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NEW—Argemone polyanthemos. (b,v) R-ARGE-20. Packet: $2.50
'WHITE PRICKLY-POPPY'. Large diaphanous white poppy-like 3 - 4" blooms. Large prickly hardy annual or biennial to 4 feet. Eastern base of the Rockies. Striking in bloom. Seed viable 4 - 5 years. Give GA-3 to germinate in 1 - 12 weeks.

NEW—Allium carolinianum. (e,l) ALUM-23. Packet: $3.00
'RI SGOG' (Tibetan name). Spiky balls of pinkish lavender flowers. Hardy rhizomatous bulb to 16", with attractive broad flat waxy leaves. Himalayas. The bulbs, leaves, and flowers have been eaten. Used in Tibetan medicine. Give well-drained soil. Germinates in 3 - 4 weeks; most dormant.

NEW—Asclepias speciosa. (c,h) ASCL-12. Packet: $2.50
'SHOWY MILKWEED'. Pink to purple flowers with long hoods, in clusters, from May to July. Hardy perennial to 2 1/2 feet. W. N. America. The first tender shoots have been cooked as a spring vegetable like asparagus. "The best of all wild greens."—J. M. Bates. Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks. The star-shaped pink flowers are loved by bees.

NEW—Astragalus adsurgens. (c,h) ASTR-4. Packet: $2.50
'UPRIGHT MILKVETCH'. Large blue-purple flowers in dense 5" spikes. Hardy perennial to a foot tall, with feathery pinnate leaves. Western North America and Eastern Asia. Zone 6. Nick seed.
NEW—Astragalus bisulcatus. (d,h) ASTR-6. Packet: $2.50
'TWO-GROOVE MILKVETCH'. Purple flowers in dense, nodding 10" spikes in summer. Somewhat trailing hardy perennial with stems to 2 1/2 feet long. Feathery pinnate leaves. Alberta to New Mexico. Nick seed.
NEW—Astragalus convallarius. (d,h) ASTR-11. Packet: $2.50
'WHISK BROOM MILKVETCH'. White flowers in spikes, on a hardy perennial to 10 - 20" tall, with feathery pinnate foliage. Rocky Mountains. Good in the rock garden. Nick seed.
NEW—Astragalus drummondii. (c,h) ASTR-16. Packet: $2.50
'WOOLLY MILKVETCH'. Large white flowers in long showy spikes on a hardy perennial with feathery pinnate leaves. Rocky Mountains, from Canada to New Mexico. Nick seed.
NEW—Astragalus utahensis. (d,f) ASTR-84. Packet: $2.50
'UTAH LOCO', 'WOOLLYPOD'. Clusters of rosy-lavender inch-long flowers cover the plant in spring, nearly obscuring the foliage. Stemless perennial forming mounds to 4" and 18" across, of grey-woolly pinnate leaves. Seed pods 3/4" long, densely covered with wool. Utah to California and Wyoming. Very Hardy, excellent for rock gardens. "Exquisite plant."—D. Larkin. Nick seed, or give 6 - 12 weeks cold.

CAMPTOTHECA (kamp-to-THE-ka)
NYSSACEAE. A single species.
NEWCamptotheca acuminata. (d,g) CAMPT-4. Packet: $2.50
'XI SHU' (happy tree). Small creamy-white flowers in round balls, followed by spiky-looking round balls of seed. Tall, fast-growing deciduous tree to 75 feet, with deeply-veined 6" leaves. Southern China. Stands light frost. Best in warm humid climates, protected from wind. Used to produce an anti-cancer drug.

CHIMONANTHUS (kee-mo-NAN-thus)
CALYCANTHACEAE. Attractive East Asian shrubs with sweetly-scented flowers. Best in full sun, and a sheltered spot.
NEW—Chimonanthus praecox. (e,h) CHIMO-16. Packet: $2.50
Oz: $9.00

'WINTERSWEET', 'JAPANESE ALLSPICE'. Fragrant inch-long, many-petaled flowers in spring on the bare branches, the outer petals sulfur-yellow, the inner petals marked purple-brown. Deciduous shrub to 12 feet with glossy green 6" leaves. China. Zone 6. Germinates readily, improved by a prechill.

