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Ban on Toxic Flame Retardants (PBDEs) - Washington

The Washington State Legislature has passed legislation phasing out the use of all forms of the toxic flame retardants known as PBDEs in many household products.

The bill (ESHB1024) does the following:

  • Bans the use of the penta and octa forms of PBDEs, with limited exceptions, by 2008
  • Bans the use of the deca form in mattresses by 2008
  • Bans the use of the deca form in televisions, computers, and residential upholstered furniture by 2011, as long as a safer, reasonable, and effective alternative has been identified by the state departments of Ecology and Health and approved by fire safety officials

The Washington ban does not apply to many deca uses, including in airplanes and vehicles. The ban targets items found in the home because the greatest exposure concerns are for infants and children.

In 2003 California passed a state-wide ban on PBDEs. The ban covered two forms of PBDEs, octa and penta. See more on California's ban.

Americans are exposed to PBDEs on a daily basis.  The chemicals are used in plastics and foams and added to products phones, furniture and electronics to make them flame retardant. Roughly 50,000 metric tons of PBDEs are produced annually world-wide, with 40% of their use in North America.  The chemicals are extremely potent thyroid disruptors and may lead to the development of ADHD and low sperm count.

It should be noted that some major manufacturers are voluntarily eliminating the use of PBDEs in their products.


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