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Ways to Give
Annual Giving
Henry Francis du Pont Collectors Circle
Winterthur Garden and Landscape Society
Winterthur Business Associates
Sponsorship Opportunities
Collections Object
Planned Gifts and Bequests


Charitable contributions and corporate sponsorships from friends and benefactors allow Winterthur Museum & Country Estate to continue its mission to inspire, enlighten, and delight all of its visitors while preserving and enhancing its buildings and landscape, its collections and programs, and its history as a great American country estate.

On an annual basis, Winterthur receives more than $7 million in private support which sustain the museum and its collection, the naturalistic garden and landscape, the decorative arts library, an array of educational programs, and graduate level degree programs in Material American Culture and Art Conservation. There are numerous ways to make tax-deductible donations to Winterthur, and there are many community projects that need your support. We invite your involvement. Give now.

Donors within the Henry Francis du Pont Collectors Circle and the Winterthur Garden and Landscape Society are among the most generous annual contributors, providing needed funds to maintain and enhance the museum and garden. Contributors derive a generous array of exclusive benefits, travel opportunities and private events.

Gifts of objects for the collection can enhance Winterthur's unrivaled collection of antiques, made in America or created for the American market in the era of 1640 to 1860.

The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum is a legally recognized 501(c) (3) organization. The Winterthur Tax ID Number is 51-0066038. Review the financial reports from last year.

For further information please contact the Winterthur Development Office. (800.448.3883 extension 4673 or email



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