ROSACEAE. Showy desert shrubs of the Southwest. Good in rock gardens and for xeriscaping.
NEW—Cowania mexicana. (c,h) COWA-7. Packet: $2.50
'CLIFFROSE'. Fragrant 1/2" cream to yellow flowers like single roses in May and June, followed by long plumed seedheads. Aromatic 1/2" toothed leaves. Very hardy shrub to 1 - 6 feet. Desert canyon slopes, SW U.S. The inner bark was used for cloth by the Hopi. About half germinate in 2 - 6 weeks warm, but 2 - 8 weeks cold improves germination.

CYCAS (SYE-kas or KY-kas)
CYCADACEAE. Ancient primitive plants resembling palms, but they are not related. Attractive and slow growing, they make nice house plants.
NEW—Cycas revoluta. CYCA-21. 4 large seed: $5.00
'JAPANESE SAGO CYCAD'. Glossy green pinnate palm-like leaves to 5 feet long. Slow-growing cycad with a trunk to 6 - 10 feet tall. Attractive orange fruits. Southern Japan. Zone 9. Nice!

NEW—Dianthus glacialis. (c,g) DIAN-54. Packet: $3.50
Large, almost stemless 3/4" red-pink flowers almost embedded in the foliage, and practically covering the plant in May and June. Forms dense cushions of grassy foliage about 1 1/2" high and 6" across. Alps. Best in gravelly, well-drained soil. Germinates in 1 - 36 months, so hold pots several years.

EPHEDRACEAE. Nearly leafless shrubs with thin, broom-like branches. Most from warm, dry deserts. Gymnosperms with tiny cones. The only genus of the family. Germinates readily at 70°F. Belongs in every diversity-sampling collection.
NEW—Ephedra nevadensis. (d,h) EPHE-30. Packet: $2.50
'MORMON TEA', 'GREY JOINT-FIR'. Pale greyish or bluish-green needle-like branches. Low shrub to 6" to 3 feet tall. Deserts of Utah to California. Hardy to Zone 5 or 6. The Indians roasted, ground, and ate the seeds as mush. The twigs make a pleasant tea, popular with Indians & settlers. Germinates in 2 - 6 weeks.
NEW—Ephedra viridis. (d,h) EPHE-46. Packet: $2.50
'GREEN MORMON TEA'. Vivid green needle-like branches on an upright shrub to 6 feet. Western U.S. Zone 6. Used medicinally by the Indians.

ERODIUM (er-O-dee-um)
GERANIACEAE. Annuals and perennials with geranium-like flowers. Best in dry, rocky, sunny spots.
NEW—Erodium Manescavii. (e,g) EROD-28. Packet: $3.50
Large purple-red 1" flowers on 12" stems, June to September. Hardy perennial with rosettes of emerald-green, finely divided 12" leaves. Pyrenees. Prechill seed 4 - 6 weeks.

GENTIANACEAE. North American biennials & perennials with wheel-shaped flowers & stout roots. related to the Asian Swertia. Moist, well-drained soil is best. Sow outdoors in fall or winter. Germinates irregularly; hold pots for several seasons, as stragglers are common. Choice plants.
NEW—Frasera speciosa. (b,l) FRAS-22. Packet: $2.50
'MONUMENT PLANT'. 'DEER'S TONGUE'. Odd greenish white 4-petalled flowers with purple spots, each petal fringed on the inside. To 2 - 5 feet, with large taproot and narrow leaves. Western mountains from 7000 - 9000 feet. The bitter roots were used as a tonic for weakness by the Shoshone, and were eaten after preparation by the Apache.

PINACEAE. Tall evergreen SE Asian conifers resembling Abies. Good in mild climates.
NEW—Keteleeria evelyniana. (e,g) KETE-12. Packet: $3.00 PERISHABLE
Tall conifer to 130 feet, with attractive needles and narrow cones. Young shoots rusty brown. Southern China to Viet Nam. Zone 8. Does well in California. The wood is used in construction, the seeds are rich in oil, and it has been used medicinally. If killed to the ground by a strong freeze, it may regrow from the roots. Germination in a month or two.

NEW—Ligularia sibirica. (d,h) LIGU-22. Packet: $3.50
Abundant 1 - 2" clear yellow daisy-like flowers in tall spike-like clusters in June and July, on contrasting dark stems. Hardy perennial to 5 feet, with large basal 12" triangular-kidney-shaped leaves, often tinged purple. Eurasia. Zone 3.

