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BSE: Legislation

Note: The following list and Internet links are intended only as a guide. While this page is updated periodically, we cannot guarantee that it is complete and accurate. Readers wishing to comply with legislation may therefore wish to consult their own legal advisers.

Where possible this section contains direct links to copies of legislation that are held on the Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI) and the Eur-Lex websites. If you have problems using these links, or you want to search for other legislation, you can access the search page of the OPSI site or the search page of the Eur-Lex site.

[Domestic Legislation] [European Legislation]

Domestic Legislation

Regulation (EC) 999/2001 and its amendments (see the European Legislation [hyperlink to European Legislation section of this page] section of the website) set out the requirements for the monitoring, control & eradication of TSEs as well as the controls on feedingstuffs and specified risk material (SRM) in relation to TSEs. The European legislation is directly applicable and is administered and enforced by the following domestic legislation:

[Domestic Legislation] [European Legislation]

European Legislation


The articles and annexes of Regulation (EC) 999/2001 Adobe acrobat pdf file (311 KB), and its amendments, set out the requirements for the monitoring, control and eradication of TSEs and the controls on feedingstuffs and SRM. Currently there are over 25 amendments Adobe acrobat pdf file (11 KB) to Regulation (EC) 999/2001; links to the five most recent amendments are given below:

Regulation (EC) 688/2006 Adobe acrobat pdf file (336 KB), amending Annexes III and XI of the Regulation;
Regulation (EC) 657/2006 Adobe acrobat pdf file (49 KB), amending Annexes III and XI of the Regulation and repealing Decisions 98/256/EC, 98/351/EC and 1999/514/EC to allow:

  • Exports of boneless meat and meat products from UK bovines, born after 31 July 1996, slaughtered after 15 June 2005;
  • Exports of bone-in meat from UK bovines, born after 31 July 1996, slaughtered after the Regulation came into force.

Regulation (EC) 339/2006 Adobe acrobat pdf file(33 KB), amending Annex XI of the Regulation;
Regulation (EC) 253/2006 Adobe acrobat pdf file (45 KB), amending Annexes VII and X of the Regulation;
Regulation (EC) 1974/2005 Adobe acrobat pdf file (50 KB), amending Annexes X and XI of the Regulation.

Additional legislation on Feedingstuffs

Commission Regulation (EC) 1292/2005 Adobe acrobat pdf file (60KB) amending Annex IV to Regulation (EC) 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards animal nutrition.

Commission Recommendation 2005/925/EC Adobe acrobat pdf file(379 KB), provides in its Annex III a risk assessment model to be used in the design of a risk-based strategy for official monitoring purposes (i.e. to determine the number of visits and level of sampling to be undertaken at particular types of premises), and a standard reporting model for Member States to use for reporting their official inspection activities to the Commission for 2005.

Commission Directive 2003/126/EC Adobe acrobat pdf file (169 KB) replaced Directive 98/88/EC to provide an updated method of microscopy analysis used to determine constituents of animal origin for the official control of feedingstuffs.

Older Cattle Disposal Scheme (OCDS)

The OCDS was an exceptional market support measure providing for disposal of, and compensation for, cattle born or reared in the UK before August 1996. It replaced the Over Thirty Month Scheme on 23 January 2006 and closed on 31 December 2008.


Page last modified: 31 December, 2008

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs