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Match term(s) in J.L. Hudson Search Index:

LEGUMINOSAE. Handsome East Asian deciduous trees related to Cladrastis, grown for their panicled white flowers. Very hardy. Nick & soak seeds or give hot water treatment to germinate in 1 - 3 weeks.
—Maackia amurensis. (d,h) MAAC-3. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 90% Tested: 9/08, Oz: $9.00
White 1/3" flowers tinged slate blue in dense upright 4 - 8" particles in July & August. Small tree to 40 feet, with pinnate leaves. Manchuria. Very hardy and ideal for landscaping as it blooms when young. Try naturalizing it in the Northeast.

MACFADYENA (mac-fad-YAY-na)
BIGNONIACEAE. Several species of tropical American woody vines, grown for their showy flowers. Good in mild climates with hot summers.
—Macfadyena Unguis-cati (=Doxantha unguis-cati) (e,h) MACF-10. Packet: $2.50
'CAT'S CLAW'. Bright yellow trumpet-shaped flowers to 2 - 4" wide, in early spring, followed by foot-long pods. Glossy green leaves bearing claw-like tendrils; will climb anything. Tall vine to 40 feet. Tropical America. To Zone 8. Cut back hard after flowering. Germinates in 3 - 6 weeks, a few stragglers taking up to 20 weeks.

PAPAVERACEAE. Bold perennials from East Asia, with decorative foliage and small flowers in airy clusters. Forms large clumps. Top dress with manure in spring. May need light to germinate.
NEW—Macleaya cordata. (b,g) MACL-2. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 64% GA-3 Tested: 9/08, 5 grams: $12.00
'PLUME POPPY'. Foot-long plumes of tiny pearly-white to pink flowers. Hardy perennial to 3 - 8 feet, with large, lobed grey-green leaves. China and Japan. Zone 3. A stately plant. Germinates best with light and GA-3, in 2 - 6 weeks and up.

MORACEAE. A single species.
—Maclura pomifera. (b,h) MACU-1. Packet: $2.50
Oz: $7.50, 1/4 lb: $22.50
'OSAGE ORANGE', 'HEDGE APPLE', 'BOIS D' ARC'. Spreading deciduous tree to 60 feet, usually smaller, with smooth 5" bright green leaves and spiny branches. Bears 4 - 5" knobbly fruits resembling oranges on female trees, ripening in October. Male trees fruitless. Orange bark. Arkansas to Texas. Fast growing hardy tree standing drought, poor soil, heat, cold and wind, Formerly much planted as an impenetrable hedge before barbed wire. For a hedge, plant out 9' apart, The wood is exceedingly hard, heavy, durable, strong and flexible, bright orange when freshly cut. Was much used by the Indians for bows and war clubs; later for fence posts wheel stock and railway ties. The roots & heartwood give a yellow dye. Bark used to tan leather. The milky juice of the fruit was used as a tick repellant, and it is said that the broken fruit will attract and kill cockroaches. Used medicinally by the Comanche. Germinates in 4 - 7 weeks warm, soaking may help.

MADIA (MAD-ee-a)
COMPOSITAE. Aromatic yellow daisies of dry habitats. Germinates in 3 weeks; some up to 3 months. Easy in warm dry soil in sun or shade, the flowers remaining open all day in. the shade. Their scent is familiar to all California hill-wanderers.
—Madia sativa. (b,g) MADI-22. Packet: $2.50
'MADI'. Small yellow flowers borne in profusion on a sticky, aromatic annual to 4 feet. California & Chile. The seeds are rich in protein and oil, and were used for food & oil by both California and Chilean Indians. The Araucanians crushed them & pressed or boiled them for the oil. The plant was cultivated in Europe as an olive-oil substitute, as it is sweet and of high quality. Germinates in 1 - 5 weeks.

