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  2003 Food and Society Conference Agenda PDF

Day 1

Opening & Welcome

Plenary Session 1

Plenary Session I: Drivers and Perspectives of the Food System

Breakout Session 1

Go! Grass: The Health and Environmental Benefits of Pasture-Raised Products
Advanced Farm Ecosystems: Ecological Food, Fuel and Fiber Production Through Waste Recovery, Diversified Agriculture, Innovative Marketing, and Value-Added Processing
Drivers of the Food System: Continuing the Plenary Discussion
What We Need to Know about Commodity Systems As We Mainstream Sustainable Agriculture
Building Community Based Food Systems in Latin America
The Taste of Place - The Connection between Food, Taste, Value and the Place Where It Is Grown

Breakout Session 2

Power and "The Table": Dynamics of University - Community Partnerships
Building Local Food Economies
Getting Youth to the Table: How to Create Effective Youth-Adult Partnerships for Food Systems Work
Differentiation of Meat Products and Community Based Food Systems
The Competing Agendas in Farm and Food Policy OR The Policy Context That Makes It So Darn Hard to Get What We Want
Renewing an Agriculture of the Middle


Workshop: Resources for Developing and Expanding Community Based Food Systems

Plenary Session 2

Plenary Session II: “In My Lifetime…: The Food System I Know and the Food System I Want to See

Plenary Session 3

Plenary Session III: Policy Levers for Community-Based Food Systems

Breakout Session 3

Location, Location, Location
The Midwest Collaborative: Communicating to Consumers the Benefits of Pasture-Raised Meat, Poultry and Dairy Products
Policy Lever and Community Based Food Systems
Renewing the Countryside - Creating Food Security and Sustainable Rural Communities Through Working Landscapes and Local Markets

Breakout Session 4

Scaling Up Community-Based Production to Access Broader Markets
"New American Farmer Initiative": Promoting a Local Identity
Current WTO Negotiations and the Opportunity to Chart New Directions in U.S. Farm Policy
Sustainable Production Standards for Bio-Energy and Bio-Industries: Linking Non-Food Production Activities with Food Production in a Sustainable System
Changing the Way America Feeds Its Children

Workshop A

Workshop: Telling it Like It Is. How to Talk About Your Work So People Listen: Persuasive Storytelling for Advocates

Workshop B

Workshop: Scenarios for the Future of the Agri-Food System: Developing Strategies that Lead to Our Desired Future

Video Presentation

Through the Eyes of Youth: Documentation and Storytelling

Plenary Session 4

Plenary Session IV: Working Across Differences, Differently

Imagining What's Possible

Imagining What's Possible

Closing Circle

Closing Circle
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