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Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science

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 Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science

Coming Soon ...

Journal of
ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science


Based on the succes of the
Journal of Apicultural Research IBRA is
proud to announce the launch of this new electronic journal

Publishing the latest scientific research
on hive products.


SUBSCRIBE TODAY!                                                                                            Issn: 1759 -7986

Subscription rates for 2009 are now available.
Institutions, including libraries - £300.00
Individual rates - £99.00
Your annual subscription will start as soon as we recieve your payment. 


Call for papers !                                                                                               

We are interested to hear from students, researchers and academics who have a particular interest in hive products and who would like to publish their research article in our new Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science.

Please read our
Instructions for authors, and if you believe that you have a research article that would be of interest to us, please do not hesitate to send it in. Contact: jaas@ibra.org.uk

                      - We look forward to hearing from you. 


What will this journal offer? 

The Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science will focus upon research being carried out on biologically relevant properties of bee products, and their scientific relevance in the fields of medicine, nutrition and healthcare.

There is extensive evidence that bee hive products have played an important role in the medical regimes of diverse civilizations since ancient times, but there is little objective experimental or clinical evidence to explain the effectiveness of many of these remedies. Although honey is incorporated into contemporary wound care, the other hive products are largely ignored by modern physicians. Those ancient treatments have not been forgotten, however, and there is much interest in reviving them for modern patients, especially for those that fail to respond to current therapies.


What is the scope of this journal?

JAAS will cover research on the six main hive products: honey, pollen, propolis, wax, royal jelly, and bee venom. It will publish research on the biologically relevant properties and substances of these products. Indeed, only the inclusion of such properties into standards can make their application in medicine successful. Unfortunately, advocates sometimes use hive products without a clear understanding of their effects or their precise mode of action.

To re-introduce different strategies into conventional medicine requires scientific data to demonstrate that improved outcomes will be established, because an evidenced-based approach was adopted during the 1990s. This journal aims to provide a forum where the efficacy and effectiveness of bee products with therapeutic properties can be presented, debated and evaluated using scientific principles.


Why produce yet another journal? 

Increasing publicity is given to hive products
but at present much of this information lacks a sound basis in analytical science, and results that are published are spread throughout many journals. By providing the world with a single journal through which scientists can publish
their peer reviewed findings on hive products, IBRA continues its mission of disseminating proven and practical information. 

Who should be reading this journal?

JAAS will target a larger and more diverse readership reflecting the growing interest and potential offered by the products of the hive.

IBRA aims to capture the attention of researchers in the pharmaceutical and food industries, the medical and veterinary sciences, as well as expanding upon its more traditional area of support, apiculture. 


How quickly will articles be published?

As a purely electronic journal the JAAS editorial team intend to have the peer reviewed articles available on-line as quickly as possible.  IBRA already has a number of papers, each by a recognised world authority, which will set the tone, reputation and content of the journal. 


Can IBRA guarantee quality articles?

The editorial team of renowned international specialists, will only allow the publication of scientific research of a high standard and within the scope of the journal.  Neither the management of IBRA, nor the editors are prepared to have the reputation of the journal or IBRA tainted by unfounded theories that may be linked to some of the more speculative applications of natural bee products.



The Instructions for authors are now available to download
Click here for pdf.


Updated leaflet now available. To download a pdf of the above, please
click here