NIH News Release
National Center for Complementary
and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

Thursday, June 8, 2000

Press Contact:
Anita Greene, NCCAM (301) 496-1712
NHLBI Communications Office (301) 496-4236

NIH to Hold Workshop on Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Cardiovascular, Lung, and Blood Research

Alternative medicine practitioners and mainstream researchers will meet next week to exchange ideas, report on current research, and discuss ways to foster collaborative research in cardiovascular, lung, and blood research.

The workshop, "Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Cardiovascular, Lung, and Blood Research," will be held June 12 - 13 in Lister Hill Auditorium (Building 38A) on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) campus in Bethesda, MD. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) of the NIH are co-sponsoring the 1 ½ day event. The workshop will focus on five main areas of research - herbal medicine, chelation therapy, mind/body (biofeedback), acupuncture, and general complementary and alternative medicine issues.

Sessions on these topics will be moderated by workshop co-chairs M. Eric Gershwin, M.D., of the University of California, Davis; John C. Longhurst, M.D., Ph.D., University of Calfornia, Irvine; and Kenneth Wu, M.D., Ph.D., University of Texas, Houston. NHLBI Director Claude Lenfant, M.D. and NCCAM Director Stephen E. Straus, M.D. are among the 20 speakers presenting. At the workshop's conclusion, attendees will develop recommendations for future research.

For more information, call the NHLBI Communications Office at 301-496-4236 or the NCCAM at 301-496-1712. The workshop agenda can be found online at:

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