
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Published: Friday, January 16, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 8:01 p.m.
Registration FAQ

The Basics of Registration:
Why do I have to register?
Is registration free?
How do I register?
What are the benefits of registration?
Why are you asking for my age? Is there going to be content that you don't want minors to see?
When I subscribe to the newspaper or buy a copy from a rack, you don't ask me for personal information. Why do it online?
Are there any parts of the site that do not require registration?
I have registered for other services and features on the HeraldTribune.com and/or other related sites. Will I need to register again?
Are passwords and e-mail addresses case sensitive?
Can I access my newspaper subscription account?

E-mail and Privacy Policies:
Am I going to receive a lot of extra e-mail because of this registration?
How will my personal information be used?
What is your privacy policy?
What happens if someone is not truthful in the registration process?
Why is some information required on the registration form, and some information optional?
How secure is this registration process? Will anyone be able to steal my e-mail or contact information?

Managing Your Account:
What if I read articles at home and at work, and I have different e-mails at those places. Must I register twice?
I can't remember my password.
I need to update/edit my profile.
How can I remove myself from your database?
How do I subscribe or unsubscribe to a newsletter?
How do I log out?
I requested a new password, but it was never sent to me.
I am a registered user, so why am I being asked to register again?
I've already registered. How do I log on?

I have software that blocks cookies. Will I still be able to register and view the site?
What are cookies and why do I need them?
How do I change my browser settings to accept cookies?
What information will you be tracking along with my cookie?
When I try to register, could my security settings create a "page or URL not found error"?

Additional help:
How do I get a question answered that is not in the FAQs?

The Basics of Registration:

Why do I have to register?
We’re now asking the readers of HeraldTribune.com to register for two reasons. We’d like to:

  1. Understand more about you, so we can offer content and features tailored to your interests. We want to improve your experience on the site.
  2. Target the marketing messages you receive to make them more relevant, and deliver a better value for our advertisers.
Many newspaper Web sites now require registration. Our hope is that our quick and easy registration process will minimize any inconvenience. And the best part is that you only need to register once for full, exclusive access for life. Please browse our Privacy Policy if you are concerned about entering your personal information.

Is registration free?

How do I register?
To register, please complete all the fields on the registration form. It's quick and easy. Your e-mail address will double as your log-in; you just need to note your password for future reference.

What are the benefits of registration?

Registering will give you access to all the stuff you love on HeraldTribune.com, plus brand new features like breaking news e-mail alerts. You also can access photo galleries and multimedia, e-mail newsletters, forums and live chats.

Why are you asking for my age? Is there going to be content that you don't want minors to see?
We are asking for your birth year in order to comply with the provisions of the Child's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, as enacted by the Federal Trade Commission and made effective in April 2000.

When I subscribe to the newspaper or buy a copy from a rack, you don't ask me for personal information. Why do it online?
Since we deliver newspaper to subscribers' homes or re-stock newspaper racks, we have a pretty good idea of where our readers are. This is not the case on our Web site. We're still learning a lot about our readers -- such as whether they read our newspaper, whether they live in our area, etc. By learning more about our readers, we can build a more reader-friendly site.

Are there any parts of the site that do not require registration?
Yes. Without registering, you can still access the classified ads, coupons, daily print ads, real estate, autos, jobs and other special sections.

I have registered for other services and features on HeraldTribune.com and/or other related sites. Will I need to register again?
Yes and no. The site registration is a separate program. Eventually we will have one registration for all services on HeraldTribune.com and related sites. If you are already registered on Herald Tribune Jobs you will be prompted to complete this registration form.

Are passwords and e-mail addresses case sensitive?

Can I access my newspaper subscription account?
At this time, unfortunately, no.

E-mail and Privacy Policies:

Am I going to receive a lot of extra e-mail because of this registration?
We hate junk e-mail and spam as much as you do. That's why we guarantee that you will receive only one e-mail from us when you register -- a confirmation of your registration. After that, the only times you will receive e-mail from us are when there are important developments related to your registration or to the site operations that we feel you must know about immediately. Beyond that, we will send you e-mail only if you request it, such as the daily e-mail newsletters that we plan to offer. We will absolutely not sell or provide your e-mail address to any outside party.

How will my personal information be used?
Your personal information will never be shared with any advertiser or other third party. We will share aggregate information with advertisers (such as the percentage of women vs. men that visit our site, the most popular hobby among our visitors, how many visitors are between the ages of 40 and 50, and so on) but never anything that will identify individual users. We use demographic information to provide targeted content and advertising, thereby improving your experience on the site.

What is your privacy policy?

Your can read our privacy policy at www.heraldtribune.com/privacy.

What happens if someone is not truthful in the registration process?
Your answers help us to tailor advertising and editorial content that will be of most interest to you. The information that you provide us on the registration form is our primary means of tailoring content. False or misleading information will result in a Web site that is not as interesting to you.

Why is some information required on the registration form, and some information optional?
We respect your privacy and realize that there may be information that you would rather not share with anyone. Knowing that, we are safeguarding your personal information and respecting your privacy. We are asking for information needed to build a site that is more personally relevant to you, and tailored to your interests. And, we are asking for information that is valuable to our advertisers. By capturing information about our customer-base, we give our advertisers a better understanding of who is viewing their advertising.

How secure is this registration process? Will anyone be able to steal my e-mail or contact information?
Our Web site registration process is protected. We take steps to ensure that our Web site is protected from "hacking" or other illegal activity. Your registration account is included in that protection.

How long are you going to be keeping this information?
We plan to keep this information as long as you are an active visitor to our site. If you do not return to the site for 12 months, we will remove your account information from our active database.

Will you be using my name or e-mail address to solicit anyone else?
We will use your name or e-mail address to offer another person a special offer or promotion ONLY if you give us permission to do so.

Managing Your Account:
What if I read articles at home and at work, and I have different e-mails at those places. Must I register twice?
No. Once you register, you can use that e-mail address and password to log in from anywhere in the world, be it your office, your home or your cousin's aunt's best friend's computer. Your e-mail address and password are unique to you.

I can't remember my password.
No problem. Go to http://www.heraldtribune.com/getpassword, and we'll send your password to the e-mail address you used to register.

I need to update/edit my profile.          
This feature is coming soon.

I need to edit my e-mail preferences.
Our Member Center is the place to manage your account. Please visit our Member Center and click on the Change your newsletter settings link.

How can I remove myself from your database?
To completely delete your account, please send an e-mail to webmaster@heraldtribune.com with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

Please be aware that by deleting your profile, you will remove all information about yourself from our database. If you return to our Web site or wish to subscribe to a newsletter, you will be asked to register again.

How do I subscribe or unsubscribe to a newsletter?
You must be a registered user to subscribe or unsubscribe to newsletters using our Member Center. To sign in, go to the member center at www.heraldtribune.com/membercenter and click on the Change your newsletter settings link.

From there you will be presented with the newsletter subscription form. The newsletters you are currently subscribed to will have checkmarks next to them. Simply uncheck the box of the newsletters you wish to unsubscribe to, or check those newsletters you would wish to receive. Next, click on "Sign Up," and your new subscriptions will begin or be cancelled.

How do I log out?
You can log out by clicking the log out link located at the top of most pages. If you are using a shared computer, it is always a good idea to log out and close the browser when you are finished.

I requested a new password, but it was never sent to me.
When you use the “forgot your password?” feature, our system automatically generates an e-mail with the password we have on file with your e-mail address and sends it to the e-mail address you entered when you registered. Because this is an automated process, some e-mail providers view this as spam or junk mail. If you requested a password and did not receive it, please check your “spam” or “junk” folders for an e-mail from HeraldTribune.com. If you do not find an e-mail from us, please contact us at webmaster@heraldtribune.com because the e-mail may have been automatically deleted.

I am a registered user, so why am I being asked to register again?
One reason you may be asked to register again is that the cookies we use to recognize registered users may have been deleted or may have expired. You do not need to go through the entire registration process; you only need to sign in again.

To sign in, look for the box with the title “Please log in” located on the right-hand side of the registration form. Enter your e-mail address and password, click on ‘log in’ and you will automatically be taken back to the original page you were reading.

I've already registered. How do I log on?
To sign in, look for the box with the title “Please log in” located on the right-hand side of the registration form. Enter your e-mail address and password, click on ‘log in’ and you will automatically be taken back to the original page you were reading.


I have software that blocks cookies. Will I still be able to register and view the site?
If you refuse to accept a cookie from us, we have no way of knowing that you're a member of our community and, thus, we cannot let you in. So, if you're blocking cookies, you will be unable to register.

What are cookies and why do I need them?
A cookie is a small piece of computer code, which we give you when you register with us. It is stored on your computer. We use it to identify you as a registered user so you don't have to login each time you return to our site. 

How do I change my browser settings to accept cookies?
Depending on which browser you use the instructions to change your cookie settings vary. See below for specific details on the most common browser versions. You can also find out more about cookies online. If you use Internet Explorer, visit the Microsoft Web site. If you use a Netscape browser, visit the Netscape site.

What information will you be tracking along with my cookie?
HeraldTribune.com, like many other web publishers, tracks the activities of visitors to their sites. This activity is tracked for many reasons – such as monitoring ease of use of a site and tracking popularity of particular sections. HeraldTribune.com uses this information to determine which pages are more valuable to you and to our advertisers. Your account information, combined with your activity on our site, will provide additional information that allows us to create a more interesting and enjoyable site.

When I try to register, could my security settings create a "page or URL not found error"?
Yes. Some firewall programs and browser security settings may not accept our cookie or allow you to submit your registration data to us unless you adjust the settings or temporarily disable them while you register on our site. In addition to adjusting any firewall you use, you can also update most browser's security settings to type in HeraldTribune.com as a trusted site. You may also have a privacy setting where you can override cookie blocking for Heraldtribune.com

Additional help:

How do I get a question answered that is not in the FAQs?
Please contact us at webmaster@heraldtribune.com or (941) 361-4660. We are committed to answering your questions quickly and thoroughly. You can also fill out our registration trouble report to contact us.

If you did not find the answer to your question about technical issues, send us a Registration Trouble Report, and we'll get back to you with the answer.

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