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Upcoming Tech Transfer Overview course dates

  • December 16, 2008, 9am-12pm, Bldg. 1, Room E100E

Civil servants: Register online*

Contractors: Register via e-mail.

[Links followed by * open new browser windows.]

Tech Transfer Training: Something for Everyone

Goddard’s Innovative Partnerships Program (IPP) Office offers quarterly training classes to help civil servant and contractor personnel understand the in’s and out’s of technology transfer. (see upcoming dates in left sidebar)

“There have been many changes to the program in the past few years, particularly in our increased focus on what is known as ‘technology infusion,’” explained IPP Office Chief Nona Cheeks. “Our new office name reflects that emphasis and the need for partnerships.”

Image from past training classThe technology infusion process involves partnering with outside organizations—companies, universities, other government labs, even other NASA Centers—to complement Goddard’s in-house capabilities.

“By providing Goddard researchers with access to new technologies, facilities, capabilities, and expertise, we accelerate their R&D efforts to achieve NASA missions more efficiently and cost effectively,” said Ms. Cheeks.

“It’s the classic ‘make vs. buy’ question,” according to the IPP Office’s Laura Schoppe, who leads the training program. “Too many times R&D labs, even those in private companies, invest in research that is taking them down a path that has already been cleared.” Ms. Schoppe said that NASA’s combined program of technology infusion partnering and the “spinoff” approach to technology transfer is the best way to maximize the return on R&D investments.

“Our training program is designed to help the ‘bench researcher’ as well as managers understand what technology transfer is, why it is important, and how they can and should participate in it,” said Ms. Schoppe. “This class should be attended by anyone who deals with innovation and technology development.”

Dispelling the Myths

Regardless of your level of experience with technology transfer, you should consider attending one of the Tech Transfer Overview Courses. Even individuals who have been at Goddard for many years still believe many of the myths regarding technology transfer. For example:

Myth #1: My technology is so specific to the goals of the space program that no one else would be interested in it.

You’d be surprised to find that many space-based technologies have applications here on Earth. The IPP Office has the expertise to find the alternate applications, but first you must report the technology.

Myth #2: These “Invention Disclosures” are just more paperwork that is filed somewhere and no one ever looks at it.

The IPP Office reviews every New Technology Report (NTR) and determines which technologies have industry applications and which have strategic importance for Goddard. In both cases, specific strategies are developed to maximize the benefits to Goddard.

Myth #3: The R&D is still ongoing, so I should wait until it’s finished to file the NTR.

As soon as you recognize that you have a new invention, you should file an NTR. Not only does the IPP Office need the NTR to establish IP protection, but it can be used to develop a strategy to maximize value to you and Goddard.

Myth #4: If I report my technology in an NTR, other NASA scientists and engineers will have access to my ideas, and possibly compete with me for funding.

Submitted NTRs are stored in a NASA database that can be accessed only by NASA IPP personnel, not by other scientists and engineers.

Myth #5: Once I file the NTR, I can present my technology at a professional conference or in a paper.

If you present your technology at a conference or otherwise disclose it before Goddard has a chance to initiate patent efforts, the IP protection could be lost. This has negative financial impacts for you and for Goddard. IPP will work with you to secure the best protection for your technology before you plan to disclose it.

Myth #6: I can give software or design information to any company or university under contract to NASA.

Unless you execute a separate agreement (which the IPP Office can help you with) to restrict the use and distribution of the information you share, you are likely to “give away” your technology, jeopardizing IP protection and possibly revealing competition-sensitive information.

Don’t continue to believe these myths. Civil servants may register online*, while contractors can register via e-mail.

For more information, please contact Dale Hithon (301-286-2691).