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The New Rules Project - Designing Rules As If Community Matters

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New Rules Project's General Resources:


Books, Articles and Reports


ElectricEnergy - Democratic Energy

New Rules Project's Resources

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EnviroNew Rules Project's Resources

  • Ecology Nurtures Community (.pdf)
    A speech by David Morris originally delivered as a keynote address to the Building With Value conference in Seattle, Washington in November 1993. ILSR. Requires Adobe Acrobat to read.

Other Books, Articles and Reports


  • - a one-stop shop for information on fiscal policies for environmental objectives in Canada and internationally


EquityNew Rules Project's Resources

  • The Canadian Cure - by Daniel Kraker, The New Rules, Winter 2001. This article explores how Canada's provinces established a health care system founded on equity, public administration and decentralized control. Fifty years later, all Canadians are covered and the plan still costs less per capita (and a smaller percentage of the GDP) than U.S. citizens pay.
  • Jack and the Giant School - by Stacy Mitchell, The New Rules, Summer 2000. Higher graduation rates, less violence, a sense of belonging instead of alienation: the case for small schools is supported by mountains of evidence and a growing number of innovative models. But many state and local governments persist in consolidation efforts, fueled by a misguided belief in the effectiveness of giant schools.


Small Schools Resources:

Universal Health Care Resources

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FinanceNew Rules Project's Resources

Additional ATM Surcharges Resources:



GovernanceNew Rules Project's Resources

Other Books, Articles and Reports



Books, Articles and Reports


Retail - The Hometown Advantage

RetailNew Rules Project's Resources

Other Books, Articles and Reports

(all available at independent bookstores or through the links below)

  • Big-Box Sprawl and How to Control It - by Constance E. Beaumont with Leslie Tucker, Municipal Lawyer, March/April 2002
  • Making a Place for Community: Local Democracy in a Global Era - by Thad Williamson, David Imbroscio, and Gar Alperovitz (Routledge, 2002)
  • The Shils Report
    On-line study, by Edward Shils, Director-Emeritus of the Wharton Entrepreneurial Center, which examines the impact of mega-retail discount chains on urban, suburban and rural economies.
  • Ryan and Company, a state and local tax consulting firm for companies, has a good page of links to both sides of the e-commerce controversy.
  • Internet Tax Legislation: Distinguishing Issues - by Nonna A. Noto, Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, November 2000
  • Better, Not Bigger by Eben Foder (1999). Explores hidden costs of sprawl.
  • Slam-Dunking Wal-Mart: How You Can Stop Superstore Sprawl in Your Hometown by Al Norman (Raphel Marketing, 1999)
  • How Wal-Mart is Destroying America (and the World) by Bill Quinn (Ten Speed Press, 1998)
  • Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in a Global Age by Michael Shuman (The Free Press, 1998)
  • The Economic Renewal Guide by Michael Kinsley (Rocky Mountain Institute, 1997)
  • How Superstore Sprawl Can Harm Communities and What Citizens Can Do About It - by Constance E. Beaumont (National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1994)
  • Up Against the Wal-Marts: How Your Business Can Prosper in the Shadow of the Giants by Don Taylor (1994).


SportsCommunity-Owned Sports



  • - a one-stop shop for information on fiscal policies for environmental objectives in Canada and internationally
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Order Home Town Advantage

The Home Town Advantage provides strategies for reviving independent businesses and Main Streets. By Stacy Mitchell.
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Order Seeing the Light Now!

Seeing the Light: Regaining Control of Our Electricity System - provides the overarching discussions of the framework for the electricity rules on our web site, by David Morris.
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