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Search the IBRA Bee Boles Register

You can make the search as simple or as complex as you want. If you want to search using just one parameter, leave all the others as they are. Be aware that the more specific your search, the fewer results will be returned, so why not try a more general search first, and then hone the results with more specific search terms afterwards?

County You can search for a list of bee boles and other structures in an area by clicking on the arrow to the right to see the drop-down menu and selecting the name.

Traditional (pre-1974) County You can search for a list of bee boles and other structures in the traditional (pre-1974 local government reorganisation) UK county boundary areas by clicking on the arrow to the right to see the drop-down menu and selecting the name. Click here for more information about traditional county boundaries.
Village or town Alternatively, you can search for the name of a village or town by typing in the name.

Publicly accessible You can find the structures that are accessible to the public, by choosing 'public' from this drop-down menu.
Structure You can search for structures other than bee boles, e.g. bee shelters or bee houses by selecting from this drop-down menu. See Types of structure for details

Century constructed If you are interested in the age of structures, you can select the approximate date of construction. Note that the list for “Century constructed” contains exact century dates for search purposes, but many bee bole walls are only approximately dated; for example, bee boles dated to c.1600 are designated in the century field as 1501-1600, although they may actually have been built in the early 1600s.
IBRA Register No. If you know the IBRA Register number of the record you want to check, just select it in the drop down menu, and click on the 'Record detail' button.