Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

2007 Plant Protection Survey Report

Table of Contents

Forestry Surveys

Invasive Alien Plant Surveys

Horticulture Surveys

Grains and Field Crops Surveys

Potatoes Surveys

Forestry Surveys

Asian Longhorned Beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis)

Eradication Program in Toronto-Vaughan, Ontario

Established populations of Anoplophora glabripennis were detected for the first time in Canada in September of 2003. The infestation occurred in an area along the municipal border between the cities of Vaughan and Toronto, Ontario. In November of 2003 an eradication program was launched by the CFIA in cooperation with municipal, regional and provincial agencies as well as the Canadian Forest Service. The regulated area remains in place since February of 2004, and covers 169 square kilometres, including parts of the cities of Toronto and Vaughan. Details on the progress of this program can be found at the CFIA Asian Longhorned Beetle web page at:

Ontario - High Risk Detection Survey

In 2007, as part of the broad scale survey 331 high risk sites across Ontario were surveyed for Anoplophora glabripennis. This survey was in addition to the intensive survey activities in the Toronto-Vaughan regulated area described at the link above. Targeted sites included; importers and inland receiving sites of high-risk cargo from Asia, ports and terminals, disposal and storage sites, previous interception points and potential introduction sites. There were no new detections of Anoplophora glabripennis in 2007 outside of the regulated area.

Québec - High Risk Detection Survey

A total of 49 sites were visually scouted in the Montreal area and at 25 sites in the RCMs of Arthabaska, Bas-Richelieu, Brome-Missisquoi, Champlain, greater Montreal, L'Érable, Les Maskoutains, Drummond, Haute-Yamaska, Haut-Saint-François, Maskinongé, Memphrémagog, Vallée-du-Richelieu, Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivières. No signs of this Anoplophora glabripennis were observed.

Nova Scotia - High Risk Detection Survey

In 2007, a total of 4 high risk sites were surveyed. The targeted sites included green belts and host material near industrial areas, manufacturers and suppliers who may have received imports from Asia. Visual surveys were conducted at a cemetery in Halifax (near the container terminal), at two locations in Dartmouth and at a single site in Westville. All survey sites were negative for Anoplophora glabripennis.

Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis)

This non-indigenous insect pest of ash (Fraxinus spp.) was positively identified for the first time in North America in the summer of 2002. Currently, research is being conducted in the United States and Canada on the semiochemical ecology of the emerald ash borer. Purple sticky traps baited with manuka oil or Phoebe oil are capable of capturing emerald ash borer, however, the majority of operational surveys in Canada are still being conducted using visual inspection and the utilization of sentinel trap trees. Background information on the pest and regulatory updates can be found on the CFIA Emerald Ash Borer web page. at:


Across Ontario in 2007, visual detection surveys were carried out at 408 high risk sites. These surveys targeted sites where emerald ash borer was thought to have a high probability of being introduced through human-aided dispersal. A 10 km grid survey was conducted in counties neighboring infested or positive counties (Huron, Perth, Norfolk and Oxford). Two sites were selected per 10 km grid square based on risk and three sentinel trees were established at each of the 169 sites. CFIA confirmed the presence of emerald ash borer in Norfolk County in November 2007 and Toronto in December 2007. With the addition of Norfolk County and the city of Toronto, there are now six separate Ministerial Orders in southern Ontario to limit the spread of emerald ash borer.

The complete list of Emerald Ash Borer regulated areas can be found at:


In 2007, a total of 85 sites (comprised mainly of high risk sites, nurseries and public parks) were visually surveyed in 35 municipalities in 21 RCMs across the province. This included 50 sites in the City of Montreal where the city assisted the survey by providing the CFIA with an inventory of the known ash distribution on the island of Montreal. No symptoms or signs of Agrilus planipennis were detected.

Nova Scotia

In 2007, a total of 4 sites were visually surveyed within the province of Nova Scotia. They included two Provincial Parks; Valleyview and Smiley's, Uniacke Estate camp ground near Mount Uniacke and the Burnside Industrial Park in Darmouth. No symptoms or signs of Agrilus planipennis were detected.

European Wood Wasp (Sirex noctilio)

On July 5, 2005, the first established population of the European woodwasp, Sirex noctilio (Fabricius), was reported in Fulton, New York. The European woodwasp feeds on many species of pine and is a serious pest of plantations in Australia, South America and South Africa. In 2005, in response to additional finds near the initial discovery in Fulton, the Canadian Forest Service, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR) and the CFIA established a trapping survey along the Canada-United States border extending west from Cornwall to Prince Edward County south of Belleville, Ontario. A total of 36 sites were surveyed from Sandbanks Provincial Park southeast of Wellington, Ontario to Cornwall. Five adult female Sirex noctilio were captured at four of these sites. Two additional adults were found in Lindgren traps baited with alpha-pinene/ethanol within the CFIA Exotic Forest Insect survey. These traps were located in Waterloo County and Durham County.

In 2007, given the number of positive finds that had been made in Ontario in the previous two years the CFIA in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources undertook additional detection surveys in Ontario focussing on high risk pine stands that were not managed, were over-stocked, and exhibited low or mild level of stress (i.e. pine decline and mortality). Detection surveys were also continued in Québec in partnership with the Québec Ministry of Natural Resources.


In Ontario, 193 sites were surveyed by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Target sites included stands of Scots, red, jack and eastern white pine. A minimum of two trap sites were established in each county. Additional traps were placed in counties having a greater risk and/or more pine. Two traps, placed at least 30m apart were established on the sunny side of the stand. A 12-unit Lindgren funnel trap and an IPM Intercept Panel trap, were each baited with a ultra high release lure containing 70% alpha-pinene (75% of the + enantiomer and 25% of the - enantiomer) and 30% beta-pinene. The traps were placed during the first week of July and were collected by mid October. In 2007, adult female Sirex noctilio were collected in Lindgren funnel traps at one site each in Algonquin Park (Nipissing County), Gravenhurst (Regional Municipality of Muskoka), Manitoulin Island (Township of Tehkummah) and in one IPM Intercept Panel trap in Flinton (Hasting County). In addition, the CFIA as part of the invasive alien species (IAS) Forest Pest Trapping Survey detected Sirex noctilio at 4 sites west of Toronto. Three of the sites were within the City of Burlington and one was within the City of Mississauga.


In Québec, a total of 155 sites were surveyed by the Québec Ministry of Natural Resources under a collaborative agreement with CFIA. Preference was given to Scots pine stands (75 sites), followed by red pine (61 sites), jack pine (10 sites) and then white pine (9 sites). Chosen stands were located either along roads to mills that process pine wood or near the mill itself. The selected stands were 15 years old or older and every effort was made to choose unmanaged stands which were composed of stressed and weakened trees. One Lindgren funnel trap and one intercept panel trap were installed at each site. Traps were placed inside the stand, at least 30m in from the edge (when possible) and 30m from each other. No Sirex noctilio were detected in Québec.

Atlantic Canada

In 2007, at selected sites in both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia one 12-unit Lindgren funnel trap and one IPM Intercept Panel trap were used to specifically trap for Sirex noctilio. Most of these sites were previously selected for Pine Shoot Beetle. The traps were baited with a ultra high release lure containing 70% alpha-pinene (75% of the + enantiomer and 25% of the - enantiomer) and 30% beta-pinene targeting Sirex noctilio.

In Nova Scotia, trapping occurred at 20 sites. All samples that were submitted for identification were negative for Sirex noctilio.

In New Brunswick, trapping occurred at 25 sites. All samples that were submitted for identification were negative for Sirex noctilio.

Invasive Alien Forest Pests Surveys

In 2006, the Exotic Forest Insect Survey was replaced with a more intensive and focussed survey at fewer locations. The new survey design was implemented in four pilot cities across Canada: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax. The survey includes both a semiochemical insect trapping and an insect rearing component. This focussed survey was continued in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, and Saint John in 2007.

