United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service

2007 TSP Technical Service Payment Rates
Archived TSP Rates for contracts from April 4, 2007 and January 18, 2008

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TSP Payment Rates

TSP Technical Service Payment Rates

Archive Rates for Contracts from April 4, 2007 and January 18, 2008

Updated 03/17/2008

This interactive web site offers Payment Rates for technical assistance.  The rates are calculated by practice, geographic location and land use. 

Alaska Montana Wisconsin Indiana New Hampshire Alabama South Carolina Colorado South Dakota Arkansas Hawaii Michigan North Dakota Connecticut Florida Washington Montana Utah Arizona New Mexico Illinois North Carolina Puerto Rico / Virgin Islands Maine Nebraska Delaware New Jersey Nevada Iowa Idaho Wyoming West Virginia Tennessee Kentucky California Pennsylvania Rhode Island New York Maryland Kansas Missouri Oregon Minnesota Vermont Texas Ohio Mississippi Georgia Massachusetts Oklahoma Virginia Louisiana

United States Map


  1. New 2009 TSP Payment Rates are 3.9% higher than 2008 rates, matching the 3.9% general 2009 federal pay increase.
  2. 2009 Rates also include some State Supplemental Rates. If your state supplement rate is not included, please check your state TSP webpage, and contact David.Buland@ftw.usda.gov.
  3. 2008 Archived Technical Service Payment Rates for usage in contracts from January 18, 2008 through January 2, 2009 must use the rates at:
  4. 2007 Archived Technical Service Payment Rates for usage in contracts from April 4, 2007 and January 18, 2008 must use the rates at:
  5. Archived Technical Service Payment Rates for usage in contracts from February 11, 2006 to April 3, 2007 must use the rates at:
  6. Archived Technical Service Payment Rates for usage in contracts from October 1, 2004 to February 10, 2006 must use the rates at:
  7. Archived Technical Service Payment Rates for usage in contracts from August, 2003 to September 30, 2004 must use the rates at :
  8. These archived rates should be used for checking usage of prior contracts.

   These maps require Adobe Acrobat Reader.

48 State Map of Time Team Areas (174Kb) or Larger 50 state map (5.8Mb)

Please send comments and suggestions on this Payment Rates to David Buland, Economist, 817-509-3577.

Last Modified: 03/17/2008

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