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SUBCHAPTER I—RURAL ELECTRIFICATION Sec. 901. Short title. 902. General authority of Secretary of Agriculture. 903. Authorization of appropriations. 904. Loans by Secretary of Agriculture for electrical plants and transmission lines; preferences; consent of State authorities. 905. Repealed. 906. Funding for administrative expenses. 906a. Use of funds outside the United States or its territories prohibited. 907. Acquisition of property pledged for loans; disposition; sale of pledged property by borrower. 908. Repealed. 909. Administration on nonpolitical basis; dismissal of officers or employees for violating provision. 910. Repealed. 911. Acceptance of services of Federal or State officers; application of civil service laws; expenditures for supplies and equipment. 911a. Repealed. 912. Extension of time for repayment of loans. 912a. Rescheduling and refinancing of loans. 913. Definitions. 914. Separability. 915. Purchase of financial and credit reports. 916. Criteria for loans. 917. Prohibition on restricting water and waste facility services to electric customers. 918. General prohibitions. 918a. Energy generation, transmission, and distribution facilities efficiency grants and loans in rural communities with extremely high energy costs. 918b. Acquisition of existing systems in rural communities with high energy costs. 918c. Rural and remote communities electrification grants. SUBCHAPTER II—RURAL TELEPHONE SERVICE 921. Congressional declaration of policy. 921a. Policy of financing of rural telephone program. 921b. Policy of expansion of markets for debentures. 922. Loans for rural telephone service. 923. State regulation of telephone service. 924. Definition of telephone service and rural area. 925. Loan feasibility. 926. Certain rural development investments by qualified telephone borrowers not treated as dividends or distributions. 927. General duties and prohibitions. 928. Prompt processing of telephone loans. SUBCHAPTER III—RURAL ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE DIRECT LOAN PROGRAMS 930. Congressional declaration of policy. 931. Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund. 931a. Level of loan programs under Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund. 932. Liabilities and uses of Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund. 933. Moneys in the Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund. 934. Authorized financial transactions; interim notes; purchase of obligations for resale; sale of notes and certificates; liens. 935. Insured loans; interest rates and lending levels. 936. Guaranteed loans; accommodation and subordination of liens; interest rates; assignability of guaranteed loans and related guarantees. 936a. Prepayment of loans. 936b. Sale or prepayment of direct or insured loans. 936c. Refinancing and prepayment of FFB loans. 936d. Eligibility of distribution borrowers for loans, loan guarantees, and lien accommodations. 936e. Administrative prohibitions applicable to certain electric borrowers. 937. Loans from other credit sources. 938. Full faith and credit of the United States. 939. Loan terms and conditions. 940. Refinancing of rural development loans. 940a. Repealed. 940b. Use of funds. 940c. Cushion of credit payments program. 940c–1. Guarantees for bonds and notes issued for electrification or telephone purposes. 940d. Limitations on authorization of appropriations. 940e. Expansion of 911 access. 940f. Extension of period of existing guarantee. SUBCHAPTER IV—RURAL TELEPHONE BANK 941. Telephone Bank. 942. General powers. 943. Special provisions governing telephone bank as a Federal agency until conversion of ownership, control, and operation. 944. Governor of telephone bank; functions, powers, and duties. 944a. Publication of rural telephone bank policies and regulations. 945. Board of directors. 946. Capitalization. 947. Borrowing power; telephone debentures; issuance; interest rates; terms and conditions; ratio to paid-in capital and retained earnings; investments in debentures; debentures as security; purchase and sale of debentures by the Secretary of the Treasury; treatment as public debt transactions of the United States; exclusion of transactions from budget totals. 948. Lending power. 949. Telephone bank receipts; availability for obligations and expenditures. 950. Conversion of ownership, control, and operation of telephone bank. 950a. Liquidation or dissolution of telephone bank. 950b. Borrower net worth. SUBCHAPTER V—RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 950aa. Additional powers and duties. 950aa–1. Repealed. SUBCHAPTER VI—RURAL BROADBAND ACCESS 950bb. Access to broadband telecommunications services in rural areas.

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