For the trapping component of the survey, 10 sites were selected in each municipality based on risk of foreign pest introduction via infested off-continent wood packaging or dunnage. Lindgren traps (12-funnel) were placed at each site and each trap was baited with either, i) ultra-high release ethanol + ultra-high release alpha-pinene, ii) ultra-high release ethanol, or iii) PheroTech® 'Exotic Bark Beetle' lure (2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol, cis-verbenol, racemic ipsdienol). Each lure type was replicated three times at each site for a total of nine traps per site.

The rearing survey consists of obtaining two logs from a tree that is targeted for removal by a city's hazard tree removal program. Logs are placed in a custom designed rearing facilities for up to two years under climate-controlled conditions. Emerging insects will be regularly collected from the bolts and submitted to the CFIA Entomology laboratory in Ottawa for identification. In 2007 the rearing component of this survey was expanded into Toronto, Montreal and Halifax.

For additional information concerning this survey contact Robert Favrin, National Manager, Plant Health Surveillance Unit.


In 2007, the semiochemical trapping component of the survey was carried out in the cities of Mississauga, Burlington and Toronto using the methodology described above. A total of 117 traps were deployed at 13 sites in the three targeted cities. During this survey, Sirex noctilio was detected at 4 sites west of Toronto. Three of the sites were within the City of Burlington and one was within the City of Mississauga. In addition, the banded elm bark beetle, Scolytus schevyrewi Semenov (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), was detected from a single site along the lake Ontario water front in the city of Mississauga. This is the first record of Scolytus schevyrewi in Ontario.

Manitoba and Saskatchewan

As part of a collaborative survey with Manitoba Conservation and Saskatchewan Environment, Scolytus schevyrewi was also detected for the first time in these two provinces. Eleven beetles were captured on sticky panel traps baited with the smaller European elm bark beetle lure (Scolytus multistriatus) in Otterburne, Manitoba. Many beetles were also detected on similar traps in Assiniboia, Manitoba and in the Province of Saskatchewan in the Town of Maple Creek, City of Moose Jaw, City of Estevan and the Town of Weyburn.

Nova Scotia

The trapping survey was conducted at 10 sites in the Halifax Regional Municipality with 9 traps set per site. A total of 437 samples were collected and submitted for identification from these traps. A total of 29 brown spruce longhorn beetle (Tetropium fuscum) adults were collected from 5 sites, all of these are within the area covered by Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle Ministerial Order. In addition, the ambrosia beetle (Xylosandrus germanus), was detected in Hubbards, Dartmouth, Halifax, and Eastern Passage. This is the first record of this ambrosia beetle in Nova Scotia. Further to this Xyleborinus alni was detected in Dartmouth and Debert, Monarthrum mali was detected in Eastern Passage, and Prostephanus punctatus was detected in Dartmouth. These detections also represent first records in Nova Scotia.

Log collection for the rearing survey began in the fall of 2007 from various urban areas around the Halifax Regional Municipality. No new records of exotic insects were recorded.

New Brunswick

The trapping survey focussed on trapping at five sites in the city of Saint-John with 9 traps set per site. A total of 127 samples were submitted for identification from these sites. No new records of exotic insects were recorded.


The trapping survey was conducted in the municipalities of Lachenaie in the RCM of Les Moulins, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue in the Metropolitan Community of Montreal (CMM) and L'Île-Perrot in the Vaudreuil-Soulanges RCM, as well as in boroughs of Montreal.

Logs for the rearing survey were collected from six nature parks in the City of Montreal, two woods belonging to McGill University, the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery and the area surrounding a waste sorting centre. No new species of non-indigenous insects were identified at the time of publication. Sample collection is ongoing.

British Columbia

The municipalities chosen in 2007 were Surrey (6 sites), Delta (1 site), Maple Ridge (1 site), Langley (1 site) and Coquitlam (1 site). Two sites (one in Surrey and the one in Langley) that were originally selected in the spring had to be relocated to within the City of Surrey in August. A total of 90 Lindgren funnel traps were deployed using the methods described above.

The insect rearing component resulted in a total of 86 log samples being collected and placed in the rearing laboratory from 41 sites in Surrey and Stanley Park in 2007. No new records of non-indigenous insects were recorded. Sample collection is ongoing.

North American Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar)

A French naturalist brought the gypsy moth to the United States (Massachusetts) in 1869 for experiments. During his studies some of the caterpillars escaped into his garden and the nearby woods. This initial small population quickly became a very serious pest. All levels of government became involved in a co-operative control effort and within a few years the insect was almost eradicated. At that point, with the threat no longer obvious, the program was ended. Left alone, the Gypsy moth very quickly became established throughout the north-eastern quarter of the United States. The first reported find in Canada occurred in Québec in 1924 and then in New Brunswick in 1936, in both instances the pest was eradicated. However, the Gypsy moth became firmly established in Québec in the 1960's and quickly spread into Eastern Ontario. Today, Gypsy moth is established in southern Ontario, southern Québec, south-western New Brunswick and south-western Nova Scotia. This survey is being conducted in support of policies D-95-03, D-95-14 (replaced by D-02-12), D-96-19, D-98-08, D-98-10. Adult male monitoring surveys are conducted annually in non-regulated areas of Canada. Surveys are also conducted to verify eradication of the insect in areas where eradication programs have been undertaken and to monitor for the pest in pest free regulated areas. Two systems of trapping are used: a) detection trapping to determine the presence in an area currently free from Lymantria dispar and b) delimitation trapping to determine the extent of a population.


In 2007, 377 delta traps were deployed in the annual detection survey in Newfoundland. Traps were placed in areas that were identified as locations that posed a high risk of possible introduction, such as campgrounds, recreational sites, tourist chalets and wooded areas frequented by visitors. Five males were captured in the city of Saint-John's with one male each being captured in Traytown, Brigus and Bay Roberts. Visual surveys around these traps did not result in the detection of any additional life stages of gypsy moth.

Prince Edward Island

The detection survey for gypsy moth in Prince Edward Island is a co-operative undertaking between CFIA and Parks Canada. In 2007 a marked decrease in moth captures and the number of positive traps was observed, compared to 2006. Among the 456 delta traps placed, 188 moths were captured in 99 positive traps (compared to 886 moths captured in 173 positive traps in 2006). Multiple trap captures were recorded from 31 traps with a maximum capture of 11 moths from a single trap. The city of Charlottetown had the highest trap captures of 52 males in 15 traps. Visual surveys around positive traps outside the regulated area of Charlottetown did not result in the detection of any additional life stages of gypsy moth.

Nova Scotia

The CFIA conducted leading edge trapping along the eastern boundary of the regulated area, and detection trapping throughout eastern Nova Scotia. In support of the survey activity, the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources has had in place (since 1995) a province-wide network of pheromone traps to monitor population trends. In 2007, there were 188 traps placed with the highest male moth captures being recorded in River John (38 males) and Stellarton (16 males) areas. Egg mass searches were completed in the fall of 2007 around traps with catches greater than 5 adults. Four new egg masses were identified near River John in Pictou County.

New Brunswick

In 2007 Gypsy moth surveys within the province of New Brunswick were a co-operative undertaking between the CFIA, the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources (NBDNR) and the municipalities of Fredericton and Miramichi. An aerial survey conducted by NBDNR did not detect any signs of defoliation caused by gypsy moth. This was the fourth year in a row in which no detectable amount of defoliation was observed.

In addition to the aerial and ground defoliation survey conducted, trapping surveys were carried out by all partners. Trapping efforts focused on:

  1. delimitation along the leading edge of the infestation,
  2. early detection in areas removed from infested areas,
  3. detection at locations with a high risk of introduction (e.g. importing saw mills, tourist areas),
  4. delimitation surveys within municipalities,
  5. monitoring of trap catches in known gypsy moth areas.