NEW—Mirabilis Jalapa Limelight. (e,h) MIRA-6L. Packet: $3.00
Rare heirloom four o'clock with bright light green foliage, sometimes marbled and variegated. Striking fuchsia-purple flowers. Choice!
NEW—Mirabilis Jalapa White. (d,h) MIRA-6W. Packet: $2.50
'WHITE FOUR O'CLOCK'. Fragrant trumpet-shaped 1 - 2" white flowers open in the afternoon. Tender bushy perennial to 3 feet, grown as an annual in cold climates.

NEW—Monarda pectinata. (b,h) MOND-14. Packet: $2.50
'PLAINS LEMON BEEBALM'. White 1/2" flowers in whorls in June and July. Hardy annual to 6 - 12", with narrow 1 - 2" aromatic leaves. Dry sandy soils, Great Plains. The leaves have been used as tea, and the flowers for perfume. Prechill 6 weeks.

NEW—Nicotiana Tabacum VA 509. (a!,h) NICO-36VB. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 99% Tested: 9/08, Gram: $7.50, 5 grams: $30.00
Medium-early maturing stand-up burley that produces high quality and good yield. Stand-up varieties hold their leaves higher off the ground, keeping them cleaner. Certified Kentucky-grown seed.
Disease resistance levels:
Black Shank Race 0: Medium resistance.
Black Shank Race 1: Medium resistance.
Black Root Rot: Medium low resistance.
Fusarium Wilt: Low resistance.
Wildfire: High resistance.

NEW—Nicotiana Tabacum Green Wood. (a!,h) NICO-36GW. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 99% Tested: 9/08, Gram: $7.50, 5 grams: $30.00
A nice traditional variety that holds itself up well and gives a good yield of high-quality dark tobacco that cures a brown color. Good for chewing or smoking. Certified Kentucky-grown seed.
NEW—Nicotiana Tabacum Little Wood. (a!,h) NICO-36LW. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 99% Tested: 9/08, Gram: $7.50, 5 grams: $30.00
An old-fashioned dark tobacco with a shorter leaf than other types, producing good yields of good quality tobacco. Certified Kentucky-grown seed.
NEW—Nicotiana Tabacum Little Crittenden. (a!,h) NICO-36LC. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 92% Tested: 9/08, Gram: $7.50, 5 grams: $30.00
A good old-fashioned dark tobacco that holds itself up well, so that the leaves stay cleaner. Good yield and cures well. Makes a good chewing tobacco, as well as for smoking. Certified Kentucky-grown seed.
NEW—Nicotiana Tabacum Improved Madole. (a!,h) NICO-36IM. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 99% Tested: 10/08, Gram: $7.50, 5 grams: $30.00
Preferred by many growers for producing well and giving a high-quality dark tobacco leaf. Certified Kentucky-grown seed.
NEW—Nicotiana Tabacum Narrow Leaf Madole. (a!,h) NICO-36NM. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 99% Tested: 10/08, Gram: $7.50, 5 grams: $30.00
An old narrow-leaf variety which cures well and produces a good yield of high quality dark tobacco. Used for cigars and chewing. Certified Kentucky-grown seed.