MALCOLMIA (mal-kom-EE-a)
CRUCIFERAE. Hardy annuals 80 perennials from the Mediterranean & Mideast, grown for their showy flowers. Easy in almost any soil, prefers full sun. Sow in early spring or fall, and thin to 3" apart.
—Malcomia maritima Choice Mix. (a!,h) MALC-3X. Packet: $2.00
Germination: 99% Tested: 9/08, Oz: $5.00, 1/4 lb: $10.00
'VIRGINIA STOCK'. Bright red, rose and white inch-wide 4-petaled flowers covering the plant. Hardy annual to 8 - 12". Mediterranean. Sown in large drifts they make a vivid display. Six weeks from sowing to bloom. Succession sowings are nice. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.

MALVACEAE. 'MALLOW', 'CHEESES' (from the shape of the fruit). About 30 herbaceous species grown for their attractive flowers or for food (since 6000 BC). Very easily grown in most soils, full sun or light shade, and they may be sown where they are to flower. Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks. Seed long-lived; they have been sprouted from 200 year old adobe bricks in California & México. Nicking may help.
—Malva alcea Colonial Pink. (b,g) MALA-1CP. Packet: $2.50
1/4 Oz: $7.50, Oz: $22.50
Large pink blooms on a hardy perennial to 3 feet.
—Malva alcea fastigiata. (b,h) MALA-1F. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 92% Tested: 12/08, 10,200/Oz, 1/2 Oz: $7.50, Oz: $10.00
Bright rose 2" flowers on upright stems. Hardy perennial to 3 feet. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks, nicking helps.
—Malva moschata alba. (b,h) MALA-10A. Packet: $2.50
'WHITE MUSK MALLOW'. Lovely pure white. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks. About half are hard.
NEW—Malva moschata Appleblossom. (c,h) MALA-10P. Packet: $2.50
Soft appleblossom-pink 2" wide flowers from June to September. Hardy perennial to 20", with deeply divided foliage. Europe. Zone 3. Germinates in 1 - 12 weeks.
—Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana. (b,f) MALA-22M. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $12.00, 10 grams: $20.00
Click for photo » MalvaSylvestrisMauritiana.jpg (107131 bytes) MalvaSylvestrisMauritianaFlower.jpg (45808 bytes)
'ZEBRA MALLOW'. Clustered hollyhock-like flowers range from white to rosy purple, with dark purple veins, giving the petals a striped look. Hardy perennial often grown as an annual, to 3 - 4 feet. Blooms first year and from June to September in subsequent years. Europe. The flowers are edible and a nice addition to salads, and the young leaves are good in salads or boiled like greens. Nick seed, germinates in 1 - 4 weeks.
—Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana Purple. (c,g) MALA-22P. Packet: $2.50
Very nice, with purple flowers with darker veins. Nick seed to germinate in 1 - 2 weeks.

MANDRAGORA turcomanica: See Reserved Access page.

MARRUBIUM (ma-ROO-bee-um)
LABIATAE. Bitter aromatic Eurasian perennials. Easy in poor, hot, dry soils and full sun. Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks, best at very warm temperatures.
NEW—Marrubium vulgare. (b,h) MARR-10. Packet: $2.50
'HOREHOUND'. White-woolly hardy perennial to 1 - 2 feet, with small crinkled leaves and white flowers in whorls. W. Asia & Mediterranean. Aromatic and bitter. Called 'Seed of Horus' by the ancient Egyptians, it has a long medicinal history, and horehound candy is a popular cold remedy. It contains a powerful anti-viral compound. Used to brew ale.