The CFIA placed 182 delta traps along the leading edge and at high risk sites primarily in non-regulated areas. NBDNR deployed a total of 218 Multipher II non-saturating traps in 2007 - with 105 traps used for early detection within areas not known to have gypsy moth populations; 46 were used to monitor low level gypsy moth populations within areas previously declared infested and 9 were used to support the monitoring of the Provincial Tree Nursery in Kingsclear. Two municipalities (Fredericton and Miramichi) deployed a total of 85 traps as part of the ongoing delimitation surveys. The City of Miramichi trapped 728 males in the 35 traps deployed. The city of Fredericton trapped 36,574 males in the 50 traps deployed. In general, provincial trap catch numbers decreased slightly in 2007 even though there was a higher winter survival of egg masses.

For the second year in a row male moths have been trapped in the northern New Brunswick town of Paquetville. Extensive egg mass searches in and around this location produced no evidence of other gypsy moth life stages.

In addition to pheromone trapping, egg mass surveys were conducted in the fall of 2007 by NBDNR, CFIA and municipal staff. CFIA egg mass searches was conducted around all traps with catches of greater than 5 adults. No new egg masses were detected outside of the currently regulated area.


Surveys for the North American biotype of gypsy moth were not conducted by CFIA staff in 2007. According to provincial surveillance information, the overall gypsy moth distribution has not changed significantly in Québec in a number of years, with little-to-no defoliation observed in the past several years except in a few isolated locations in southern Québec.


According to the Canadian Forest Service (CFS) aerial survey information, there was an increase in the total area of moderate-to-severe defoliation caused by the gypsy moth in 2007 (31,094 ha) when compared to 2006 (10,309 ha) and 2005 (1,242 ha). All of the defoliation occurred in Southern Ontario near Guelph, Aylmer and Aurora. Light defoliation (1,787 ha) was also recorded near Guelph and Aylmer. Further information on specific areas of defoliation can be obtained from the Canadian Forest Service in Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario. In 2007, the CFIA placed delta traps at 201 sites in the Thunder Bay area in a linear arrangement along transportation corridors. There were a total of 291 adult moth captures at 100 sites, with a maximum capture of 15 moths at a single site.

Graph - Gypsy Moth Defoliation in Ontario, 1981-2007
*Data based on aerial surveys by the Canadian Forest Service
Graph - Gypsy Moth Defoliation in Ontario, 1981-2007

Western Canada: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia

Annual surveys are conducted for Gypsy Moth in all four Western Canada provinces by both the CFIA and provincial partners. For this detection survey Delta traps are baited with + disparlure pheromone.

In Manitoba in 2007 there were 9 sites that were positive for Lymantria dispar yielding a total of 42 male moths being captured. Four of the sites were within the city of Winnipeg; eight males were captured at a garden centre; one male moth was captured at an industrial park in the south end of the city; a single male was captured at Saint-Norbert Provincial Heritage Park; and a single male was captured near the Canadian Forces Base Winnipeg. Nineteen male moths were captured at a golf course south of Winnipeg in La Salle (five males were also captured at that location in 2006 and two males were captured in 2004). Five egg masses were detected at the La Salle site during follow-up egg mass searches. Single moth captures were reported from Altona, a campground near Brandon and Carmen; eight male moths were reported from a nursery in Saint-Germain.

In Saskatchewan 264 traps were set in 2007 with 15 traps being positive for Lymantria dispar. Two male moths were trapped near Regina. Thirteen traps were positive in Saskatoon resulting in 37 males being captured in the neighbourhood of Gabriel Dumont Park. This is the third year in a row with captures near this park. Unfortunately intense egg mass surveys have not revealed the presence of an additional life stage of Gypsy moth which could help in determining its site of introduction.

In Alberta 460 traps were deployed in 2007. All traps were negative for Lymantria dispar except for one trap in a campground near Foothills where a single male was reported.

In British Columbia, the CFIA undertakes and conducts the majority of the surveys with the British Columbia (BC) Ministry of Forests and Range taking the lead in eradication and control programs following any new detections. In 2007, a total of 5216 traps were set out by all partners resulting in 45 male moths being captured in 38 traps at 15 locations. In the Lower Mainland positive traps were located at Harrison Hot Spring (6), Burnaby (1), White Rock (1), Langley (4) and Delta (2). On Vancouver Island positive traps were collected from Lake Cowichan (5), Shawnigan Lake (1), Prospect Lake (1), Saltair/Ladysmith (10), Saltspring Island (13). Two positives were reported from the interior of the province in 2007, one near Falkland and the other near Revelstoke.

Brown Spruce Longhorned Beetle (Tetropium fuscum)

The brown spruce longhorn beetle (BSLB), Tetropium fuscum (Fabricius), an introduced wood boring pest, is native to north and central Europe and Japan, where it uses stressed and dying conifers as hosts, most notably the Norway spruce (Picea abies). In 1999, the beetle was detected in Point Pleasant Park, Halifax, Nova Scotia, and subsequent investigations confirmed that beetles collected in the park as early as 1990 were, in fact, Tetropium fuscum. Studies conducted by the Canadian Forest Service since 1999 indicate that the wood-boring beetle is killing healthy spruce trees by feeding on the cambium and phloem and eventually girdling the tree. BSLB is considered to be a quarantine pest in North America. Panel traps baited with host volatiles and a pheromone are used for this survey.

In 2007, the detection survey for BSLB was expanded to include extensive trapping in Eastern Canada. The CFIA carried out this survey to determine the extent of the beetle's distribution within the province of Nova Scotia and to confirm that it had not spread to other provinces. All traps were baited with an enhanced lure from previous years. A combination of two ultra-high-release host-volatile lures and a BSLB pheromone lure, developed by the Canadian Forest Service, were used. Priority sites such as sawmills, pulpmills, campgrounds, ports, etc. included three traps per site and general forested areas included one trap per site. In Nova Scotia a network of 409 traps were deployed throughout the province. Staff with the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources assisted the CFIA in this effort.

Over 230 additional host-volatile and pheromone-baited traps were also deployed in New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Québec. Trapping results are summarized in the following tables.

The 2007 survey resulted in 17 new positive locations, outside of the current Nova Scotia BSLB Containment Area, in the counties of Antigonish (1), Colchester (7), Cumberland (1), Halifax (2) and Hants (6).

2007 Tetropium fuscum Detection Survey Summary
Province Number of Sites Number of Traps Number of Positive Traps
Nova Scotia (inside containment area) 83 94 41
Nova Scotia (outside containment area) 263 315 17
New Brunswick 105 145 0
Prince Edward Island 25 31 0
Newfoundland and Labrador 15 29 0
Québec 19 34 0


2007 Tetropium fuscum Survey - Nova Scotia Results
Nova Scotia Number of Positive Traps Number of BSLB Collected Mean Trap Catch Median Trap Catch Range (Min - Max.)
(inside containment area) 41 100 2.4 1 1-22
(outside containment area) 17 17 1.5 1 1-4

Please visit the CFIA Brown Spruce Longhorned Beetle site for more information on this program:

Pine Shoot Beetle (Tomicus piniperda)

Pine shoot beetle (PSB), Tomicus piniperda (Linnaeus), is native to Asia, northern Africa, and Europe. PSB was first found in North America in 1992, in Ohio. A serious pest of pines (Pinus spp.), the beetle attacks new shoots, stunting the growth of the tree. The pest, which is believed to have been introduced through solid wood packing material, has since been detected in the Great Lakes region of Canada and throughout the north-eastern United States. This survey is being conducted in support of D-94-22, Plant Protection Requirements on Pine Plants and Pine Materials to Prevent the Entry and Spread of Pine Shoot Beetle, and various other policies and programs aimed at preventing the spread of Pine Shoot Beetle (PSB) from infested areas within Canada and the United States. Both a trapping and a visual inspection component are included in this survey. Funnel traps are baited with host volatile and pheromone lures.

