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Smithsonian Ocean: Our Water, Our World is the companion volume to the permanent new Sant Ocean Hall.  Gifted science writer Deborah Cramer reveals the myriad ways the sea is essential to all of us, wherever we live. Seas that have come and gone created our world, and anticipate our future, making it imperative that we understand the ocean and its fate.

Smithsonian Ocean: Our Water Our World

Here’s what others are saying about Smithsonian Ocean: Our Water, Our World, featuring more than 325 illustrations and 25 maps:


“Authoritatively researched, clearly written, and beautifully illustrated, this book is best of its class.”  -- Edward O. Wilson, University Professor Emeritus at Harvard University

“Deborah Cramer’s achievement in creating this classic study of the world’s seas is destined for lasting importance." -- Simon Winchester, author of Krakatoa and The Professor and the Madman

“Rachel Carson wrote the ocean’s biography for the 20th century, and Deborah Cramer, with the same passion and meticulous research, has written it for the 21st.” -- Linda Lear, author of Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature

“Deborah Cramer has given us an eloquent life history of the ocean, natural and human, and rightly challenges us to …leave a legacy of healthy oceans for our children. –- Michael Sutton, Vice President and Director, Center for the Future of the Oceans at the Monterey Bay Aquarium



Listen to the lecture:
Smithsonian Ocean: Our Water, Our World

A lecture about the companion volume to the
Sant Ocean Hall
by Author Deborah Cramer

(This lecture was recorded on September 27, 2008 - a few
days after the grand opening of the Sant Ocean Hall.)

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About the author: 

Deborah Cramer writes about science, nature, and the environment.  Currently a visiting scholar at MIT’s Earth System Initiative, she is the author of Great Waters: An Atlantic Passage.  She lives in Gloucester, MA.

Smithsonian Oceans: Our Water, Our World is available in fine bookstores everywhere. 
Published September 2008, Smithsonian Books
Collins, An Imprint of HarperCollins
$39.95, 9" x 11”, 296 pages
ISBN 978-0-06-134383-4


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