MATRICARIA (mat-ri-KAR-ee-a)
COMPOSITAE. 'MAYWEED'. Hardy annuals & perennials with finely cut foliage and a profusion of attractive daisy-like flowers. Widespread. Easily grown in almost any soil, preferring full sun. Nice for edging or in drifts. Sow where they are to stand. Barely cover. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks. Seed viable 2 - 3 years. Blooms about 16 weeks from seed.
—Matricaria Chamomilla (=recutita). (a!,h) MATI-2. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 88% Tested: 9/08, 10 grams: $7.50
'GERMAN CHAMOMILE'. White inch-wide daisies with yellow disks. Hardy sweet-scented annual to 2 1/2 feet with finely divided ferny foliage. Europe, W. Asia. Very popular for a pleasant, relaxing bedtime tea. The volatile oil has been used as a solvent in applying platinum to glass. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.

MATTHIOLA (ma-the-O-la)
CRUCIFERAE. 'STOCKS'. Deliciously scented, easily grown annuals & perennials, cottage garden favorites. Splendid plants valued for their greyish foliage topped with dense showy spikes of clove-scented bloom. Excellent for cut flowers. Likes deep moist soil in sun or part shade. Lovely winter pot plant. Sow on the surface as light helps germination, which takes 1 - 2 weeks at cool temperatures. Seed half life is 7 - 10 years.
—Matthiola bicornis (=longipetala). (a,h) MATH-10. Packet: $2.00
Oz: $6.00, 1/4 lb: $18.00
'EVENING-SCENTED STOCK', 'PERFUME PLANT'. Lilac-pink 3/4" flowers are closed during the day and open in the evening to scent the air with a powerful perfume. Hardy annual to 20" with narrow leaves. Greece. "Wonderfully fragrant."—Sunset. Plant beneath the bedroom window.
—Matthiola incana Brompton Mixed. (b,h) MA TH-36B. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 80% Tested: 9/08, Gram: $7.50, 5 grams $15.00
'STOCKS'. Highly scented 2" flowers in a good color range. Dwarf biennial winter stock to 18", sown in fall to produce flowers in spring. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.

MECONOPSIS (me-ko-NOP-sis)
PAPAVERACEAE. Hardy annuals, biennials and perennials grown for their large showy flowers, which are produced in profusion from June to September. Excellent in the border, rock, and wild garden. Most are hardy, and prefer a moist, partly shady position, but with well drained soil that will not get soggy in winter. Some require a cool moist summer, and planting these on the north side of a stone will help provide a cool root zone. Equal parts peat, leaf mold and sand a foot deep is recommended. Best grown from seed. The perennials are deep rooted and long-lived and should not be disturbed once established. The monocarpic (seeding only once) biennial and triennial species can sometimes be flowered for several years if the first flower-buds are cut out. Sow annuals early and plant out at the end of April. The biennials and perennials should be started in flats on the North side of the house or other cool, shaded place. These will benefit greatly from one week of cold treatment if sown in summer. Plant out in September where they are to grow. They are magnificent plants, and not as difficult to grow as many think, and their exquisite flowers and often striking foliage are worth the extra attention to their requirements needed in establishing them.
—Meconopsis betonicifolia. (b,h) MECO-2. Packet: $3.00
'BLUE POPPY'. Beautiful sky-blue 2 - 3" flowers in cymes. Hardy perennial to 6 feet, with 6" toothed leaves. China. Blooms the second year from seed sown in spring and planted out in August or September. Germinates in about 2 - 6 weeks.
—Meconopsis cambrica. (a,v) MECO-3. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $7.50, 5 grams: $22.50
'WELSH POPPY'. Large orange-yellow single 2 - 3" poppies on slender 2 foot stems. Hardy perennial with 8" divided basal leaves. W. Europe. Zone 5 or 6. Good in moist woods and part shade for summer bloom. Seed irregular - sometimes it comes up readily, others it waits months to a year. GA-3 often helps germination.
—Meconopsis X Sheldonii Lingholm. (d,h) MECO-21L. Packet: $3.00
Beautiful clear rich blue 1 1/4" flowers in May to July. Hardy perennial to 3 feet, with bristly 6 - 10" leaves. Zone 6. (M. betonicifolia X grandis) germinates in 2 - 3 weeks.

MELALEUCA (me-la-LOO-ka)
MYRTACEAE. Many Australian evergreen shrubs & small trees, grown for their showy, bottle-brush like flowers. Most stand salt, heat, wind, poor soil, drought and smog. The 'honey myrtles' have the showiest flowers and the 'paper-barks' have attractive layered bark. The larger species are excellent in California and warm regions for hedges, screens & windbreaks or shade trees, often being breathtaking masses of color when in bloom. The smaller species are excellent as specimen plants and in cold regions are grown in tubs in the cool greenhouse. Close up the flowers of some are of exquisite beauty. They germinate in 1 to 7 weeks, cold or smoke often helps.
—Melaleuca alternifolia. (a!,v) MELA-4. Packet: $2.50
'OIL TEA-TREE', 'PAPERBARK'. Small Australian tree grown for the production of the famous antiseptic 'Tea-Tree Oil' distilled from the leaves.
—Melaleuca laterita. (a!,g) MELA-38. Packet: $2.50
'ROBIN REDBREAST BUSH'. Showy 2 1/2" spikes of scarlet-red powder-puff flowers in spring & summer. Graceful shrub with arching, cane-like branches to 10 feet, & narrow 1/2" leaves. W. Australia.

MELIA (ME-lee-a)
MELIACEAE. Handsome Asian & Australian trees & shrubs grown in California & the South. GA-3 helps germination.
—Melia Azedarach. (e,h) MELIA-3. Packet: $2.00
Oz: $6.00, 1/4 lb: $12.00
'CHINABERRY', 'PERSIAN LILAC', 'BEAD TREE'. Fragrant lilac flowers with purple-black centers, in loose clusters in early summer, followed by round yellow 1/2 - 3/4" fruits which persist after the leaves have fallen. Fast-growing spreading-crowned tree to 30 - 50 feet, with handsome 3 foot long bipinnate leaves. Asia. Hardy to Zone 7. Valuable shade tree for warm regions. Wood hard, durable and used in cabinet making. Seeds made into rosaries, and fruits attract birds. Seeds germinate easily in 1 - 3 months at warm temperatures. All parts medicinal. Closely related to the famous Neem tree, it has insecticidal properties and needs more research to determine the similarities.

LABIATAE. 'BALM'. Perennial herbs from Europe and Asia. Name comes from the Greek for 'bee', as bees are attracted to the plants. Sow after all danger of frost is past. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.
—Melissa officinalis. (a,h) MELS-1. Packet: $2.50
'LEMON BALM'. Strongly lemon-scented hardy perennial herb to 2 - 3 feet, forming large bushes in favorable climates. A good bee plant. The leaves are used in making potpourri, perfumes and tea. Use fresh or dry for tea and seasoning.
—Melissa officinalis Gold Leaf. (c,h) MELS-1G. Packet: $3.00
'GOLDEN LEMON BALM'. Striking golden and green foliage in spring, changing to light green. Golden color best in part shade. Germinates in 1 week.

LABIATAE. 'MINT'. Easily grown tender perennial herbs grown for seasoning, medicine, aromatic oil and ornament. Sow seed in any good moist garden soil in spring. They spread by runners.
—Mentha X piperita. (a,h) MENT-12. Packet: $2.50
'PEPPERMINT'. Purple flowers and purple-tinged leaves. To 2 - 3 feet. Likes moist places. The most-used mint, Oil of Peppermint is found in a great range of preparations from toothpaste to candy. Excellent remedy for nausea fever & rheumatism. Varies greatly from seed. Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks warm.
—Mentha Pulegium. (a,g) MENT-13. Packet: $2.50
'PENNYROYAL'. Spikes of lavender flowers on a sprawling, small-leaved herb. Spreads well in moist areas. The pungent leaves are a good insect repellant, and are medicinal. Germinates in 2 - 3 weeks.

