and seconded to amend by____________.

The Chair then asks: Is there debate?

The Chair puts the question to a vote: All in favor of amending by ______________, say aye.

Those oposed, no.


If the ayes have it, the amendment is adopted.

The Chair then states that the question is on the amended motion that we_____. 

The Chair asks if there is further debate. 

The question is put to a vote.


If the amendment is lost, the question is on the main motion (or the amended motion previously adopted if more than one motion has been moved.) 


Some Subsidiary Motions


Refer to a Committee-This motion must be seconded. Debate is limited to reasons for referring to a committee. The chair asks for a voice vote. (If the chair appoints three people to serve on such a committee and doesn't single out the chairman, the first person named serves as chairman.)

Postpone Consideration-This motion is often used when attendance at a meeting is low. Postponement must be to a definite time, such as the next meeting. A second is needed. Debate is limited to reasons for postponing. The chair asks for a voice vote.

Limit (or Extend) Debate-This motion can be used to set an overall time limit or a limit on one speech per member for a certain amount of time. It must be seconded, but is not debatable. A rising vote is taken, as a two-thirds vote in the affirmative is needed.

Call for the Previous Question/s-This motion is intended to stop all debate and amendments on the main motion or on all pending motions. It is out of order when another person has the floor. It must be seconded and is not debatable. A rising vote is taken, as a two-thirds vote in the affirmative is needed,

Shirley Nicolai




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