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PowerPoint Presentations (PDF Versions)

 Taste of Place - Amy Trubek and Arlin Wasserman - April 23, 2003

 Tasting Guide - Arlin Wasserman - April 23, 2003

 What Would it Take to Change the American Food System? - Charles Benbrook- April 24, 2003

Microsoft Word Documents (PDF Versions)

 Taste of Place - Amy Trubek Overheads - April 23, 2003

 Taste of Place - Session Description and Speaker Bios - April 23, 2003

Audio Presentations - Plenary Sessions

Plenary Session I: Drivers and Perspectives of the Food System
Plenary Session II: “In My Lifetime…: The Food System I Know and the Food System I Want to See
Plenary Session III: Policy Levers for Community-Based Food Systems
Plenary Session IV: Working Across Differences, Differently

Audio Presentations - Breakout Sessions

What We Need to Know about Commodity Systems As We Mainstream Sustainable Agriculture
Building Community Based Food Systems in Latin America
Power and "The Table": Dynamics of University - Community Partnerships
Differentiation of Meat Products and Community Based Food Systems
Renewing the Countryside - Creating Food Security and Sustainable Rural Communities Through Working Landscapes and Local Markets
Scaling Up Community-Based Production to Access Broader Markets
Changing the Way America Feeds Its Children
The Taste of Place - The Connection between Food, Taste, Value and the Place Where It Is Grown

Audio Presentation - Workshop

Workshop: Resources for Developing and Expanding Community Based Food Systems

Audio Presentations - General

Imagining What's Possible
Closing Circle

Video Presentation

Through the Eyes of Youth: Documentation and Storytelling
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