MENTZELIA (ment-ZE-lee-a)
LOASACEAE. N. & S. American plants grown for their showy flowers. Easy in light rich soil in sunny spots. Good in the border, wild garden, or pots, blooming June to October. Sow 1/8" deep outdoors in March & April, or in fall in warm regions. They bloom in about 10 weeks.
—Mentzelia decapetala. (b,h) MENZ-2. Packet: $2.50
'GIANT EVENING STAR'. Huge cream to yellow 4 - 5" ten-petaled, sweet-scented flowers open at night, up to 40 - 50 blooms per plant. Very hardy biennial or perennial to 2 - 4 feet, with lobed, lance-shaped leaves. Dry rocky soil, plains & foothills, Alberta to Iowa & México. Give seed 4 weks cold to germinate in 4 weeks or so.

MERREMIA (me-RE-mee-a)
CONVOLVULACEAE. Twiners with bell or funnel-shaped morning glory-like flowers and divided or entire leaves. Mostly tropical, they are valued for their fast growth, attractive foliage, and some for ornamental pods or edible tubers. Easily grown in ordinary soil, the roots of the perennials can be stored over winter like Dahlias.
—Merremia sibirica. (e,h) MERR-3. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 99% Tested: 9/08, 1/4 Oz: $15.00, Oz: $35.00
Pale pink 3/4" flowers on a vigorous vine to 20 feet. Long, heart-shaped leaves, 2 1/2" wide and 4 1/2" long, turning red in autumn. Reddish stems. Grown from seed from Beijing, China. Hardy annual. Nick seed to germinate in a week. Blooms in 3 months.
"It is certainly a profuse bloomer. I had three plants on a trellis, and it was not uncommon to see up to a hundred flowers each morning!"—E. Kniola.

"Sometimes, there are no answers."

MIMOSA (mi-MO-sa)
LEGUMINOSAE. Warm region herbs, shrubs & trees grown for their showy, puff-like flowers & attractive feathery foliage. They make lovely specimens in the greenhouse or outdoors in California & the South. Nick seed to germinate in 1 - 3 weeks at warm temperatures. Grow like Acacia.
—Mimosa dysocarpa. (c,h) MIMO-5. Packet: $2.50
Seed has been treated with Sevin, then washed.

'VELVET-POD MIMOSA'. Purple-pink puff-like flowers in showy 1 - 2 1/2" spikes. Desert shrub to 3 - 6 feet, with feathery bipinnate leaves. S. Arizona and New Mexico. Drought tolerant. Zone 8.
—Mimosa pudica. (c,h) MIMO-7. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 68% Tested: 9/08, 1/4 Oz: $7.50, Oz: $22.50
'SENSITIVE PLANT'. Lavender puff-like flowers and feathery pinnate foliage which closes quickly at a touch. Shrub to 3 feet. Tropical America. Easily grown as an annual. Movement best at warm temperatures. Pop seed out of husk, nick, germinates in 1 - 3 weeks.

MIMULUS (MIM-you-lus)
SCROPHULARIACEAE. 'MONKEY-FLOWER'. Popular annuals and perennials grown for their showy tubular flowers. They prefer a moist soil and part shade, and are excellent for naturalizing in woodlands. They smother themselves in summer with their vivid, often spotted flowers, which, seen at the right angle may resemble a monkey's face. Sow from January to April indoors or April - June where they are to stand. Excellent floriferous pot plants. Sow on the surface, germinates in 1 - 4 weeks warm.
—Mimulus luteus tigrinus grandiflorus (a!,h) MIM-28T. Packet: $2.50
1/4 Oz: $7.50, Oz: $15.00
'TIGER MONKEY FLOWER'. Large bright yellow 1 1/2" flowers spotted with red & mahogany. Trailing perennial often grown as an annual, to 8 - 12" tall. Chile. Fine plant for moist areas.
—Mimulus ringens. (a!!,h) MIM-40. Packet: $2.50
'ALLEGHENY MONKEY FLOWER'. Pale lavender 3/4" long flowers with yellow palates. Hardy perennial to 2 - 4 feet, with 4" leaves. Swamps & moist meadows, E. U.S. Sow as early as March for flowers the first year. Prefers cool temperatures to germinate. Very hardy, to -35°F. "Nice garden plant, which blooms more than a month... doesn't require as much water as other marsh plants."—Goldman. For best germination use GA-3 to sprout in 4 weeks.
—Mimulus Tilingii. (a,h) MIM-84. Packet: $2.50
'MOUNTAIN MONKEY FLOWER'. Abundant yellow 1 1/2" flowers with red spots, in May to October. Hardy mat-forming perennial to 6 - 8", with small oval leaves. Mountains, W. N. America. Zone 7. Forms nice dense mats and blooms the first year. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.

