
Banks may need a bigger bailout

The federal government is reportedly close to finalizing a deal that would give billions in additional aid to Bank of America Corp. to help it close its acquisition of Merrill Lynch & Co. Bank of America shares fell 28 percent to their lowest level in 18 years before closing down 18 percent.
Published: Friday, January 16, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Friday, January 16, 2009 at 1:23 a.m.

NEW YORK - The banks may need a bigger bailout.

The government is mulling another multibillion-dollar aid package for Bank of America Corp., raising the possibility that much more taxpayer money will be needed to keep the banking industry from edging back toward the abyss.

Investors took the news badly. Bank of America shares fell as much as 28 percent to their lowest level in 18 years before closing down 18 percent. Citigroup Inc. shares fell to a near 16-year low, closing down 15 percent, amid concerns about its stability. A grim earnings outlook from JPMorgan Chase & Co. escalated the pessimism. Its shares lost 6 percent.

But the sense of panic that has hovered over Wall Street in recent days does not seem to have breached Capitol Hill. Lawmakers, wary of pushback from constituents, reluctantly released the second $350 billion in the Treasury's financial rescue fund Thursday after assurances that $50 billion to $100 billion would be spent to try to reduce foreclosures. Many lawmakers have resisted giving banks more money.

The bank sector's tumble stoked investor fears that a darkening economic outlook is hurting government efforts to resuscitate the banking industry. And it raised the possibility that the $700 billion financial rescue package -- the largest in history -- might need to swell even further.

"The perception on Wall Street is that things are getting worse and that the banks are bearing the brunt," said Jack A. Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank in Chicago.

Bank of America, which already received $25 billion under the government's Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, could get billions more to help it absorb losses from its buyout of Merrill Lynch, according to a person with knowledge of the discussions, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the discussions.

The plan could be modeled after a similar government lifeline that was thrown to Citigroup in November, the person said. Under such a plan, the government would give Bank of America another capital infusion and possibly guarantee any losses on problem loans. A fresh capital injection could come from the TARP, while any money for loan guarantees could come from a mix of government sources.

Such a move would support the growing consensus among financial experts that Treasury's bailout program so far won't be enough to stabilize banks reeling from bad mortgage loans and falling home prices. As the recession deepens, consumers and businesses are increasingly defaulting on other loans, such as those involving credit cards and commercial real estate, analysts say.

"It was getting better for a while, but now it's just going to hell," Bert Ely, an independent banking consultant said. "The worse it gets, the more the government is going to have to do -- and the problem is, we just don't know."

The prospect of pumping more taxpayer money into Bank of America raised troubling questions about whether other banks may need more capital infusions.

"Will we need TARP 2.0?" asked Vincent R. Reinhart, former director of the Federal Reserve's monetary affairs division. "The first half wasn't used effectively, so we're certainly going to need the second half. But it probably won't be enough."

House Financial Services Committee Chair Barney Frank, D-Mass., said the problems in the financial sector could mean "we have to do more."

"Things have been worse than anticipated, there's no question," he said in an interview Thursday on C-SPAN. He compared the financial system to a patient under emergency care, saying, "You don't say, 'Well, that didn't work, I'm cutting it off.'"

But more government intervention into the banking sector would likely upset Republican lawmakers and could further unnerve investors worried about the health of major banks.

"If the government has to step in, it may very well mean the government will have to take precedence over other shareholders," effectively wiping them out, Reinhart said.

Investors are also wary about what Bank of America would have to give up in return for more bailout money. One possibility: The government could require the bank to slash its quarterly dividend paid to investors, analysts said. A similar restriction was imposed on Citigroup as a condition of its rescue.

"The market is very troubled by that," said Edward Yardeni, an independent banking analyst. "Banks don't really have any value to shareholders if they can't pay dividends. It's not a growth industry."

The dour sentiments followed a troubling fourth-quarter earnings report from JPMorgan. It reported earnings of $702 million in the October-December quarter; analysts had expected it would break even.

At Citigroup, analysts are bracing for dismal fourth-quarter earnings numbers due today. Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters, on average, predict a per-share loss of $1.19 for the fourth quarter -- which would be Citigroup's deepest deficit yet. The bank has posted net losses for four consecutive quarters.

This story appeared in print on page D1


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  1. ccantwell6 says...
    January 16, 2009 4:54:34 am

    When will any of our elected officials talk about the real cause of our economic problems, the privately owned corporation who pays no taxes, the Federal Reserve.

    The Federal Reserve holds a monopoly on "the people's" currency and it's policies of manipulating interest rates thereby expanding and contracting the supply of money, directly cause these boom and bust business cycles.When will Americans declare financial warfare on the banks?This is absolutely a scam on such a massive scale. Central economic planning doesn't work & neither does our government throwing billions of future taxpayer debt into the pockets of these banks and their shareholders. Read about fractional reserve banking. In Aug. 2004, the privately owned corporation, the Federal Reserve, increased the reserve ratios for all the major Wall street investment firms from 10 to 1 to 40 to 1. We need to fix our monetary policy and reform back to a constitutional, sound money policy that would prevent any "bubbles" from taking shape to begin with. The business cycles and recessions are a consequence of having a privately owned central bank, who isn't required to have any oversight by our elected officials & pays no taxes, artificially manipulating & controlling interest rates and the money supply. Read about it because you'll never see any media coverage about this.r3VOLution!!!!!

    P.S. Our unconditional, immorally balanced foreign policy towards the state of Israel is not in the interest of the US or Israel. Cut funding to both sides & If we had demonstrated a more morally balanced foreign policy towards Israel since the end of the cold war, 9/11 and all the previous attacks WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED. The interventionist, preemptive war mentality in our foreign policy is making my country, America, LESS SAFE.

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