The list of regulated areas can be found in Appendix 1 of D-94-22.

British Columbia

Pine Shoot Beetle (PSB) detection surveys in British Columbia was incorporated into the Exotic Forest Insect Survey through the use of the ultra-high release alpha-pinene baited traps. No Tomicus piniperda were detected.

New Brunswick

In New Brunswick, surveys are conducted near sites that have a high risk of introduction from North American sources such as sawmills, that import pine logs from the United States, or in pine stands along major transportation corridors. In 2007, traps were set in 29 sites throughout the province with three traps set per site. No Tomicus piniperda were detected.

Nova Scotia

In 2007 this survey was completed in cooperation with the staff at the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources who set and monitored CFIA traps. Twenty sites with three traps each were selected. Samples were submitted to a local CFIA office for preparation and submission to the Centre for Plant Quarantine Pests Laboratory for identification. No Tomicus piniperda were detected.


In 2007, trapping for Pine Shoot Beetle was conducted by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources to delimit the distribution of Pine Shoot Beetle in Northern Ontario and determine infestation status. A total of 83 sites were targeted in Northern Ontario. There was one new detection of Tomicus piniperda, outside of the established regulated area, in Sturgeon Falls.


In 2007, trapping and visual surveys were conducted to delimit the distribution of Tomicus piniperda within the province. A total of 102 sites in 24 RCM's were surveyed. The Pine Shoot Beetle was detected in two new RCM: Papineau (municipality of Ripon) and Bellechasse (municipalities of Saint-Nérée and Saint-Malachie).

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae)

Hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsuga (Annand), was accidentally introduced into the American state of Virginia in the 1950s, from Asia. Since then it has spread northward to Maine and New York, and westward to Tennessee, causing serious damage to its only known North American host, hemlock (Tsuga spp.). Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) feeds at the base of hemlock needles casing them to desiccate and fall off. On the west coast of North America, HWA has been observed from Alaska and south to California where it has been a minor pest on western hemlock, Tsuga heterophylla.

This visual survey is aimed at the early detection and prevention of the introduction and establishment of HWA from infested areas in the United States to Canada. Recent finds in Maine and Buffalo, New York have been directly linked to the movement of nursery stock from infested eastern states.

Surveys for this pest began in 2001. To date, no positive finds have been reported for this insect. The survey activity also demonstrated that relatively few importing nurseries deal in hemlock stock in Canada. In addition, native hemlock, although widespread, is not abundant and is often not inventoried.

In 2007, visual surveys were conducted in and around importing nurseries in New Brunswick (1 site), Nova Scotia (12 sites), Québec (17 sites) and in Ontario (15 sites) in support of a the Import Directive (D-01-12). In southwestern Ontario, an additional winter survey was conducted at 5 wild sites surrounding importing nurseries. All sites were negative for Adelges tsugae.

Invasive Alien Plant Surveys

Woolly Cupgrass (Eriochloa villosa)

Woolly cupgrass, Eriochloa villosa, is an annual plant of the family Poaceae. Native to temperate Asia, it was introduced to the United States in the 1940s, apparently from ship's ballast. There are fifteen species of the Eriochloa genus in Central and North America, but most are located in the southwestern part of central United States. The genus has a limited forage value and many species are considered weedy. In the United States, woolly cupgrass is present in cultivated fields of many states and is well adapted to corn-corn and corn-soybean rotation. The control of woolly cupgrass can be very difficult and expensive. It is very prolific and tolerant to many herbicides.

In 2000, this weed (Eriochloa villosa) was first discovered in an experimental test plot close to Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec. At the time it was discovered an eradication and control plan was put into place. In spite of eradication efforts made by the property owner, Québec Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ) and the CFIA, the plant persists on the property. In Québec, in 2003 and again in 2004, seeds of woolly cupgrass were detected in single lots of imported seed of Japanese millet. In July 2005, woolly cupgrass was added to the list of "Prohibited noxious weed seeds" of the Weed Seed Order of the Seeds Act.


Woolly cupgrass has been regulated in seed lots since July 1, 2005. In fall 2006, CFIA Québec Area was informed that an importer's voluntary recall of two seed lots found contaminated in 2003 and 2004 had not been completely effective; the CFIA therefore decided to conduct scouting in August 2007 in the fields of farms that had received bags from the contaminated lots.

As part of its annual sampling plan, the CFIA reported in mid-July that a lot of Japanese millet, bags of which had been sold in 2006 and 2007, was positive for the presence of Eriochloa villosa. The purchasers of this lot were added to the list of farms mentioned above.

In the survey, 240 farms were visited and 549 fields were inspected. Eriochloa villosa was not observed in these fields. During the same period, the initial site southeast of Montreal that was found positive in 2001 was inspected by the Québec Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ) and by the company, as was the surrounding area. Few woolly cupgrass plants were observed on the edge of an adjacent field and destroyed to prevent their spread.

Since 2005, CFIA staff has watched for Eriochloa villosa during inspections of fields from which the seed harvests will be certified. During this activity in 2007, Plant Products staff encountered a farm in Sainte-Césaire with two contaminated soybean fields; action was taken to control Eriochloa villosa.

To date, woolly cupgrass has been observed in only two sites in Québec.

Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica)

Jointed goatgrass is a winter annual grass native to southern Europe and Russia. It was most likely introduced into North America as a contaminant in wheat seed. The earliest record is from a specimen that was collected in Centerville, Delaware in 1870. Jointed goatgrass lowers crop yields through direct competition, reduces harvesting efficiency and lowers crop quality by contaminating harvested grain. In the United States it costs producers an estimated $150 million per year. This weed is now widely distributed throughout the United States. It infests more than 5 million acres of winter wheat in the western United States and is spreading unchecked at a rate of 50,000 acres per year.

In Canada, jointed goatgrass was first detected near Port Colborne, Ontario in 2006. Jointed Goatgrass poses a serious threat to winter wheat production in the western provinces.


In Ontario in 2007, the Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC) conducted field surveys for invasive plant species on behalf of the CFIA. These surveys focussed on detecting possible new introductions of invasive plant species, gathering data on rare but possibly increasing invasive plant species and surveying potential sites for the recently detected invasive species, jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica).

General invasive plant surveys were conducted along major transportation corridors. Detection surveys for jointed goatgrass focussed on potential points of introduction such as rail yards, ports, grain elevators, disturbed urban habitats and agricultural areas. One new localized jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) population was detected approximately 5 kilometres from the population discovered in Port Colborne in 2006. The new population was found along the same railway line at the grain elevator located at the Port Colborne harbour. No Aegilops cylindrica plants were found at any of the other railway yards surveyed in Ontario.


In Manitoba, CFIA staff conducted surveys near grain elevators in the vicinity of Emerson, Letellier and Morris. Aegilops cylindrica was not observed at any of these locations in the 2007 survey. The Manitoba Provincial Department of Agriculture also conducted surveys in these areas and along the border areas of the Red River and did not report any finds of Aegilops cylindrica.

Horticulture Surveys

National Detection Survey for Phytophthora ramorum

Phytophthora ramorum is a fungus-like plant pathogen that causes a disease known as Ramorum Blight and Leafdrop on a wide variety of nursery plants. It has also been associated with a disease of oak, known as "Sudden Oak Death," that was first observed in coastal California in the mid-1990's and now occurs as far north as southern Oregon.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency conducts annual surveys for Phytophthora ramorum and has in the past detected the presence of the organism on plants in a number of retail/wholesale nurseries (mainly associated with imports from the United States) in the southern coastal area of British Columbia. When Phytophthora ramorum is found, the nursery site is placed under quarantine and all infected plant material is destroyed. Extensive surveys and trace forward and trace back activities are then conducted to ensure the organism has been eliminated.