MINA (MEE-na or MY-na)
CONVOLVULACEAE. A single species. Easily grown.
—Mina lobata Exotic Love. (e,h) MINA-1EL. Packet: $3.00
Germination: 90% Tested: 9/08, 50/g, 10 grams: $12.00, 25 grams: $20.00
(=Ipomoea lobata)
Unusual rich crimson 3/4" flower buds fading through orange to yellow, in curved, one-sided spikes. Each spike may have up to 12 flowers in various stages of development, producing a striking effect. Strong climbing vine to 15 - 20 feet, with 3-lobed leaves. México. Good in pots and hanging baskets. "It is a very free bloomer, and deservedly popular."—H. D. House. Nick seed to germinate in 1 - 2 weeks.

MIRABILIS (mi-RA-bil-is)
NYCTAGINACEAE. Showy tuberous-rooted perennials from the warm regions of the Americas, grown as annuals in the North. The name means 'admirable'. Best in a sunny spot. Easy from seed. They are wonderful old-fashioned favorites. In cold climates the roots may be dug & wintered like dahlias.
—Mirabilis Jalapa Mixed. (d,h) MIRA-6. Packet: $1.50
Germination: 60% Tested: 9/08, Oz: $5.00, 1/4 lb: $10.00
'FOUR-O'CLOCK', 'MARVEL-OF-PERU'. Fragrant, trumpet-shaped 1 - 2" flowers in bright shades of red, magenta, pink, yellow, and white, sometimes striped and blotched. Showy, profusely-blooming tender perennial to 3 feet, with deep green 2 - 6" leaves, forming an attractive mound of bloom. Tropical America. Long tuberous roots may reach 40 pounds in warm climates. Grow as an annual in the North, or lift tubers like dahlias. The fragrance is said to drive away mosquitoes, and the flowers are used as food coloring in China. An old-fashioned favorite, cultivated since 1596. 'Jalapa' is a Mexican town, pronounced ha-LA-pa. Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks.
—Mirabilis multiflora. (10,h) MIRA-16. Packet: $3.00
Germination: 92% Tested: 10/08, Oz: $24.00
'DESERT FOUR O'CLOCK', 'SO:'KSI' (Hopi name). Deep rose 2" long trumpet-shaped flowers abundantly produced on a grey-green perennial to 6 feet across, with triangular leaves and a large thick root. SW U.S. Hopi medicine-men chew the root to help diagnosis of patients. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.

MIRBELIA (mir-BEL-ee-a)
LEGUMINOSAE. Australian shrubs with pea-like flowers in yellow-orange or purple.
NEW—Mirbelia dilatata. (b,v) MIRB-7. Packet: $2.50
'HOLLY -LEAF MIRBELIA'. Spikes of purple-mauve flowers at the branch-tips in spring and summer. Large shrub to 12 feet, with wavy, dark green, holly-like leaves and egg-shaped pods. SE Australia. Zone 8. Good in California. Hot water or smoke.

