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Active Ingredient:

information from selected non-manufacturer sources

Name Lignans
Description A class of dibenzylbutane derivatives which occurs in higher plants and in fluids (bile, serum, urine, etc.) in man and other animals. These compounds, which have a potential anti-cancer role, can be synthesized in vitro by human fecal flora. (From Singleton & Sainsbury, Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 2d ed) [MeSH]
Related Names/Sources Flax Hulls/Seeds
Related Brands Brands that contain this ingredient
Reference Links Uses (in humans)
   Lignans   []
   Clinical Trial Literature  [PubMed]
   Effectiveness Literature  [PubMed]
   Administration Literature  [PubMed]
   Adverse Effects (in humans)
   Adverse Effects Literature  [PubMed]
   Mechanism of Action
   Actions  [PubMed]
   Kinetics  [PubMed]
Last updated: 24 October 2007