The National Phytophthora ramorum Survey, is conducted from May to September with the majority of the inspection conducted during the spring months. The survey covers from 30% to 100% of the production and wholesale nurseries in a province, depending on the size of the industry in each province. At each of these sites, all blocks of host material are inspected and composite samples collected from within any block showing suspect plants. A sample consists of a composite of 7-10 symptomatic plant parts (leaves or stems) collected from one host genus in a block at a production site. There may be more than one sample per genus per block depending on the amount and diversity of symptoms observed.


In 2007, a total of 33 sites were surveyed throughout the province. The Québec Region surveyed 8 sites (3 parks and 5 nurseries/garden centres) with 47 samples collected and submitted. Saint-Hyacinthe Region surveyed 10 nurseries with 51 samples collected and submitted. Montreal Region surveyed 15 sites consisting of 11 nurseries, 3 garden centres and the Botanical Garden of Montreal. All samples were negative for Phytophthora ramorum.


A total of 90 sites were surveyed (31 in the Southwest, 56 in Central/Toronto and 3 in the Northeast) with approximately 1,400 samples collected and submitted to the laboratory. A total of 42 nurseries/production facilities, 5 retail facilities and 2 landscape locations were surveyed in 2007. Many of the nurseries were composed of numerous production sites. All samples were negative for Phytophthora ramorum.

Atlantic Canada

In 2007, surveys were conducted in New Brunswick (6 sites, 33 samples were collected and submitted), Nova Scotia (9 retail and 2 nursery sites), Prince Edward Island (12 retail sites, 5 samples were collected and submitted) and Newfoundland and Labrador (3 retail sites with no samples collected or submitted). All samples were negative for Phytophthora ramorum.

British Columbia

In 2007, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) detected Phytophthora ramorum at nine retail and wholesale nurseries. The origin of the disease at these sites is uncertain as movement of plant material may have occurred from nurseries with previous positive finds. These nurseries source plants both locally and from the United States, and were sampled for a variety of reasons including; following trace-out of suspect material and for the purposes of the National Phytophthora ramorum Survey. The plants found infected with Phytophthora ramorum include Kalmia latifolia 'Ostbo Red', Magnolia grandiflora 'Teddy Bear', Rhododendron spp., Gaultheria shallon, Dryopteris spp., Physocarpus spp., Syringa vulgaris 'Michael Buchner', Vaccinium parviflorum, and Viburnum tinus.

At each nursery site, once infected plants were confirmed, all host plant material was detained until it could be sampled. The infected blocks of plants were then destroyed and a 90 day quarantine of host plants, 10 meters beyond the destruction blocks, was instituted. During this control period, plants, soil and water at each of the sites was sampled and tested.

To date in British Columbia over 37,000 samples have been collected for testing from 213 wholesale and retail nurseries, surveyed as part of the National Phytophthora ramorum Survey.

As a result of Phytophthora ramorum detections in late 2005, eradication efforts continue at a wholesale nursery business located in Pitt Meadows. As a repeat site for Phytophthora ramorum detections, stringent controls were put in place requiring the destruction of all plants as well as intensive sampling of perimeter areas and soil and water zones on-site. Arrangements were made at this site to treat soils that have tested positive for Phytophthora ramorum. Testing of plants in the perimeter of this site have been negative. Sampling and monitoring of this site will continue until no Phytophthora ramorum is found in soil-samples taken post-treatment.

Plum Pox Virus

For information on the Plum Pox Virus program visit the CFIA Plum Pox Virus page at the link below. Details on the 2007 surveys can be found in the Survey Updates section at the bottom of the page:

Swede Midge (Contarinia nasturtii)

In 2000, Ontario researchers determined that damage observed on broccoli, Brassica oleracea (L. var. italica), since 1996, originally attributed to nutrient deficiencies, was actually caused by swede midge, Contarinia nasturtii. This was the first identification of the swede midge in North America. Some of the fields in which the pest was found had up to 80% loss in marketable yield. An unofficial survey in 2001 reported the pest being present in nine counties in Ontario, some of which are contiguous with the state of New York in the United States, and one municipality in Québec. Presently, swede midge is present in 32 counties and jurisdictions in the province of Ontario and 33 RCMs in the province of Québec. This survey, conducted from mid May to late September, includes both a pheromone trapping and a visual inspection component and is undertaken in support of policies and programs related to D-02-06 and to support Canada's Pest Free Area claims for export.

In 2007, the CFIA continued the expanded survey for swede midge in the Western and Atlantic provinces of Canada making this the second year for a national survey. Traps were checked and the sticky liner was replaced every week during the crop growing season. The removed liner was submitted to the CFIA Centre for Plant Quarantine Pests in Ottawa for identification of suspect specimens. More information on the background of this pest and the CFIA response can be found on the CFIA Horticulture web site at:

Western Canada

In Western Canada the survey was conducted in canola fields as well as in cole crops. For canola, given the expanse of the area under production and the geographically large size of the fields four traps were placed at each field. Traps were placed in locations that gave the best coverage incorporating micro-habitats such as those adjacent to shelter belts and areas of higher humidity. The selected sites also had to offered good accessibility. The surveys conducted in Alberta and British Columbia were undertaken with the cooperation from the Provincial Governments.

Province Number of sites surveyed
British Columbia 12
Alberta 17
Saskatchewan 27
Manitoba 39
Total 95

In 2007, Contarinia nasturtii was confirmed from 5 traps in Saskatchewan. All of the positive traps were from canola fields. The finds were located near the towns of Nipawin, Melfort and Yorkton.


The CFIA surveyed 39 sites in Ontario, all of which were located in counties outside of those in which swede midge was found prior to the 2007 season. CFIA survey activity focused on fields planted with cole crops and canola. Swede midge was detected in 9 new counties/regions in 2007 (Perth, Lambton, Elgin, Chatham-Kent, Essex, Lennox-Addington, Frontenac, Ottawa and Bruce). The majority of swede midge specimens were captured in canola.


In Québec, traps were placed at 27 sites located in RCM outside of the current regulated area. The CFIA's survey activity focused on fields planted with cole crops, especially those not in crop rotation and were planted with cole crops the previous year. In 2007, Contarinia nasturtii was confirmed from 10 traps in 6 new RCMs: Beauharnois-Salaberry, Matawinie, Arthabaska, Bécancour, Drummond and Maskinongé. Four positive traps were also collected from the RCM Francheville which was regulated in 2006.

Atlantic Canada

In 2007, surveys were conducted in New Brunswick where 48 traps were set at 13 locations. In Nova Scotia 78 traps were placed at 13 locations with 1 adult male bring captured in Kings County. In Prince Edward Island 90 traps were set at 10 locations and in Newfoundland and Labrador 46 traps were placed 10 locations. Except for the one positive find in Nova Scotia all other traps were negative for Contarinia nasturtii.

Oriental Fruit Moth (Grapholita molesta)

Native to China and Korea, where the peach tree is also native, the Oriental fruit moth was spread to many temperate fruit-growing areas of the world during the first thirty years of this century. The means of spread between countries was almost certainly as cocoons on dormant fruit-tree nursery stock, but spread within each country also occurred with infested fruit. This insect was first reported in the United States of America in 1916 and it rapidly spread throughout that country. It was first reported in Ontario in 1925. Today, the only commercial peach-growing area of North America which is free of the pest is the province of British Columbia. A small population was detected in 1957 and eradicated at great expense. Annual surveys since 1957 have been negative for this pest. Annual pheromone trapping surveys for Grapholita molesta are carried out in British Columbia using wing traps with a baited flexlure pheromone dispenser. The principle area of commercial stone fruit production in BC is the Okanagan Valley which is where the majority of trapping takes place.

