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DU Waterfowl ID Gallery
Waterfowl Gallery
2006 Nest Success
Waterfowl Life Cycle
Black Duck Study

Waterfowl Identification GalleryWaterfowl ID

Learn fascinating information about various waterfowl species including breeding and migration information. In addition, you can even listen to what the waterfowl sound like in the wild, so you can easily identify them on your next outing.

View the Gallery!

Waterfowl Life Cycle

In the space of one year a duck experiences the full spectrum of seasonal changes that usher in opportunities and challenges. Follow the life cycle diagram from breeding to wintering for a better understanding of the activities and energy requirements in different phases of a duck's annual cycle.

Follow a Mallard Through the Annual Cycle.

Mating & Nesting Articles

Understanding Waterfowl Features from Ducks Unlimited Magazine


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