LABIATAE. Aromatic perennial and annual herbs, some with showy scarlet or purple blooms. Good in masses in a sunny border. Easy culture, will thrive in any good soil. Divide in spring; plants disturbed in fall often die in winter. Sow on the surface, germinates in 1 - 4 weeks. Cool temperatures help some.
—Monarda citriodora. (a!,g) MOND-2. Packet $2.00
Oz: $6.00, 1/4 lb: $18.00
'LEMON BEE BALM'. Purple or yellow showy flowers. Annual or perennial to 32". Highly lemon-scented. The mature seedheads are attractive dried.
—Monarda didyma Panorama. (b,h) MOND-3X. Packet: $2.50
'BERGAMOT', 'BEE BALM', 'OSWEGO TEA'. Highly aromatic herb with showy scarlet, purple or pink flowers in starry whorls. To 2 feet. The fragrant leaves are used alone as a tea, or are mixed with black tea as flavoring. Excellent bee plant. Stunning when flowering. Likes moist soil.
—Monarda fistulosa, (a!,h) MOND-9. Packet: $2.50
'WILD BERGAMOT'. Lilac 1 1/2" flowers in clusters with colored bracts. Hardy perennial to 2 - 5 feet, with 4" leaves. N. America. The strongly fragrant leaves were used when cooking meat, and were chewed by the Indians. They make a pleasant aromatic tea. The volatile oil is over 50% carvacrol. Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks, with stragglers to 5 months.
—Monarda punctata. (a,g) MOND-15. Packet: $2.50
'SPOTTED BEEBALM'. Inch-long yellow flowers spotted with purple, in dense wheel-like whorls, surrounded by purple-pink bracts. Hardy perennial to 3 feet, with narrow 3" leaves. E. U.S. The dried seedheads are attractive. A strongly aromatic and flavorful herb with a thyme-like scent. Germinates in 2 - 3 weeks.

MORACEAE. Wide-ranging deciduous trees grown for their delicious blackberry-like fruits.
NEW—Morus nigra. (b,g) MORU-16. Packet: $2.50
Germination: 60% Tested: 10/08, 5 grams: $9.00
'BLACK MULBERRY'. Sweet, juicy purple-black berries to 1" long. Hardy deciduous tree to 30 feet, with broad 8" leaves. West-central Asia. Zone 5. The berries are good fresh or dried, and the leaves are used to feed silkworms. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.

"Coercion is the least efficient means of obtaining order."—U. K. LeGuin.

MYOSOTIS (my-o-SO-tis)
BORAGINACEAE. 'FORGET-ME-NOT'. Hardy annuals, biennials and perennials with a profusion of exquisite, small, showy blue, rose or white flowers in racemes or curved spikes. They will flower in sun but are at their best in partial shade and moist soil. Excellent for naturalizing in cool shady problem areas, making a dense carpet of bloom in spring. Charming pot plants for indoor flowers in winter, and nice for cutting, as they last well in water. Most of the perennials will bloom the first year if started early, and can be sown up to August for bloom the following spring. Easy from seed. Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks.
—Myosotis arvensis. (b,g) MYOS-4. Packet: $2.50
'FIELD FORGET-ME-NOT'. Tiny starry light blue flowers from June to August. Hardy annual wildflower to 20" tall. Eurasia. A lovely delicate plant, best for naturalizing. Grows well in dry soil.

MYRTILLOCACTUS (mir-til-o-KAK-tus)
CACTACEAE. Mexican columnar cacti.
NEW—Myrtillocactus geometrizans. (d,l) MYRT-7. Packet: $2.50
'BLUE CANDLE', 'PADRE NUESTRO'. Columnar tree-like cactus to 13 feet, with a rounded crown of blue-green, short-spined, 3 - 4" thick arms. Creamy white inch-wide flowers in early summer, followed by blue-purple edible berries called 'garambulo', and much loved in Mexico, fresh or dried. Zone 9. Stands moisture. Use GA-3 to germinate in 1 - 4 weeks.

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