A total of 184 sites (Okanagan Valley 110 traps, Vancouver Island 42 traps, Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley 32 traps) were trapped in 2007 with no Grapholita molesta being detected.

Japanese Beetle (Popillia japonica)

Japanese Beetle (JB), Popillia japonica (Newman), is native to the main islands of Japan and was first discovered in North America in 1916 in a nursery near Riverton, New Jersey (United States). The first beetle found in Canada was in a tourist's car, arriving in Nova Scotia at Yarmouth by ferry from Maine, in 1939. During that same year three additional adults were again captured at Yarmouth and three more at Lacolle in Southern Québec. Treatment programs have been unable to completely eliminate this pest from Canada and currently there are populations established in Ontario, Québec and Nova Scotia. Additionally, the pest is distributed throughout the eastern United States. This species of beetle affects more than 300 plant species, including some economically important commodity plants such as fruit trees, ornamental shrubs and roses, field crops, turf grasses, and sod. The larva feed on roots and are a major pest of turfgrass on golf courses, recreational and industrial parks, school grounds and home lawns. The adults feed above ground on foliage, flowers and fruits.

This survey is being conducted in support of policies and programs related to the plant health policy directive D-96-15, Phytosanitary Requirements to Prevent the Spread of Japanese Beetle, Popillia japonica in Canada and the United States. The survey is conducted in order to clarify the distribution of JB for regulatory purposes. Specifically designed JB traps baited with a pheromone and food lure are used for this survey.

Nova Scotia

For 2007, the survey area covered all of Nova Scotia. There were 811 traps set throughout the non regulated parts of the province. There were 102 adults collected in 39 traps (see table).

Municipality County Beetles Collected
Antigonish Antigonish 4
Greenwich Kings 25
Howie Centre Cape Breton 5
Kentville Kings 3
New Harris Forks Victoria 1
Oxford Cumberland 28
Port Williams Kings 1
Sandy Point Shelburne 30
Shelburne Shelburne 3
Upper Falmouth Hants 1
Yarmouth Yarmouth 1

British Columbia

Annual detection surveys for Popillia japonica are conducted in British Columbia. In total, 593 traps (Greater Vancouver/Fraser Valley-347 traps, Vancouver Island - 148 traps and in the Interior - 98 traps) were placed in 2007. Other areas of the province are not suitable for larval development. The survey focused on nurseries, garden centers, sod farms, golf courses and around sites that may have been exposed to regulated imported material from infested areas of the United States or Canada. Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) was not detected in British Columbia in 2007.

Prince Edward Island

In 2007, the expanded survey was continued in support of the Japanese Beetle Policy Directive. Detection surveys in this non-infested province focused on public or private sites with managed lawns and gardens such as nurseries, garden centers, sod farms, golf courses, parks and around sites that may have been exposed to regulated imported material from infested areas of the United States or Canada. Surveys were conducted at 98 sites in Prince Edward Island. There were no positive trap captures in Prince Edward Island.

Newfoundland and Labrador

There were 50 sites trapped in Newfoundland and Labrador for Japanese beetle. Three adults were collected at two sites in the city of Saint-John's. This was the first recorded find of JB in the province.

New Brunswick

In 2007, the detection survey was conducted throughout the province utilizing 943 traps. There were 63 beetles collected from 27 traps (see table).

Municipality County Beetles Collected
Alma Albert 1
Berwick Kings 1
Bristol Carleton 1
Sussex Kings 4
Grand Falls Victoria 1
Lincoln Sunbury 19
Moncton Westmorland 4
Saint-Andrews Charlotte 2
Saint John Saint John 8
Saint-Stephen Charlotte 22

Chrysanthemum White Rust (Puccinia horiana)

Chrysanthemum White Rust, Puccinia horiana (Hennings), is a fungal disease of chrysanthemum. It was first reported from China and Japan in 1895. It spread to all far east countries in the early 1900's, from there it spread to South Africa and Europe in the 1960's. It has since spread throughout Europe and has reached South America, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico. Localized introductions have occurred in United States and Canada. The introduction and spread of chrysanthemum white rust could lead to serious losses. The disease can spread rapidly throughout a greenhouse causing complete crop failure. Intensive management and continuous control measures are required where the disease is present. There is evidence that chrysanthemum white rust develops tolerance to certain pesticides used to control the disease. The introduction of the disease could also result in the loss of export markets for chrysanthemums. New introductions are subject to CFIA's eradication plan and are followed up with visual surveys around affected facilities.

British Columbia

Chrysanthemum White Rust (CWR) was detected in BC in September of 2007. A greenhouse growing garden chrysanthemums in Chilliwack reported to CFIA that suspect CWR infected chrysanthemums were present at their facility. The disease was confirmed present through out the crop which necessitated the destruction of over 22,000 plants by deep burial. Trace forward activities were implemented to recover infested plants that had been shipped out while trace back activities were carried out to determine the possible source of the infestation. Investigations could not determine the origins of the infestation.

Blueberry Maggot (Rhagoletis mendax)

This fly is native to eastern North America including New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and the north-eastern States; it has been found in southwest Ontario in 1993, and few years later, in fall 1996, in southern part of Québec province.

It is a destructive insect of lowbush and highbush blueberry fruits by feeding activity of the larval stage. The introduction and establishment of the blueberry maggot could jeopardize the commercial blueberry industry in some uninfected areas such as Newfoundland, British-Columbia and Lac Saint-Jean, QC. Spread in nature is possible by suitable wild hosts as huckleberry (Gaylussacia spp.), mountain cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idea), wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens), etc.

CFIA annually surveys by trapping adults with ammonium carbonate-baited sticky traps and by sampling fruit for larvae. These surveys support claims of pest free zones and justifies requirements for importation and domestic movement of regulated commodities. Details on the regulatory policy directive for this pest, D-02-04, can be found at :


Detection trapping was conducted at 35 sites where lowbush blueberries are commercially harvested in Newfoundland. The major areas surveyed were the Avalon and Bonavista peninsulas, central Newfoundland and near Port aux Basques. No blueberry maggot flies were detected in Newfoundland in 2007.

British Columbia

The Fraser Valley is the major production area of commercial blueberries in BC A small number of farms are also located on southern Vancouver Island. The production area is surveyed on a three year rotation cycle with one third surveyed in any given year. In this way the total production area is surveyed after three years. In 2007, 25 sites were trapped in the lower mainland/Fraser Valley with 10 sites surveyed on Vancouver Island. No blueberry maggot flies were detected in British Columbia in 2007.


In 2007 this trapping and fruit sampling survey was carried out in 25 RCMs. A total of 2,170 traps were deployed and 284 fruit samples were collected. The sites selected included commercial plantations, hobby farms and natural areas with wild host material. The summary below is organized by CFIA operational office and covers the work performed in areas where the maggot has not been detected to date.

Montreal East Office. Five blueberry fields in non-regulated areas were scouted in the Lanaudière, Laurentides, Montérégie and Témiscamingue regions. A commercial highbush blueberry plantation was found positive for Rhagoletis mendax near Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu.

Saint-Hyacinthe Office. A total of 20 blueberry fields in 10 RCMs on the south shore of the Saint-Lawrence River were surveyed. In addition, 38 natural sites with maggot host plants were surveyed; of these, 23 were outside of Trois-Rivières around a previously positive commercial site and 15 were in Trois-Rivières. One wild site was found positive, leading the CFIA to include the municipality of Saint-Etienne-des-Grès on the list of regulated areas.

Québec City Office. A total of 27 sites were scouted in the regions of Lac-Saint-Jean (19 sites, all negative), Côte-Nord (seven negative sites) and the Gaspé Peninsula (one positive site).


In Ontario, trapping and fruit sampling for Rhagoletis mendax was conducted at 53 sites in 2007. Positive samples were collected from two previously positive commercial sites in addition to new positive sites in West Lorne, Elgin County and Ruthven, Essex County. There was also a new detection of Rhagoletis mendax at a site in Flamborough, Hamilton-Wentworth. Rhagoletis mendax was again detected in the Wainfleet Bog, Wainfleet Township, Niagara in wild Vaccinium and at commercial sites located in Fenwick, Pelham and Port Burwell, Elgin County.

Apple Maggot (Rhagoletis pomonella)

The apple maggot is indigenous to North America and has been a serious pest of apples in Canada for over 100 years. The first official record of the pest was at Aldolphustown, Ontario in 1896. By 1905 the insect had extended its area to Como and Saint-Hilaire, Québec. A few years later it was found near Digby, Nova Scotia. It is now widespread throughout eastern Canada, with the exception of Newfoundland. In 2005 it was detected for the first time in Edmonton, Alberta. British Columbia, until 2006, was the only major apple producing area in North America that was considered free of the apple maggot Rhagoletis pomonella. An annual survey has occurred for many years in British Columbia to support claims of pest freedom and justify import restrictions under Policy Directive D-00-07. The CFIA survey targets high-risk sites, fruit stands, organic growers and abandoned urban high risk areas. In addition, increased trapping along the Canada-United States border is carried out to detect the potential spread of populations in adjacent areas south of the border. Apple maggot traps used in this survey are sticky plasticized red spheres baited with ammonium carbonate. These survey efforts are supported by the BC Provincial Ministry of Agriculture through commercial orchards surveys.

In 2006, the CFIA detected apple maggot in a number of municipalities located on Vancouver Island and in the Lower Mainland. These finds were the result of stepped-up surveillance activity following finds in the United States along the Canada-United States border in 2004 and 2005. Currently the CFIA is drafting regulations to regulate Vancouver Island and certain sections of the lower mainland to protect the areas were Rhagoletis pomonella has not been detected.

In 2007, the survey focused on detection activities within the commercial fruit growing regions in the interior the province which are geographically separated by a mountain range from the coastal area that is now deemed to be infested. A total of 389 traps were set with no detections of Rhagoletis pomonella being reported.

Grapevine Phytoplasma (Flavescence Doré and Bois Noir)

Importation of grapevines into Canada from countries other than the United States is controlled through the certification of exporting nurseries. The program is designed to prevent the introduction of a number of serious quarantine viruses and phytoplasmas of grapevine not known to occur in Canada. Under this importation program, tests are carried out both in France and in Canada against quarantine viruses/pests of Canada, prior to the approval for the importation of any variety and rootstock. At present only specific grapevine varieties and rootstock from France and Germany are approved for importation into Canada under this program.

Following a recently review of the export program in France it was deemed necessary to conduct this survey in Canada to provide assurance that imported material is free of the phtyoplasmas Flavescence dorée and Bois noir. The survey focused on vineyards that had been planted with imported vines from France and Germany in the past 5 years. Only plants exhibiting symptoms of possible phytoplasma infection were sampled for testing.


A total of 113 sites were surveyed for Grapevine Phytoplasmas in 2007. All of the target sites contained vines imported from France and/or Germany prior to 2007. 308 samples were collected in Ontario; 3 samples tested positive for X Disease and 2 samples tested positive for Bois Noir. All positive samples originated from 4 vineyards in the Niagara region.


Saint-Hyacinthe operational office was the sole region involved in this survey as it received imports of Vitis plants from Europe, specifically France, in 2004 and 2006. The three sites scouted were located in Bromont (Haute-Yamaska RCM), Dixville (Coaticook RCM) and Sainte-Julie (Lajemmerais RCM). No phytoplasma was detected in the 19 samples submitted by the region to the CFIA laboratory in Sidney, British Columbia.

New Brunswick

In 2007, four sites were visually surveyed. These sites were not associated with direct importations from either France or Germany. Three suspect samples were submitted to laboratory all were negative for Flavescence dorée and Bois noir.

Nova Scotia

In 2007, four sites were surveyed with samples being submitted only from two. All samples submitted were negative for Flavescence dorée and Bois noir.

British Columbia

In 2007, this survey focused on the grape growing region of the interior of the province. A total of 83 sites were surveyed with 115 samples collected and submitted for testing. All samples submitted were negative for Flavescence dorée and Bois noir phytoplasmas.

Prince Edward Island

In 2007, six sites were surveyed with samples being submitted only from one location. All samples submitted were negative for Flavescence dorée and Bois noir.

Apple Clearwing Moth (Synanthedon myopaeformis)

Apple clearwing moth, Synanthedon myopaeformis, occurs from southern Scandinavia though central Europe to North Africa and Asia Minor. It is primarily a pest of Rosaceae (e.g. apple, pear, plum, peach, apricot, quince, Sorbus, and Crataegus) and has been reported to cause some damage to fruit trees in parts of Europe (e.g. Belgium, the Netherlands).

In the summer of 2005, several adult specimens of the apple clearwing moth, Synanthedon myopaeformis (Borkhausen) (Sesiidae), were collected from symptomatic apple trees growing in an orchard in Cawston, British Columbia. This was the first discovery of this pest of apples in North America.

In 2006, The Canadian Food Inspection Agency carried out detection surveys in the apple production areas across Canada to determine the distribution of this pest. This was a trapping survey utilizing green or orange delta traps along with a rubber septum baited with a pheromone.

British Columbia

In 2007, detections surveys were carried out in the apple production area of British Columbia. A total of 45 traps were placed. There were no new detections of Synanthedon myopaeformis.

Ontario and Québec

In Ontario, a total of 75 apple production sites were surveyed. There were no new detections of Synanthedon myopaeformis in 2007.

In Québec, a total of 40 sites within 12 RCMs were surveyed. Targeted locations included abandoned orchards, active orchards, nurseries and retailers. All locations were negative for Synanthedon myopaeformis.

Atlantic Canada

In Atlantic Canada a total of 35 sites in the apple production areas were surveyed this included 14 sites in Nova Scotia , 10 sites on Prince Edward Island and 11 sites in New Brunswick. All sites were negative for Synanthedon myopaeformis.

Leek Moth (Acrolepiopsis assectella)

The leek moth larvae are highly specialized to feed on the leaves of various plants belonging to the genus Allium, including onion, leek, garlic, shallot and chive. It is a serious pest of leeks in continental Europe. The larvae prefer younger leaves (0-7 days) but will consume leaves up to two months old.

This insect was first reported in North America in the mid 1990's around Ottawa, Ontario and in a few locations in west Québec. The 2003 CFIA survey identified leek moth as far east as Drummondville, Québec and at a number of small organic garlic farms in eastern Ontario. In North America, leek moth has only been found in Canada.

The CFIA has determined that, although it can cause damage to organic garlic crops, and leek or scallions not treated with pesticides, leek moth is not a significant economic pest to Canadian commercial Allium production. Leek moth is therefore not a quarantine pest to Canada. However, leek moth is considered a quarantine pest in the United States and this has impacted exports of Canadian produce. Allium spp. plant material with green parts such as leeks and green onions (scallions) represent the majority of fresh Allium spp. exports from Canada into the United States. All targeted commodities destined to be exported to United States from Canada must be certified free of any life stage of the pest. The Leek Moth Certification Program is designed to allow the export of regulated commodities to United States from areas of Canada known to be infested by leek moth (Ontario and Québec). In addition, pheromone surveys are conducted in non-infested provinces to support pest free areas.

Atlantic Canada

In Atlantic Canada a total of 24 sites were surveyed this included 6 sites in of the provinces of Nova Scotia, 10 in Prince Edward Island, 2 in Newfoundland, and 2 in New Brunswick. All sites were negative for Acrolepiopsis assectella.

British Columbia

In British Columbia, a total of 20 traps where placed at 12 sites located in the lower mainland and the Fraser Valley. All sites were negative for Acrolepiopsis assectella.

Variegated Golden Tortrix (Archips xylosteana)


In 2005, a United States entomologist reported collecting a specimen of Archips xylosteana on the campus of Memorial University in Saint-Johns's Newfoundland. This pest of broad-leaved trees and shrubs is not known to be present in North America. Its native distribution includes northern Africa, Asia, and across all of Europe.

In 2007, following the positive finds on the campus of Memorial University in both 2005 and 2006, the CFIA set 4 Pherocon 1C wing traps baited with Archips xylosteana pheromone on city property including Pippy Park. All traps were negative for Archips xylosteana.

Light Brown Apple Moth (Epiphyas postvittana)

Native to Australia, the light brown apple moth was first detected in continental North America around the San Francisco bay area, California in July 2006. Other introduced populations occur in New Zealand, Hawaii, the United Kingdom and Ireland. light brown apple moth has a very large host range and has been recorded on over 200 plants. If left uncontrolled, light brown apple moth could cause damage to many different kinds of plants, including stone fruits, pome fruits, grapes, citrus, flowers, and nursery stock. It is estimated that light brown apple moth has been undetected in California for 3 or 4 years without appropriate phytosanitary restrictions for this pest so there may have been some exposure to this pest through trade in Greenhouse, Nursery and other agricultural industries. The purpose of the survey is to verify light brown apple moth freedom in both external and internal environments in Canadian Provinces where light brown apple moth is capable of surviving.

British Columbia

A total of 68 sites including both greenhouses, nurseries and high risk sites were trapped on Vancouver Island, the Lower Mainland and the Fraser Valley of Southern BC. A minimum of one trap per site externally and two traps per site in Greenhouses was used. All traps were negative for Epiphyas postvittana.


Traps were deployed at 25 sites in Ontario (3 NE, 13 CE, 9 SW). This survey included 4 external environment sites in southern Ontario and 21 greenhouse locations which had recently received host material from high risk origins. One trap was placed at each target site. All traps were negative for Epiphyas postvittana.


A survey was conducted in the summer season to determine whether this lepidopteran was present in some Québec greenhouses. Five sites were included in the survey. No Epiphyas postvittana were detected during the survey.

Atlantic Canada

Traps were deployed at two sites in New Brunswick and one site in Nova Scotia. No specimen were detected during the survey.

Grains and Field Crops Surveys

Cereal Leaf Beetle (Oulema melanopus)

The cereal leaf beetle is a pest of cereals, grains and various grasses. The first record for the cereal leaf beetle in Canada was reported in 1967 from south-western Ontario. The cereal leaf beetle is now widely distributed throughout eastern North America and continues to spread into the west. This survey includes both a sampling (sweeping) and a visual inspection component and is being conducted in support of policies and programs related to D-02-09. The survey protocol is designed to conform to the standards established by the Western Cereal Leaf Beetle Working Group (CLBWG). The CLBWG represents 10 western states and provinces. Membership is composed of representatives from industry, federal and state entomologists, university researchers and extension agents.

Detection surveys were undertaken in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba to support area freedom. For 2007 the surveys were similar to those conducted in 2004 and 2005, concentrating on areas where potentially infested product may have been sent. Sampling consisted of 4 x 30 sweeps of the host plants at each site. In 2007, 42 sites were surveyed in Manitoba, 308 sites in Saskatchewan, 68 sites in Alberta and 36 sites in British Columbia by the CFIA.

In southern Alberta the survey was under taken in partnership with the University of Alberta. Using an intense sampling protocol the university staff detected Oulema melanopus at 12 sites (7 sites with larva and 5 sites with adults) in southern Alberta. The new detections are within the districts/municipalities of Cypress, Forty Mile, Cardston, Willow Creek, Pincher Creek and Vulcan.

Surveys in Saskatchewan and Manitoba were all negative for Oulema melanopus.

Soybean Cyst Nematode (Heterodera glycines)

This nematode was first reported from Japan in 1916. In North America, the first observation was in the United States in 1954 and in Canada, introduction was noted in 1987 in Ontario. The only major economic crop severely affected is soybean; damage is done by the feeding activity of the nematode in the root system which can reduce the field crop up to 20% as shown by studies in Ontario. Over 1100 species of plants are reported as potential hosts for Heterodera glycines.

The nematode is completely sedentary except for a small amount of movement by the juveniles and adults males; the pest is carried by the farm machinery, any equipment contaminated with soil, birds and wind.

Details on the directives related to Heterodera glycines can be found at :


In 2007, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency surveyed a total of 25 fields for Soybean Cyst Nematode in Manitoba. All the blended soil samples from each field were negative for Heterodera glycines.


This survey was conducted in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAFRA) focusing on non-regulated counties. The CFIA provided laboratory resources in the form of cyst extractions and diagnostic identification and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs contributed field staff to collect the samples. Samples were collected during the late growing season. In 2007, new detections of Heterodera glycines were reported from the Regional Municipality of Peel and the City of Ottawa (formerly Ottawa-Carleton County). This follows the detections in 2006 in the Regional Municipality of Niagara, Northumberland County and Brant County.

Potatoes Surveys

Potato Wart (Synchytrium endobioticum)

The presence of Potato Wart, caused by Synchytrium endobioticum, was first detected in one field of 31.2 ha in Prince Edward Island in October 2000. Subsequently, as part of province wide surveillance activities, potato wart was detected in 5 fields totalling 42.2 ha in 2002, 4 fields totalling 31.6 ha in 2004 and 1 field of 18.2 ha in 2007. Containment and surveillance measures have been, and continue, to be in place to prevent further spread and to determine the extent of the infection. There are currently 11 known infected fields (Index fields) on two separate farm units (123.2 ha) and additionally 62 other fields, including primary contact and adjacent fields (766.3 ha), which have been placed, and remain, under CFIA control. In addition to the fields under notice there are 255 other contact fields, some of which are subject to restrictions on the disposition of the potato crops produced in them.

As part of the continued efforts to contain and eradicate Potato Wart while maintaining market access, CFIA continues to implement a risk based long-term management plan which outlines the ongoing surveillance to be carried out on the various "categories" of potato wart associated fields. In fiscal year 2007/2008 a total of 216 fields, 1466.564 ha, were post harvest inspected for the presence of potato wart symptoms. In addition, 3360 soil samples were gathered and analyzed from potato wart associated fields. The only samples collected in this period to have tested positive for potato wart spores to date, were obtained from the 2007 Index field and from one of the 2002 Index fields that was re-sampled under conditions outlined in the Potato Wart Management plan. Additionally one tuber obtained from the 2007 Index field tested positive for Potato Wart.

More information on this topic can be found on the CFIA Web site at:

Total Hectares & Number of Fields Subject to Potato Wart Surveillance - PEI Region 2007 Crop Year
Non-Seed Seed Total
980.5 ha 486.1 ha 1466.6 ha
87 fields 129 fields 216 fields


Soil Samples Collected for Potato Wart Analysis - PEI Region 2007
Field Type Number Collected
2007 Index Field 39
Primary Contact to 2007 Index Field 56
Other Contacts to 2007 Index Field 1613
Fields used to produce seed planted in 2007 Index Field 586
Bin Piler Soil Samples from 2007 Index Field 4
Pillman Index Field 607
Freetown Index 455
Total Samples Collected 3360

Potato Cyst Nematode (Globodera rostochiensis)

On August 15, 2006, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) confirmed the detection of the potato pest, Globodera rostochiensis, in a 30-acre field on a farm approximately 20 kilometres east of Montreal, Québec. In 2007, Globodera rostochiensis was detected in two separate seed potato fields in Alberta.

For information on this pest visit the CFIA Golden Nematode page at: