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Defra website: Copyright

© Crown copyright

The material featured on this website is subject to Crown copyright protection unless otherwise indicated. Different copyright restrictions apply to individual pages and documents on the website depending on their nature. Unless otherwise stated, the first of the following two copyright statements issued by the Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI) will apply to all the pages and documents found on this website.

However you will require a licence to re-use material from some of the documents or publications on this site, in which case the second copyright statement applies. These publications/documents will usually be available as downloadable Adobe Acrobat pdf Adobe Acrobat pdf logo files, and will have the appropriate copyright statement on the second page of the document. If you are unsure as to which of the two copyright statements applies to the material you wish to re-use, please contact OPSI (details below).

1. Re-use permitted without a licence

You may re-use the material featured on this website (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium. You must re-use it accurately and not in a misleading context. You must acknowledge the material as Crown copyright and give the title of the document/publication.

Where we have identified any third party copyright material you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned.

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2. Licence required to re-use

You may download the material featured on this website to file or printer for non-commercial research and private study. You will need a licence from us for any other form of re-use. Applications can be sent to us at:

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Where we have identified any third party copyright material you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned.

We encourage users to establish hypertext links to this website.

For further information on Crown copyright policy and licensing arrangements see the guidance featured on the OPSI website at:

Page last modified: 6 June 2007

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs