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  • § 901. Short title
  • § 902. General authority of Secretary of Agriculture
  • § 903. Authorization of appropriations
  • § 904. Loans by Secretary of Agriculture for electrical plants and transmission lines; preferences; consent of State authorities
  • § 905. Repealed.]
  • § 906. Funding for administrative expenses
  • § 906a. Use of funds outside the United States or its territories prohibited
  • § 907. Acquisition of property pledged for loans; disposition; sale of pledged property by borrower
  • § 908. Repealed.]
  • § 909. Administration on nonpolitical basis; dismissal of officers or employees for violating provision
  • § 910. Repealed.]
  • § 911. Acceptance of services of Federal or State officers; application of civil service laws; expenditures for supplies and equipment
  • § 911a. Repealed.]
  • § 912. Extension of time for repayment of loans
  • § 912a. Rescheduling and refinancing of loans
  • § 913. Definitions
  • § 914. Separability
  • § 915. Purchase of financial and credit reports
  • § 916. Criteria for loans
  • § 917. Prohibition on restricting water and waste facility services to electric customers
  • § 918. General prohibitions
  • § 918a. Energy generation, transmission, and distribution facilities efficiency grants and loans in rural communities with extremely high energy costs
  • § 918b. Acquisition of existing systems in rural communities with high energy costs
  • § 918c. Rural and remote communities electrification grants

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