
This is what Opera.com looks like when you surf with your mobile!

You can surf on Opera.com with your mobile today. All you need to do is to download and install Opera Mini.

Opera Mini works on almost every phone, and it’s free!

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Reporting bugs

Bugs are unexpected defects, faults, flaws, or imperfections in a computer program. Opera Software wants to know about all defects that may be encountered in the browser.

For this information to be useful, however, bug reports need to be as detailed and specific as possible. Please follow the guidelines below when submitting or considering to submit a bug report:

  1. Make sure you are using the latest available release for your platform.
  2. Please write in English. Bug reports in other languages will normally not be processed.
  3. Include as much relevant detail as possible when describing the bug.
  4. Make sure the bug is reproducible, that is, that when you perform the same actions as the first time you encountered the bug, you will encounter the same bug again. Include information on the actions performed.
  5. One bug is one bug report; please do not include multiple separate issues in one report.
  6. If the bug is related to one Web site in particular, or there is a Web site that clearly demonstrates the bug, please include the Web address (URL).
  7. Include your e-mail address so we can contact you to get more detail if necessary.
  8. Look over your report before pressing the "Submit" button and make sure you included everything you meant to.

When your report is submitted, you will get an e-mail address to which you can send updates and attachments relevant to your report.

Thank you for taking the time to help us make an even better browser!


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Frequently Reported Bugs

If your bug is being discussed in the Opera community forums, newsgroups, or mailing lists, a report has probably already been filed. Additional reports will then serve no purpose, as they will simply be marked as duplicates.