NEW—Nicotiana Tabacum Brown Leaf. (a!,h) NICO-36BL. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 96% Tested: 9/08, Gram: $7.50, 5 grams: $30.00
An old variety that originated in Kentucky, and much grown by Virginia growers. Has large leaves of medium body, producing a dark tobacco. Fair resistance to Black Root Rot.
NEW—Nicotiana Tabacum Lizard Tail Orinoco. (a!,h) NICO-36LT. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 99% Tested: 9/08, Gram: $7.50, 5 grams: $30.00
Another old variety much grown in Virginia. The medium-sized leaves are closely spaced on the stalk and have a heavy body. Produces a fine dark tobacco.
NEW—Nicotiana Tabacum Lizard Tail Orinoco X Turtle Foot Cross. (a!,h) NICO-36TF. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 99% Tested: 10/08, Gram: $7.50, 5 grams: $30.00
Originated from a cross between Lizard Tail Orinoco and Turtle Foot, producing a dark tobacco of good quality. Produces more weight than most varieties.
NEW—Nicotiana Tabacum Shirey. (a!,h) NICO-36S. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 99% Tested: 10/08, Gram: $7.50, 5 grams: $30.00
Pronounced "Shirley", this is a favorite of many growers, producing a high quality dark tobacco.
NEW—Nicotiana Tabacum VA 309. (a!,h) NICO-36V3. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 99% Tested: 10/08, Gram: $7.50, 5 grams: $30.00
A good selection with high quality and good yields. Certified Kentucky-grown seed.
Disease resistance levels:
Black Shank Race 0: Medium resistance.
Black Shank Race 1: Medium resistance.
Black Root Rot: Medium resistance.
NEW—Nicotiana Tabacum Walker's Broadleaf. (a!,h) NICO-36WB. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 99% Tested: 10/08, Gram: $7.50, 5 grams: $30.00
An old Virginia variety, long grown. Medium-sized wide leaves that are spaced closely on the stalk.

NEW—Primula japonica Miller's Crimson. (b,h) PRIM-85M. Packet: $2.50
Deep intense red 1 - 1 1/2" flowers in tiered clusters to 1 1/2 - 2 feet, May to July. Hardy perennial with grey-green rosettes of 8 - 12" leaves. Japan. Give seed 250ppm GA-3 or prechill 8 weeks.
NEW—Primula macrocalyx. (b,h) PRIM-100. Packet: $2.50
Large yellow to orange 1 1/4" fragrant flowers in clusters to 15" tall. Hardy perennial. Central Asia. "Like P. veris on steroids. More robust in all its parts."—Bertrand. Give seed GA-3 to germinate in 4 - 6 weeks.

RHAMNACEAE. Handsome deciduous or evergreen shrubs and trees valued for their attractive foliage. Good in shelterbelts and for wildlife food.
NEW—Rhamnus Purshiana. (d,g) RHAM-38. Packet: $2.50
'CASCARA SAGRADA'. An attractive deciduous shrub or tree to 15 - 50 feet, with dark green oval 2 - 6" leaves. Clustered small greenish-white flowers in late spring or early summer, much loved by bees. Abundant 1/3" purple black berries which attract birds. B.C. to Baja California. Zone 3. The bark is a valuable medicine. Sow in fall or use GA-3 to germinate in 4 - 8 weeks.

POLYGONACEAE. Bold Asian hardy perennials grown for food and the handsome foliage & towering flower clusters. Hardy and easily grown, they look best against a wall. Best in rich moist soil.
NEW—Rheum palmatum var. tanguticum. (d,l) RHEM-20T. Packet: $3.00 Click for photo » Rheum palmatum v. tanguticum.jpg (76885 bytes)
'TURKEY RHUBARB'. Huge, round, deeply lobed and laciniated leaves, and tall 6 - 12 foot stalks of white, pink, and red flowers in June and July. Bold, fast growing hardy perennial. NE Asia. The leaf-stalks are eaten like rhubarb, and have been made into wine. The huge roots are used medicinally. Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks.

OLEACEAE. Showy deciduous Eurasian flowering shrubs and small trees.
NEW—Syringa villosa. (d,h) SYRI-30. Packet: $2.50
'LATE LILAC'. Profuse pale lavender 1/2" flowers in dense 10" clusters in early summer. Hardy rounded shrub to 12 feet, with dark green, oval 7" leaves. North China. Zone 4. Germinates in 2 - 4 weeks.

ZAMIA (ZA-mee-a)
ZAMIACEAE. Tropical American cycads. Easy from seed, soak 3 - 7 days, keep warm. Root germinates quickly, fronds show later. Good in the greenhouse and makes nice houseplants. The cycads date back to the Mesozoic, and are often called 'living fossils'.
NEW—Zamia furfuracea. (10,h) ZAMI-14. Packet: $2.50
100 seeds: $15.00, 500 seeds: $45.00
'COONTIE', 'SEMINOLE BREAD'. Glossy green leathery pinnate 2 - 4 foot fronds, fuzzy on the undersides, from a thick trunk to 6 feet. Florida and México. Indians extracted starch from the trunk. Roots germinate in 3 - 6 weeks, top growth later.

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