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  2004 Food and Society Conference Agenda PDF

Day One - Main Conference

2004 Food and Society Conference - Welcome
Food & Society Vision for A Future Food System
Creating the Future We Want: Creative Tension Model
Food Systems and Stewardship of the Environment
Labor, Social Justice, and the Food System

Breakout Sessions - I

Does the Right to Food Mean Organic Food?
Nutrition Education: Walking the Talk
Childhood Obesity: Can We Make a Difference?
Federal and Private Support for Refugee and Immigrant Farmers and Food Entrepreneurs
Farm Workers and a Living Wage
Immigration Policy for Farm Workers
Cultural Diversity and the Food System
Building Local Agricultural Systems: Youth Perspective
Morality/Ethics: Eating as a Moral Act
Preserving and Enhancing Native American, Heirloom and Cultural Foods
Buy Local Initiatives: The Most Valuable Components of a Successful Local Food Campaign

Day Two - Main Conference

Creating the Future We Want: Check-In
From Vision to Reality
Perspectives on Food, Health, and Cultural Heritage
Doing Much More With Much Less
USDA Public and Private Partnerships and Outreach Initiatives

Breakout Sessions - II

Emerging Trends in Eco-labeling
Organic Farming - Future Challenges and Opportunities
Farmland Protection: Market and Policy Tools for Improving Farm Viability
Beyond CAFOs: Strategies for Revitalizing Non-Confinement Meat Production
Green Payments: Present and Future
Are We Making Real Progress? Measuring Sustainability on Agricultural Lands in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
Paradigm Shifts in Science and Local Food Systems: What's the Connection?
Ethnicity and Environment
Shared Leading and Learning

Breakout Sessions - III

Creating Access to Capital and Enhancing Funding Opportunities
Changing Your Organization to Change the World: Deepening Your Capacity to Initiate and Sustain Profound Change - Part One
Orbiting the Giant Hairball: Sustaining Success in University-Community Partnerships
You Say You Want a Revolution...How to Create a Social Movement with a Grassroots Budget
Building Farm to School Connections in California
Building Successful State and Local Food Policy Councils
Growing Youth-Adult Partnerships Workshop
Renewing an Agriculture-of-the-Middle: Dialogue with a National Task Force
Becoming an Active Part of Your Community

Day Three - Main Conference

Multi-Media Youth Presentation

Breakout Sessions - IV

Putting Values in the Value Chain
Funder Networks for Sustainable Food Systems
Campaigns and Collaborations to Shift Mainstream Food
Changing Your Organization to Change the World: Deepening Your Capacity to Initiate and Sustain Profound Change - Part Two
Local and Locale: Having the Best of Both Worlds
Building Local Wealth by Building Local Foods Systems
Artist as Change-Maker: Raising the Pulse Rate for Food and Agriculture
What Can the Adolescent Agricultural Systems of the United States Learn from the World's Ancient Agricultural Traditions?

Closing Remarks

Making the Link Between Health, Our Food, and Agriculture Policy
Closing Circle/Adjourn



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