

Delaware Beekeeping Contacts & Associations

DE Beekeepers Association
Paul Dill, President
Tel: (302) 249-1866
Frank Marro, Sec/Tres
Cell: (302) 270-1122
Email: fmarro2@comcast.net

DE Apiary Inspections
Bob Mitchell
Jeff Brothers
Delaware Dept. of Agriculture
Division of Production & Promotion
2320 S. DuPont Highway
Dover, DE 19901
Tel: (302) 739-4811
Fax: (302) 697-6287

University of Delaware
Dewey M. Caron
Department of Entomology &
Applied Ecology 250 TNS
University of Delaware
Newark, De 19717
Tel: (302) 831-8883
Fax: (302) 831-8889






Fact sheets Slide shows and powerpoint presentations.VideosFrequently Asked QuestionsPublications available for sale.